Pharmaceuticals, Over The Counter Medication & Supplements ~ The Copious Red Flags

Just because a drug is prescribed, does not mean it is good for us. In fact, prescription drugs are rapidly becoming a leading cause of death. Some of them might be necessary. Some are very difficult to get off of once they are started. Some are highly addictive, and others have more side effects than benefits. Almost all will interact with alcohol, other medications, and supplements, often with unknown and potentially catastrophic outcomes.

Over the years I have become increasingly skeptical of the idea we can find a pill to fix all our ailments. This is especially true for mental health disorders, and chronic pain. All pain, whether it is emotional or physical, is a signal to change something.

Whether it is the need to lose weight, do certain exercises, avoid toxic or draining relationships, change our outlook, or whatever- we should not rely on pills to maintain our health. If we look for a quick remedy, chances are it is only masking symptoms, and not helping the underlying cause. As we can see from what is going on all around us, drugs are often the problem, not the cure.

So many people who decide to avoid mainstream pharmaceuticals will opt to use supplements, or alternative medicines. YouTube and the Internet in general, is full of ads, and miracle cures promoting a wide variety of supplements.

People can fall into the mistaken belief that just because something is called natural, or herbal, or is a health based supplement with various minerals, to support or replace what we might be lacking, is a harmless endeavour. But it can be a huge mistake, if taken to the excess, or mixed with prescription, or OTC medications.

We do need minerals, but only in trace amounts. Many of the supplements have led to excessive bleeding, a build up of fat soluble vitamins, a massive strain on the liver and/or the kidneys, and disruptions in cardiac rhythms. The liver and kidneys must filter, and excrete all the excess vitamins and minerals we ingest.

Even certain healthy foods can cause extreme health problems. Brazil nuts, cinnamon, nutmeg, and black licorice, are just a few examples of food substances that cannot be taken to excess without serious health consequences. Knowing this, how much more can the excessive use of supplements disrupt the natural harmony of the body?

Do not fall for all the supplement promotions. They are trying to sell a product. Over the counter medications, all supplements, cannabis, and all kinds of preparations, tinctures etc. including what we put on our skin, will become absorbed by our system, and can lead to toxic buildups or reactions.

I used to believe cannabis was harmless, but now I think it too, must be used with extreme caution. It is especially so now that it is legalized, and turned into potent THC gummies, lollipops, etc. There is also a risk it could be contaminated with pesticides, and worse yet, laced with fentanyl. It has definitely changed over the years, and is now among the high risk substances. The higher potency cannabis can lead to psychosis, and dissociative reactions.

It has taken me a long time to come to the conclusion that total abstinence is the best approach, and if something is needed, use discernment and caution, no matter what it is. I have tremendous compassion for those who are addicted, and believe I have escaped a similar fate by the grace of God. So many people have died from drugs of all kinds.

Although alcohol is a social lubricant, and is safe to use for a percentage of people, it is not safe for all people. For those with addictive personalities, extreme grief reactions, hereditary predispositions, PTSD, childhood trauma, social anxiety, etc. alcohol can be deadly.

Alcohol is even more unpredictable, and volatile when taken with other substances. Unfortunately, the people who are the most vulnerable to the devastating effects, and pathologies surrounding alcohol use, are also the most likely to self-medicate with alcohol. If so, there is no lid on that bottle, as it insidiously turns into a bottomless pit. 

As we age, we are much more prone to drug reactions, because our systems cannot metabolize drugs as efficiently as when we are younger. Often in LTC, or with elderly people presenting in ER, a dose of even 25 mg. of Demerol can lead to extreme agitation, and prolonged reactions.

One thing I distinctly noticed with LTC patients over the years, is that the fewer medications they were on, the more alert, and cognitively intact they were. Those who were on sleeping pills, antipsychotics, benzodiazepines, and opiates, were most likely to have severe cognitive decline, or wild and uncontrollable behaviours.

When people are adversely affected by poly pharmaceuticals, it becomes a chemical soup, and they become tormented. So many of the drugs take months, and even years to taper off. They suffer a myriad of debilitating effects from withdrawal, or develop movement disorders, which can crop up for years, or become permanent disabilities. 

Benzodiazepines must be tapered very gradually, and in minute amounts, in order to maintain stability throughout the process. Antipsychotics are used far too liberally, and can lead to severe and permanent movement disorders, similar to Parkinson’s disease. Some of the movement disorders are very pronounced, such as spasms in the neck, rolling mouth movements, and twitching jerking movements that the person cannot control. Antipsychotics also interfere with dopamine neurochemistry, and therefore can be very depressing and difficult to quit.

With the rise of fentanyl, and labs in Canada producing massive amounts of fentanyl, we are living in perilous times. It is especially tragic for young people, because one of the traits of youth, is a sense of being invincible. Most people would be scared to death if they had a loaded gun pointed at their head, but they may not realize that a single pill, could be just as deadly.

We need more prevention, starting at an early age. We need more screening to help identify and offer supports for vulnerable youth. And above all, we need to stop relying on pills, or medication – to numb our pain. We have created intergenerational patterns of toxic drug use.

It is becoming such an astronomical problem, it is like a chemical doomsday, a giant black cloud that has rolled in, and cast a shadow on all of us. There is no one who is unscathed by this ruination of society. Families, communities, and a tragic loss of potential struggle to co-exist in this chemical wasteland.

I do not claim that vitamin D or C, or whatever else a person might take to improve how they feel, is part of drug addiction or drug dependency. It is just that we have often been sold a false assurance of a quick fix. We are led to believe that certain supplements are necessary, only to find out later they are not necessary, and instead can be harmful.

An example of this, is in all the calcium supplements that were pushed on menopausal women to prevent osteoporosis. We have since learned that calcium supplements increase the risk of heart attacks, and do not do much for bone density. 

Everything from the benefits of statins, fluoride, supplements, and SSRI’s have frequently been debunked, as not being the least bit helpful. We eventually find out they were promoted based on faulty science, or marketing hype to promote sales.

As far as harmful addictions that result from drug dependency, there is a deeper emptiness, or prior trauma within people that predisposes us to addiction. We cannot overlook the importance of spiritual awareness, in helping ourselves, or our loved ones, to address this very precarious topic. 

We do need the bible, and a strong faith to help overcome this tragic loss of life, along with the destruction of potential, and quality of life. Regardless of who mocks us, there is no other solution.

Prayer can change things. God has assured us, he will not leave us destitute. Jesus told his disciples we would have tribulation in this world, and to be comforted knowing He has overcome the world. He has also overcome Satan, hell, and death.

Without God, we are doomed to a drug den polluted with deadly toxins. Thankfully, in our darkest hour, we still have hope for our loved ones, ourselves, and all humanity. God’s grace has the power to reach all of us. 

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West (2024). Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Valerie Hayes

Quiet West Vintage represents a private vintage and designer collection that has been gathered and stored over a thirty-five year period. I now look forward to sharing this collection and promoting the "Other Look" - a totally individualistic approach to style.