The Snare Of The Fowler ~ A Bird On The Fly

The Snare of the Fowler –

We are prey in its teeth,

For the bird is ensnared ~

As she prays for release.

Soon all of the noise,

And fear of disease –

Is lost from her mind.

The trap springs open –

With no latch she could find.

Wings open her eyes,

Above the trees,

No longer blind.

Or dreams to be free!

Never again stoop,

Like a fool in the dark –

She has been shown,

 Is no longer duped.

Her notes are stark –

So let it be known ~

A snake is no lark. 

Valerie Hayes

Happy Father’s Day!

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West (2022). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


What Is Pre & Post Millennialism About? Why Is It So Controversial?

The Christian church is steeped in debates and controversy about millennial beliefs. Some claim the entire Bible should be taken literally. Others are equally adamant about it being completely metaphorical and symbolic.

We have to keep in mind that the Bible consists of sixty-six books, written by an estimated forty different authors, spanned over a period of fifteen hundred years.

Clearly – some of it is to be taken literally, and some of it is to be taken figuratively. There is no point in arguing about the wide range of literary genres in the Bible. It is poetic above all else. That tells me there is intrinsic truth, descriptive use of language, and metaphor contained within the verses.

If we can admit the range of literary genres in the Bible, we are wiser than if we try to plug metaphorical verses into concrete literalism, or vice versa. How can anyone literally believe that a creature can look like a horse, have the face of a human, the hair of a woman, the teeth of a lion, and gold crowns on its head, with the tail of a scorpion?

What makes the Bible so controversial – is because of the way it is interpreted. Some of the interpretations lead to false teaching. Much of the false teaching is based on taking a single verse or two out of context. In fact, people can use many verses to scare, control, or deceive people. It is always best to go to the source, and read it for yourself. It is far less scary than one might think. In fact, it is enlightening and full of promise.

A significant amount of controversy stems from the false teaching on dispensationalism contained within an altered version of the Bible, written by John Darby in the 1800’s. Over time, this false doctrine gave rise to many Hollywood movies and books about the rapture, the left behind series etc.

The seven year tribulation period is a Darby invention, yet many Christians adhere to the storyline regardless. Once the rapture theology was spread throughout mainstream churches, it was much easier to sell people on a pre-tribulation rapture. When the coming tribulation is thought to be the worst the world has ever known, what molly-coddled modern day Christian would not opt for that belief system? The trouble is – it is simply not true.

There is no mention in the Bible about a specific seven year tribulation period, or a secret rapture of the church before the return of Christ. Therefore all the pre-trib, post-trib and mid-trip rapture theories are baseless. In fact the terminology surrounding these myths is quite confusing. We know it is not God who is the author of confusion.

Once we filter out all the rapture theology, we can more easily examine what pre-millennialism and post-millennialism actually means. Although the pre-millennial belief got tied to Darby’s dispensations, it was a foundational belief held by the early church, but in a much different way.

The dominant Christian interpretation of Revelation, since the early church, believed the millennial reign of Christ would be set up after his return. A percentage of Christians continue to believe this, based on their own interpretation of Revelation. There is no specific mention of the rapture of the church in the Bible. However, the Bible does say that the dead will rise first, and those who are remaining, and still alive – will be caught up in the air to meet Christ when he returns. But it is not called or referred to as a rapture.

A secret Darby style rapture also has the problem of explaining what happens to the group when Christ returns? Many of those who adhere to this belief think they will be returning with Christ to rule the world. Somehow I just don’t see that as being the least bit Biblical.

Of course people can believe what they want to believe. We would be wise though, to seek the truth. There are many warnings about being deceived. It is important to clear out the cobwebs of interconnected falsehoods. Most of us have absorbed a lot of fiction over the years. Sorting it out, is a part of due diligence.

The rapture belief invented by Darby, came from the descriptions of a fifteen year old Scottish girl who claimed she levitated during a seance. The origin of the rapture concept should have all Christians delving into the history, and motives of John Darby. In my opinion – Darby was downright evil. The changes he made to the original Bible are astronomical, and one day – he will be held accountable for deceiving so many people.

The difference between the early church beliefs about pre-millennialism, and the Darby version – is that the early church did not believe in a seven year tribulation, or a secret rapture. They believed that when Christ returns, he will set up a thousand year millennial reign on earth. This belief is based on covenant theology, and God’s promises – and has nothing to do with Darby’s myths that were invented less than two hundred years ago.

The post-millennial eschatology is also a fairly new interpretive system. This point of view claims that the tribulation as described in Revelation has already happened. They somehow believe the millennium reign of Christ happens before he returns, and many believe we are already in the millennial reign. The ideas surrounding this belief system describes a golden period of progress that goes on for a very long time. They do not want to adhere to the concept of a literal thousand year time frame on this.

Post-millennialism was especially popular prior to the first and second world wars. But after the second world war, many Christians could no longer support this concept.

There is a third position called A-millennialism, which means no millennium. They do not refute the chapters in Revelation that speak about a millennial reign when Christ returns. They simply claim it is purely symbolic.

After sorting out the Darby falsehoods, and going back to the beliefs established with the early churches, I think the only conclusion we can make, points back to the early church beliefs, which is referred to as classic pre-millennialism.

Spat out what the Darby/Scofield bibles say about it, and go back to the roots and message of the true church.

As far as post-millennialism is concerned, ask yourself these questions – Is the world really getting better and better? Are we heading into a period of peace and prosperity? Would you go out in the jungle and pet a lion, based on a description of the millennial period as described in Revelation?  Would you let your child play with a cobra? How can the millennial utopia be interpreted to be in process right now? How can there be peace and safety for all people, if Satan is still loose in the world? For these reasons – this concept makes no sense to me.

The other thing to notice about these two very different belief systems among Christians when it comes to Darby based pre-millennialism, or the opposite extreme of post-millennialism nirvana – is that they are polarized in their extremes.

The Darby side is full of fear-mongering gloom and doom, where all one can do is hope for the secret rapture, because the world will be so horrible, so full of evil that escape is the only hope. The post-millennial belief in stark contrast – is full of peace, prosperity, and beauty that gets better and better by the day. Why so polarized when the body of Christ is supposed to be unified?

Even though I have listened to, and read countless interpretations, often by Biblical scholars who are pitching their thirtieth book on the subject, much of it is questionable. No wonder it is controversial. They talk a good game, but much of it is implausible.

In my opinion, all this talk and controversy about the millennial positions are pointless. There is no way we can have long-term peace on earth, until Christ returns and Satan is bound. The sequence of events is spelled out for us.

The Bible is full of mystery and metaphor. Do not be fooled by interpretations that are not part of the original Bible. We cannot possibly know the full scope of God’s plan for the earth until Christ returns.

I believe the greatest risk is falling into deception and false teaching. There are over a hundred versions of the Bible in the English language alone. Many of those translations leave out key words, or they change key words. Those strategic changes, can alter the entire meaning of the scriptures.

We are steeped in a labyrinth of Biblical misinterpretations. It is very important to embrace the truth – in our lives, in our families, in politics, and in the interpretation of prophecy.

Not only is the Bible a combination of literal and figurative language, it is also both physical and spiritual. The end times do bring increasing levels of tribulation. There is a grand scale spiritual warfare at the centre of the conflict.

There is an attack on the minds, souls, and hearts of people. There is a great deal of deception to filter, in order to discern the truth. Knowledge is greatly increased, and when combined with deception, it can be catastrophic.

However, we are told to be of good cheer, to not be filled with fear, and most of all – to work and do good. Don’t be idle. No one knows when Christ will return. There is no way of counting days, or months or years to arrive at a date. We are not meant to know.

We can’t know it all, or even a portion of it right now, which is why we have faith. Some day, the world will be full of the knowledge of God.

Right now – not so much! But we do have hope, because we believe.

The description of the millennium is that of world peace, love, freedom, gardening, music, singing, joy, serving, worshipping, absence of fear, no sickness, no conflict.  People will have all they need, and each will dwell safely under his own vine. The animals will be friendly. The blind will see, the mute will shout, and the lame will leap like a deer!

Eventually, all conditions of the garden of eden will be restored to the earth.


Why Do So Many Medications Have A Rebound Opposite Effect On People?

Like most people, I have purely anecdotal observations about medications and the effects they have. I just noticed a news article claiming new research shows that taking pain medication for inflammation and acute pain, will lead to chronic pain. In hindsight, I think it’s true. It also often leads to addiction, but even the non-addictive NSAID’s cause pain to become chronic.

The same seems to hold true for antihistamines. If you take them habitually, you end up with a far worse histamine problem. For those who take SSRI’s or serotonin re-uptake inhibitors, they too report a deepening depression or flatness to their lives, to the point of feeling like a zombie.

For those who take steroids, there is definitely a rebound effect physically and in the brain. Even using steroids for iritis, an autoimmune disorder of the eye – leads to white cataracts and a worse loss of vision. From all the research I have done on iritis, the cure can be worse than the disease. Since it is a very painful condition, because of the increased intra-ocular pressure and inflammation in the anterior chamber of the eye, some people have opted to have their eyes removed after they have already lost their vision.

There are cases where an attempt is made to put a stent in the eye, in order to drain some of the excess fluid, but the condition fluctuates so much, the eye would collapse inward when the intra-ocular pressure receded on its own. This meant the person was required to wear a protective cap over his or her eye.

In my opinion – sometimes it is better to look for natural ways to try to alleviate or manage symptoms, as opposed to invasive procedures, and a range of medications. Our bodies have natural healing capabilities. We just have to find the best way to allow for intrinsic healing. That’s the tricky part.

It’s not that all medication is bad – nor is it all good. Some medication is essential, and very helpful. There are cases where people cannot get the symptoms resolved without medication.

The key is to try and navigate all the information, the side effects, the potency, and most of all – how long you have to take it. It is probably helpful to read both the scientific literature, as well as anecdotal forums, where people discuss the management of chronic disease through diet and alternative therapies.

The value of anti-inflammatory foods cannot be underestimated. Supplements might be the choice for many health conscious people, but nothing beats the medicinal ingredients in a whole food diet with fresh herbs, fresh fruits and fresh vegetables.

A wide range of super foods like garlic, ginger, fresh herbs, olives, pineapples, capers, sea weed, nuts, etc. – will have an effect on everything from the gut biome, to the immune system.

One of the biggest advantages of not taking any medication is that it enables you to feel, notice, and monitor what is going on with your body, and the things that might affect you physically. It is much easier to remedy something if you detect it early. You notice your back hurts, and remember moving a big plant the day before, so you know that you strained some muscles. You have indigestion, and run through your mind what you ate, or what stress might have triggered it.

Another advantage in avoiding pharmaceuticals, is that it is much easier on your liver and kidneys, since all medication has to be filtered and detoxified as it is metabolized. For those who take multiple medications, there is the additional complexity of drug and food interactions with certain medications.

Even something as common as Tylenol, can have catastrophic effects on the liver when taken with alcohol.

Gradually, I finally weaned myself off all OTC medications about seven or eight years ago. I have never been one to go to doctors, so I don’t take prescription medications. But I did take Ibuprofen, Gravol, Benadryl, and other antihistamines over the years, which I now regret. If I had life to do over again, I would avoid OTC meds too.

In fact, when dealing with allergies I do believe Benadryl made it worse over time. Again, it seems like many drugs cause the symptoms to get better initially, and then as you become more and more dependant on the drug, it is less effective. Unfortunately this often leads to taking more medication, or switching to stronger medication.

Recognizing this paradoxical rebound effect secondary to the long term or chronic use of many drugs, helps us to get off them. When the drugs are discontinued, it is good to know the rebound effect is only temporary. Then you can develop the knowledge and strategies that help treat the problem without taking medications, or at least reducing them.

There is a great deal of information to sift through in the quest for wellness. I guess the key takeaway – is that no one knows your body better than you do. That includes past experiences, and intuition with regards to treatment options, drugs, and alternative therapies.

No matter how much government interference there is with our health in the coming years, they will never know what goes on inside our bodies and minds on an individual level.

I hope we can forget about government mandates. We should be able to relax as we go about our lives, and decide what to eat. Good food is far better than medicine!



Is There Really A Seven Year Tribulation Period At The End Of The Age?

In Christian eschatology the notion of a seven year tribulation period has become a standard belief system. Notably the concept revolves around “the rapture of the church”. People further divide the belief into pre-tribulation, mid-tribulation and post-tribulation rapture beliefs.

First of all, a secret rapture of the church is not Biblical. This false doctrine comes from a rewritten version of the Bible by John Darby around 1830. The idea was packaged and promoted by the scoundrel Scofield, who created long lists of footnotes in the Bible, and added to the false teachings.

The word rapture is not in the Bible at all. It was invented and added to the Bible by John Darby based on the experiences of a fifteen year old girl levitating during a seance. Since nothing is to be added to the Bible, or taken away – surely this is one of the biggest lies ever invented.

In my opinion, the rapture is a mockery of the resurrection. For those who believe in the idea of being whisked away to some unknown destination in order to escape tribulation, they are placing their beliefs in falsehood, and in the crooked doctrine of dispensationalism.

Dispensationalism has crept into multiple mainstream churches. In many cases, Christians do not even know they are being taught from a corrupted source. Those who do adhere to dispensationalism to the point of extremism, are the worst of the worst. They demonstrate the cultish and bizarre aspects of this false teaching, by the way they treat people. They believe deception and lawlessness is justified “if it suits God’s purpose”. What they really mean, is anything goes, as long as it suits their own purpose. They have aligned themselves with “the father of lies”.

The fictional versions of the rapture theory came out in many popular books and movies. In 1941 there was a movie titled “The Rapture”. In 1972 it was “A Thief In The Night”. In 1977 “A Distant Thunder”. In 1980 “Image Of The Beast” and in 1981 “Years Of The Beast”. In 1983 “The Prodigal Planet”. In 1998 “The End Of The Harvest” and another called “The Apocalypse: Caught In The Eye Of The Storm”. In 1999 it was “The Revelation” and “The Moment After”.

But probably the most infamous of the creepy movie genre, was in 2000 “Left Behind”. This became somewhat of a series with Left Behind 11 Tribulation Force” in 2002. Then there was one simply called “Gone” in 2002. In 2009 they upped the ante and made a movie called “Knowing” and another one called “Countdown: Jerusalem” and “In The Blink Of An Eye”. In 2112 there was “Mark” and in 2013 “Mark 2: Redemption”.

In 2013 things became even more sinister with “New World Order: The End Has Come”and then with another called “This Is The End”. After that there were fifteen more movies on the rapture and the apocalypse.

The first question we should ask ourselves is – How did Hollywood end up shaping our beliefs about the Bible? And why would they promote the rapture theory with such determination and fanfare? In fact, there is no Biblical basis for it at all. Each person has to sort that out for themselves because the rapture theory, for many is entrenched.

If the secret rapture theory is debunked, then how do they divide the belief systems into pre-trib, mid-trib or post-trib? The concept is so well known, it is shortened to abbreviations with the assumption all Christians would choose one of the options.

The pre-trib fantasy is quite attractive since it means that as soon as the going gets tough, there will be a magical secret rescue. Since the tribulation timeline, which is tied to dispensational theology, spans a seven year period, the mid-trib belief takes people out of the world half way through, at the three and a half year point on the dotted line. The post-trib rapture is an exit into the clouds after, or at the end of the seven year tribulation.

The next question we should ask ourselves is – What about the tribulation people faced prior to all these movies and rapture theology? After all, the Darby Bible was not written until the mid 1800’s. Prior to that, there was no such concept. The early church suffered horrific persecution, yet they had no escape clause. In fact, the Bible tells us that all Christians will face persecution in one way or another. In addition, all people will face a certain amount of tribulation in life – whether they are Christian or not.

Tribulation comes in many shapes, forms, sizes, and disguises. Sometimes we bring it on ourselves. Other times, it just happens. There is tribulation in addiction, in grief, in failure, in betrayal, in violence, in deception, in sickness, in isolation, in rejection, in mental illness, in divorce, in family breakdown, in conflict, in accidents, in poverty, in mistakes, and in injuries. In addition, those who are afflicted and in pain – will have an impact on the people around them. Tribulation has a rippling effect.

We tend to think of tribulation in catastrophic terms, but the weight of oppression can be just as deadly. We are in a spiritual battle more than anything, and the Bible tells us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood.

What is the point of, or meaning of faith for the person who believes Christians are guaranteed an exit from this world before they face tribulation? Tribulation is what tests and increases our faith. We are supposed to have sufficient courage to face tribulation, and trust God no matter what happens. Otherwise our faith is weak.

If we do not become familiar with what it actually says in the Bible, the indoctrination of false beliefs and misinterpretations can be quite confusing. But when you try to figure out how they come to these conclusions, it leaves you scratching your head, because you cannot find what they are teaching in the Bible.

Finally more and more Christian teachers and pastors are recognizing the implications of this false teaching. It is sometimes referred to as “the doctrine of devils” because the entire Darby Bible is corrupted in more ways than one. It is corrupted from start to finish, and this is just one area of complete falsehood. They should be called Darbyites, so people know they are being taught from a different version of the Bible.

I was indoctrinated and brainwashed with these false Darby beliefs by an aggressive religious zealot high school teacher. I know many people will not let go of the idea of the raptured church, and see it as a matter of their own faith. I can give personal testimony to the kind of off-base cult that gives rise to this type of hearsay.

Many people take comfort and encouragement in such teachings, because they have put their hope in escapism. But we have been warned and advised to seek the truth. Do not be deceived. We have been steeped in dread over the “coming tribulation” instead of retaining the hope and knowledge of the reality of our situation. There is only one second coming. Any other teaching is leading people astray while simultaneously weakening or destroying their faith.

Regardless of what we believe, we are approaching end times. Each day is one day closer to the end of this age. One way or another, each day brings us one day closer to the realization we will die. When that happens, we are at the end of our own age. Whether it is from chronic disease, an infection, cancer, old age, an accident, brain bleed, or whatever – we will face death on a personal level unless Christ returns before we die.

What the Bible does say is that when Christ returns, the dead in Christ will rise first, then those who are still alive will be lifted up to meet him in the air as well. How can there be an escape or rescue for the dead? They are no longer facing tribulation or persecution. Therefore the resurrection of the saints is not tied to a post tribulation rapture either.

Obviously the second coming, or return of Christ – is not tied to a prior removal of the believers, or there would be no one left alive on the earth to be caught up to meet Christ when he returns. It will definitely be a joyful occasion, but it is not an escape because we all come back to earth after this happens. Everything will be changed though, from our bodies, to how we live our lives.

For those who choose to believe lies, the Bible tells us God sends strong delusion and gives them over to a reprobate mind. The truth might be a rocky road, where we encounter the equivalent of highwaymen with pistols. But I would rather dodge bullets than be given over to a reprobate mind.   For some of us, cognitive dissonance gives us more of a headache than you can shake a stick at.

Truth is as important as love is. Without it, there is no love. It is as important as life itself. We cannot find our way unless we embrace the truth. We are part of the seed of our heritage. Our place within the lineage and offspring, cannot be taken away from us with lies. No one can “lie away” or take away who we are in the great sea of humanity.

My maternal heritage comes from northern Sweden. As with all nations, the history of Sweden has its own unique culture. Throughout the centuries that have passed, each offspring is part of the kings and kingdoms of their own lineage. Even during our upbringing in small town Alberta, there were also many descendants from Germany, the Ukraine and Poland. People referred to the “old country” when talking about where they came from.

From a familial hereditary perspective, I got the interest in textiles and design from my mother, grandmother, and great grandmother.  Our great grandmother was a professional seamstress in Sweden. All of them worked with textiles, from carding and spinning wool, to knitting, quilt making and sewing. I loved the quilts our grandmother made. They had velvet flowers and satin stems. She made very beautifully designed themed quilts in bright colours with gorgeous fabrics. I remember examining them, petal by petal, the leaves, and tracing each shimmering stem, marvelling at all the fancy needlework she did just to create a border to frame the scene.

In a similar sense, over the years I have met fishermen and sailors whose calling was to be on the water just as their father and grandfather had been. Some things are in our blood, and just keep on with the tradition or the gift.

In many cases, the farm families who had immigrated from Europe, spoke their original languages at home. It was not uncommon for children to start school without knowing English. Our grandmother was in Canada thirty years, and still refused to speak English, although I knew she understood it quite well. When we went to visit them, she cooked Swedish food, which is quite different from the traditional foods from the Ukraine or Poland.

We have long established bloodlines that are carried from one generation to another. The Bible is full of descriptions about who begat who. Is some deluded teacher going to change all that within my own family history? What were his motives? I was not up for adoption, and there was no adoption. Who would even consider such a plot? He has infiltrated and ripped the family apart in the process.

Some of us are from the seed of Christ, therefore the lineage, the offspring, and the descendants were established a long time ago. We cannot be plugged into another ancestry, and I thank God for that. Anyone who thinks they can steal a person, take over their life, and make parental claims – is absolutely nuts. Anyone who supports such a scheme is also crazy.

In my own case, a hyper dispensational high school teacher made bizarre and false claims that he was adopting me. He repeated these lies so often, people began to believe them. In reality, he was obsessed with a teenage girl, and used religion as a cloak to cover his lies. He held to the image of superiority that a “wonderful Christian” like him, would never lie. Yet his lies and corruption led to a lifetime of persecution over my own life.

I can give my own personal testimony on this. To be naive, is to allow a compulsive liar to destroy your life, and your faith for all eternity. Someone should have told him – You cannot take a person out of their own family tree. What kind of gall does it take to even attempt it? I know what family I came from, and I know what family I belong to.

Why I ever had to put up with that bullying abuse is beyond me. People can believe whatever they want, but they have no right to stalk, exploit, and claim ownership of other people through deception and lies. If not for the strange teacher in a small town school, I  would never have known the Exclusive Brethren even existed, yet I got stuck in the mire of a warped obsession, twisted religion, and a colossal abuse of power.

Although we can easily be wrong interpreting the Bible, the biggest mistake we can make is to follow Hollywood movies, Hollywood type televangelists, or false teachers. There are many false teachers that seem to be increasing by the day. We have to seek the truth directly from the Bible for ourselves. No one else can do it for us.

All I can say is that for each of these strange and false beliefs, they did not sound right to begin with. The creepy movie series, and the false rapture teaching – has created more fear-mongering and mysticism than anything else.

People are looking for an easy escape while at the same time looking toward the future with absolute dread. Again, this is the opposite of what the Bible teaches.

We will face tribulation, and many of us have faced a lifetime of tribulation already. It is not sprung upon us in the final seven years of our lives, or in the final seven years of the world. It is a consistent and unavoidable theme throughout the entire Bible and history of the human race.

We can also be sure we will face persecution, possibly with increasing levels of bullying and harassment as time goes on. It is difficult to understand why someone targets us for what seems like no reason at all. They see something within us that they want to destroy.

The only thing Christians will not face, is the wrath of God. We have much to be thankful for in that regard, because we deserve to be punished for all our transgressions too.

The deception, the intensity, and the overall spiritual battle does increase toward the end of the age. We can already see it happening. We know that lawlessness will increase, and that many other things will happen as the events unfold.

However the outstanding message of the Gospel is one of love, endurance, patience, mercy, faith, and hope. Surely it is much wiser to get the truth out of the authentic and original Bible, instead of the crooked path of Darby’s dispensationalism and Hollywood movies.

The Bible does teach that apostasy will be rampant at the end of the age. Dispensationalism is probably in the top five of the greatest deceptions of all time. It is provably a cult, and represents a massive falling away from the original covenant teachings in the Bible.

Diamond Tea Gown ~ Montreal & Canada’s History Of Lounging In Style

Recent Quiet West listings show some mid-century examples of one of Montreal’s best kept secrets. Diamond Tea Gown Inc. is a Montreal based company that was started in the 1920’s by Mr. Rosenfeld. The company continues to make robes and causal wear to this day.

We know that in order to survive a century of change and upheaval – a company must have good quality and design. They have a stellar reputation, and some of their earlier robes and lounging sets are drop dead gorgeous.

Initially I was not sure if these sets were from the seventies or the eighties. Research indicates the Diane Deckel designs are from the 1970’s. She is listed in the Quebec fashion encyclopedia as having designed for Diamond Tea Gown in 1974. There is another jumpsuit and jacket to be listed in the next couple of days. It is exactly like the blue set only in pink floral. The jumpsuit sets have subtle stripes in the jackets, giving a shimmering transparent illusion.

There was a period of time in Canada’s mid-century fashion history when the government promoted and assisted Canadian designers to gain recognition and sales on a world stage. We can only hope to steer clear of fast fashion, and go back to our rich heritage that can be credited to the natural and enduring creativity ingrained among Montreal designers.

Diamond Tea Gown Inc. changed hands twice over the years. In 1967 the company was sold to Ernest Saykaly, owner of the family lingerie business French Maid. In 2001 it was sold to John Souaid who was an executive with the company since 1972.

The design and quality of fabrics earned them an International reputation throughout every decade since their start-up. Their retailers include Saks Fifth Avenue, Bloomingdales, Nordstrom, and Harrods.

The following are some examples of 1970’s Diamond Tea Gown designs by Diane Deckel. The first set is a cotton combination featuring a white muslin dress that has a pleated bodice, and subtle gold trim on the neckline and belt. The robe is made of a light cotton terry cloth. The sleeves on the robe are very detailed open weave with gold metallic highlights. This set is a two-in-one outfit, as the dress by itself is quite ethereal.

After photographing the pink jumpsuit, I stand corrected. It is similar but not the same as the blue jumpsuit set. It is a larger size and has longer, wider legs. The fabric is different as well, slightly heavier. You can see the designs were made in the same time frame, and by the same person. The ivory gown is the most unique in my opinion. But the floral designs look perfect for a warm summer evening on a private patio, or even a garden party in broad daylight! They will take you seamlessly from Zoom meetings – to sipping iced tea and watching the stars.

Can Anyone Know Us Better Than We Know Ourself?

It appears the rise in technology and artificial intelligence has cultivated a far-fetched notion that through tracking and data mining, they can know us better than we know ourself. Does that seem plausible? The precursor to those statements outlines how to predict human behaviour. In order to control human behaviour, you have to be able to predict it.

Some people do have predictable patterns, and most of us have predictable routines. Do we all search the same topics on the Internet? Do we all use Alexa, Siri, FB, and Twitter? I doubt it. But there are certain predictable things we can observe about our surroundings.

We know that Friday afternoons before a long weekend tend to be busy. If you live on an island, you know when the ferry comes in. When you take public transit, you expect them to show up.

If our medical information gets hacked, we know that whatever is in those files, lab results, ER visits, prescription medications, and other sensitive information is compromised and exposed to God knows who? It makes me have much gratitude for managing to stay away from doctors.

But even if sensitive information is compromised – can they know a person better than they know themselves? In my opinion, they cannot – for many reasons. The main reason is the complexity of the brain, and the efficiency of storing memories and information in the brain. This information gives us cues to adapt our behaviours based on memory.

No one can call up the 80,000 thoughts flitting through the hallways of our brain each day, every day of the year – for a lifetime. Only the individual can be triggered by a smell, a memory, or a song stored in their own brain. No one else can predict that. Even the person for whom the memory was triggered is often surprised at how it surfaced. So how can AI know the nuances or intricacies of what is stored in a person’s memory?

No one can know the depth of another person’s soul. If they think they can predict people based on their Internet searches, medical information, and by monitoring Smart phones – it might turn out to be quite futile. One of the main reasons coding, Internet research, web development, gaming, block chain etc. is growing so fast, is because of open source opportunities. That gives things a scope and a creative realm that cannot be predicted.

The Internet and artificial intelligence contains a percentage of positive and edifying material. Just as it can be used for bad or nefarious reasons, it can be used for whatever reasons. We use it for work, for communicating, doing research, creating content, artistic endeavours, shopping, banking, calculating, navigating, and for all kinds of other things. It is so much easier than going to the library and taking out a bunch of books, then paying the library fines. Same thing as when we used to have to rent movies at the video store.

We can take the good, and find ways to protect ourselves. As far as the medical information is concerned, it is really too bad that privacy and confidentiality is no longer an assurance. I suppose with better encryption and database management, it might improve. But regardless, we should be cautious, and aware of the information that is put on our medical charts. Any information that is false or misleading should be clarified and remedied. This includes misdiagnosis, questionable lab results, or heresy history that might be given by someone with a motive to slander.

As far as predicting human behaviour, or AI knowing us better than we know ourselves – there is no way of doing so because people change. Often people have a change of heart before they have a change of mind. There is a contemplative phase when a person decides to make changes in their life. No one can know what the human mind is contemplating. We only know others based on what they communicate, and how they behave.

Cooking For Better Health – A Healing Paste

This is just my own experiment, so take it with a grain of salt. In this case, you add a few things other than salt.

Of all the attempts to reduce inflammation and autoimmune reactions, this cooking paste is loaded with immune boosting properties. When the immune system is hyperactive as it is with autoimmune disorders, it means it is out of balance for some unknown reasons.

Up until now, I have never used turmeric much in cooking. I am more familiar with ginger and know it also has many similar benefits as turmeric does. A few months ago I tried taking a teaspoon of grated ginger daily as an anti-inflammatory, but it caused a drop in blood pressure, so I abandoned taking fresh ginger without mixing it with something.

I would not claim to be anti-supplement or anti-traditional medicine. However, in hindsight I wish I had not taken supplements or OTC medications over the years, without giving it a second thought. We should give it more than a second thought. Anything taken habitually can throw our systems off balance. In many cases, medications will cause a rebound effect after a period of time, and do the opposite of what they are intended for.

In addition, many medications require multiple adjustments to the dosage, and can be very difficult to discontinue. There are countless unknown drug interactions, and drugs that interact with certain foods. I will readily admit – I am not onside with Big Pharma pushing more and more drugs on otherwise healthy people. Most of those drugs do not address the underlying cause. They mask the symptoms, which is the last thing we need when our bodies are trying to tell us something is wrong.

Each one of us has a unique reaction to various different medications and supplements. It depends on things like overall nutrition, organ function, weight, gut health, systemic circulation, chronic inflammation, neurochemistry, genetic markers, and so on. Therefore, we should pay careful attention to how our own bodies respond to what we put in it. That way we can remedy what is aggravating existing conditions.

When I look back at people I have known and worked with over the years, we all had some kind of physical weakness. For some it was a predisposition to chronic bladder infections, respiratory infections, or an acidic stomach. For others it was chronic back, hip or knee pain. Different people react to stress in a unique way. The stress of life and all it entails, causes weaknesses within our systems that we have to learn to manage or remedy somehow. If not, they will likely get worse as time goes by.

I think it is best to get nutrients out of a whole food, mostly plant based diet. Just as in learning about the benefits of essential oils, there is also much to be learned when it comes to nutrient dense foods, and various medicinal teas, herbs, and spices.

Since turmeric is so bright and stain inducing, I wear gloves and prepare a small batch to cook with at a time. The paste includes equal amounts of fresh grated ginger and turmeric. Pepper has to be added to increase the bioavailability of the turmeric. The mix also includes crushed garlic, fresh snipped herbs, and a small amount of olive oil and lemon juice.

This paste can be spread over chicken, added to rice dishes, soups and whatever else you decide to try it on. That way the nutrients are cooked with the food, and we get the trace elements and micro nutrients without damaging the balance in our systems, or adding supplements that the kidneys and liver must detoxify.

Of the myriad of remedies I have tried thus far, the best results have come from drinking lemon water each day, and from adding large doses of herbs and spices in food preparation. I noticed a reduction in the inflammation in my eye within a couple of days of using fresh turmeric.

I guess the goal in this crazy corrupt world – is to try our level best to stay healthy and happy. It’s a counter measure. What can possibly be wrong with that?

As far as making a point about how individual taste is part of the nutritional journey, there are many examples. One of the more prevalent bits of health advice recommends taking an ounce of apple cider vinegar mixed with water each day. I tried it but could not stomach it, or stand the smell of it. I also don’t like the concept of drinking vinegar. So my gut instinct told me to avoid drinking vinegar. Yet many people swear by it. Is it any wonder we have to do our own research combined with a little of our own trial and error?

Human beings have much in common, and yet we have many differences in the minute details and functionality in everyday life. Now more than ever, we have to sort through the bombardment of advertising geared to make us reach for those quick fixes and cures.

Our health is not meant to be governed by someone else’s profit motive. But if we do not take charge of our own health, we can fall for just about anything in this day and age of targeted propaganda and advertising.


Is It Possible To Tackle Misinformation On The Internet?

Misinformation is nothing new. What is new – is the attempt to tackle it, like it is a nimble and determined running back clinging to the ball, come hell or high water.

Misinformations lingers in the murky waters along with outright lies, profit motive, and many misunderstandings. How can anyone tell us what to believe? There is no such thing as believer clones. We can’t all hold acceptable views on everything from garlic to the efficacy of wind turbines.

Certain information can be defined as true or false. But there is a slew of misinformation floating in the health care slough. For almost any topic, you can find experts who will tell you the opposite of what you might tend to believe. Experts might tell us beans and tomatoes are pure poison. Seriously? A cardiologist, or celebrity who tells people at least half of all healthy foods are poison to our systems, and will put holes in our gut, should be viewed with skepticism. Does it matter what title this person has, or what the celebrity status is? Isn’t it natural to reject what does not makes sense or ring true to us?

Other health gurus will tell people to eat six eggs a day, or ten bananas, or ingest massive amounts of green smoothies – but does that mean we should listen to them?

Then we have the supplement gurus who are breaking the body down into chemical nanoparticles and telling people to take massive doses of trace minerals. Or they will announce the benefits of high concentrations of protein, or condensed greens in amounts way beyond what could be consumed in a normal diet.

Rule of thumb – don’t ingest anything that you would not eat in your diet. For instance if you buy fresh squeezed orange juice that took a dozen oranges to make, don’t ignore the fact that oranges were meant to be eaten with the fibre. Normally you would not eat ten of them, so the moral of the story is to drink minimal amounts of juice.

The same thing can be applied to green smoothies. In my opinion, it is better to eat salads because chewing is a big part of the digestive process. Also many people do not realize that anything in excess can cause liver, kidney, or gut health problems. For people who have their jaws wired shut, then a diet of smoothies does make sense. Otherwise it is better to eat the fibre, chew the food, and eat a variety of healthy foods.

The fact is, misinformation and outright lies about certain health care products, medications, foods, reverse aging, muscle building, can lead to gut retching wretches. Misinformation has proliferated like rabbits since the Internet was invented. Until now, no one really cared or even tried to stop it all.

You can find experts on the Internet who will tell you to drink a cupful of oil followed by a half a cup of vinegar, and various other concoctions. Some people get desperate to solve health issues, but seriously, people should be very wary of anything you would not get out of a healthy diet.

Without a doubt, food is our best medicine. But that does not mean we avoid half the healthy foods available to us. We do not have to demonize gluten or any other healthy food. We should listen to our own bodies and avoid what bothers us, not what some expert tells us to do.

If misinformation on the Internet is to be tackled as the new buzz is telling us it should be, then there is a massive amount of information to be censored.

The only thing we can do is to develop our own intuition and sensibilities giving us direction with regards to what to accept, and what to reject. We are bombarded with information, therefore we need a massive filtering system.

Recently on one of the food show clips, a woman showed how to stop mold and bacteria from growing in fresh berries. The trick is to wash the berries in a solution of vinegar and water. She shows how to rinse, pat dry and store them. So far, so good. At the end of her berry blurb, she said they were good for two weeks in the fridge.

I only just learned about the vinegar trick, and normally wash berries in mild detergent and water. Before trying it, I would question whether or not the vinegar destroys any nutrients in the berries. The thing that raised a red flag for me, is that most perishable fresh produce does not have a two week shelf life. No way. Fresh berries, and other types of delicate produce should be eaten optimally within three days. Even if the vinegar does work to eradicate mold, it would be prudent to use the berries within seven days at the most. All of this pondering of course, is just my own opinion on something I recently viewed. It is an example of how we might interpret something we happen to see on the Internet.

To further enhance the berry discussion, we might consider if the vinegar would affect the flavour. Also of significance is where the berries came from and how fresh they are to begin with. It is much different if they came from your own garden, as opposed to another continent. Certain things are already several days old before you bring them home from the store. So potentially allowing a window of three weeks for berries is probably not wise.

I think we can take the good, and leave the parts we don’t want to digest. I most certainly want to avoid mold, so I am glad to have come across the tip.

The perishables with a long shelf life are things like carrots, turnips, beets, and other root vegetables. Some tomatoes will last more than a week if they are not ripe to begin with. Avocados I have learned, are best when allowed to ripen, and then put in the fridge when they are ripe, if you are not ready to use them. They do not ripen properly in the fridge.

We can simply ignore what does not apply to us. Or can we? How can we ignore any of it, if it is being forced upon us on a daily basis? Would we be inclined to believe a scientist, or a politician, or an expert with a specific agenda? Why should we have to believe those people?

Why should a mechanic have to be a microbiologist? Why should healthy people be sucked into the sickness industry, when the system is too sick to look after those who are really sick? Why should the general public be responsible for the allocation of health care funds, specifically ICU beds and delayed surgeries? The average person does not even know how the system works.

Since the onset of covid, all the chemicals and scientific mumbo-jumbo are suddenly sacrosanct. I would specifically like to know more about the lipid nanoparticles, and how they might glom together and wreak havoc in certain vital organs. I would like to have a better understanding of spike proteins, antigens, antibodies, and viral variant diagnostic tests.

But what is the point of following any science, if half the information is censored or withheld? Doesn’t that make following the science somewhat futile?

What about the new and modern day linguistic gymnastics? Oh right, that’s not science…A hoop is a hoop. Jumping through them leads to more head patting hoopla.

Sheesh…If we spent our days following science, how would we get anything else done? Go ask our infamous PM.  Surely he must be following his own advice.

PS  There is a riddled enigma in this article, and it is up to you to figure it out!

Repent & Pray For Peace

If there ever was a time to repent – surely it is now. We are at a loss to understand what is going on in this world. It is a reminder for all of us, to be humbled and repent. Pray for peace, as we have empathy toward those who are facing so much uncertainty and conflict.

What causes people to believe lies, become deluded and develop hardened hearts? I think the answer is that we first must seek, and love the truth. If we are following “to thine own self be true” axiom, we must acknowledge our many faults, misdeeds, foolishness, selfishness, arrogance, harm done toward others, all based on our own myopic views. If we seek discernment, then first we must discern our own shortcomings and repent.

I look back and shudder at some of the things I have said and done over the years. Hindsight lets us see ourselves as others might have. It shows us how we transferred angst and blame onto others unjustly. I know in my own life, there are many, many people I would like to say I am sorry to. When we begin to look at ourselves with truth, we know we need forgiveness and redemption.

Truth teaches us, and in turn, will light our path. More importantly, in truth, we become attached to the foundational cornerstone in Christ, as opposed to the confusing and churning dissonance associated with layer upon layer of lies and falsehood.

We will be protected from developing hardened hearts, if we examine our own hearts and repent with sincerity. We know the fruits of the spirit, and we know peace, love and forgiveness are central to the Gospel of Christ.

We are actually witnessing so much conflict in this world, many wonder if things are rapidly becoming apocalyptic.

The forces in the world right now seem to be surreal or supernatural. Huge protests have arisen in almost every country like a movement of the spirit.

In the midst of massive global civil unrest over covid mandates, Putin decides to invade the Ukraine. Now the focus has suddenly shifted. We have witnessed the dramatic shift, but we do not really understand the dark forces at play. In fact, we are seeing a mixture of truth combined with a mix of fear-mongering sensationalism. Some of the imagery broadcasted on the Ukraine Russian conflict was apparently from 2015. Once again, we cannot rely on MSM to report the truth.

If indeed we are wading into apocalyptic times, the most important and relevant command in the book of Revelation is to repent.

It is not in the nature of psychopaths, or anyone with an over inflated ego, or supreme sense of superiority and invincibility, and persistent arrogance- to repent. They are not accustomed to admitting wrongdoing, since it is an attitude that has served them well thus far. They don’t really get it, because deception has hardened their hearts.

The book of Revelation describes all the methods God uses to try and get even the most evil people to repent. Although the book of Revelation is filled with beasts and visions, it is also repeatedly telling all of mankind to repent.

The end times bring about a persecution and wrath upon Christians by wicked men and Satanic forces. Immoral people eventually face the ultimate wrath of God’s punishment. So it looks like all of us will be on the receiving end of some sort of punishment.

One of the central truths in the book of Revelation is that the wrath of God is upon all who refuse to repent. We have to keep in mind who is in control of the bigger picture.

We pray for peace. Peace of mind, peace in our hearts, and peace that passes all understanding. If we are wise, we will choose to escape a wrath that is beyond understanding, and seek forgiveness and protection instead.

The overall message in the book of Revelation is often obscured through the apocalyptic fear mongering. There is a mixture of all the world’s tribulation spanned out, along with the antichrist, mark of the beast, etc.

But what about the verses that tell us the end of the age will be as in the days of Noah? People were eating, drinking, and celebrating weddings when the flood came.

We tend to think God abhors anger, especially sustained anger, which is true. But he also abhors fear. We are probably warned the most often, to avoid fear and deception – to include deceiving ourselves.

Some of the description of God’s wrath upon those who arrogantly and stubbornly refuse to repent, is truly horrific. I hope I never have to face giant locusts with long hair, human faces, and lion’s teeth! Even if they are symbolic of some other force, the description and destruction is formidable.

The book of Revelation is mostly about revealing Christ. It is meant to show how the greatest battle of all the ages will come to fruition. The ultimate victory is pre-destined. The book of Revelation is a blessing, not a curse.

If You Want Nothing Made In China ~ Shop Quiet West ~ & Make An Offer

Putting together this online store has been quite a task. One of the key criteria in the quest for quality and timeless products, has been to make sure the item is not made in China.

Admittedly, there are a few 1950’s-1960’s products that were made in Hong Kong. In fact some gorgeous embroidered, and beaded garments from that era still exist. Like all countries, China has talented designers, and has made beautiful garments. After all, they have a much longer art history than North America does.

Therefore, to make a distinction on what is to be avoided – it is the modern and prolific fast fashion that is made in China to bypass. Since most of the mainstream fashion we see in departments stores now, is made in China, there is much less of the talent and workmanship emerging from other countries. The competition and pricing has pushed many designers out of the mainstream markets.

France and Italy have always topped the list when it comes to high fashion. Canada, specifically Montreal can showcase fashion design on the world stage with confidence. Australia has a few famous designers, but the products are less likely to be found on the west coast of Canada.

Almost everything in the Quiet West collection is carefully checked to make sure there is a country of origin label. On older garments, sometimes the labels are non-existent. The fabric content labels were not required by law prior to the 1970’s.

The issue of licensing created a huge shift of high end designer items from the original European country of origin to the cheaper labour markets in China. With experience, it is fairly easy to identify luxury brand items that are made in China. In my opinion, licensed items should be described as such and the price adjusted downward.

What has happened over the years, is a shift to more casual wear, and in that case, who cares where it was made? But as we become increasingly aware of the petrochemicals used in creating fast fashion, and become more environmentally sensitive while making purchases, our priorities might be shifting. In addition, it seems the quality has been steadily deteriorating on most new products.

Our world is being shaken to its core now. With growing civil unrest and protests across the globe, we are shocked to watch it unfolding before our eyes. Now things are escalating in Europe in ways that make no sense. These recent events remind us of how fragile we are from a geopolitical perspective, as well as how susceptible we are to government overreach.

I believe fashion represents the art and culture of a country, and that much of that expression can be lost if we don’t collect it, showcase it, and share it with those who appreciate it. Although we may feel obscure and irrelevant, we are still part of the country we live in. We do not know what tomorrow may bring.

We live in a different world now, yet we can put together an outfit that was worn during the second world war. The outfits from the first world war still exist, but are few and far between.

Talented designers and optimal conditions are created within a window of time. In many cases an artist will peak and do some of his/her best work and then suddenly, they retire or die. Certain pieces become iconic.

One thing for certain is that is is increasingly difficult to find original labels made in France, Italy, Japan, or the USA. I do see more from Canada and the US because of where I live, however certain very upscale labels are still few and far between.

Often major political shake ups lead to changes in fashion trends. The 1930’s and 1940’s had many elements of high glamour and escapism. Women would try to emulate the look of various movie stars, and wore slinky embellished dresses with delicate face veils.

Will we all be able to emerge from covid mandates back into a full social life? Will we see an upsurge in creativity and design? Or will we have to hold onto the past, to show a shopwindow of what our lives used to be like?

Will we slip into fashion obscurity, staying at home in our pyjama bottoms, and fleece tops during lockdown after lockdown? When going out, high heels and blue jeans are good for any occasion.

The pendulum does swing from extreme to extreme. Extreme polarities tend to put us into a spin. But if we look at human nature and all of history, we are fashionistas at heart. Costume is part of life.

Vintage fashion is about story and history. It embodies the yarns of the centuries weaved into the motifs with symbolism and meaning. The colour and range has been flaunted by beautiful women since the beginning of time. In that regard – some things never change.

If you see something you like on the Quiet West website, feel free to contact me if you have any questions or want to make an offer. The email address is


People No Longer Know What The Laws Are – What Is Legal Protest?

What started out as a positive and anticipatory movement that seemed to have widespread support from Canadians coast to coast, is now a condemned and criminal operation. Is there anyone who can explain to us how it happened to turn criminal? When did it happen? What did they do that was illegal and criminal?

As a person with no experience in attending or organizing protests, it is next to impossible to understand what the laws are surrounding the protest. Why did they get so much condemnation and punishment? Other protests have been much more violent, where people clearly defied trespassing and Criminal Code laws, yet many of those political activists did not get punished much at all.

Each day raises more and more questions. If people suddenly had bank accounts frozen for sending money to the organization, it means that not only are the protesters targeted, but also those who saw it as a worthy cause and donated money. How could anyone know they were donating to something illegal?

As far as border blockades, no doubt laws do apply, and get enforced. But the protest in Ottawa did not have much clarity with regards to what was legal and what was not legal. The horn honking became an issue, and a ten day injunction was ordered. When it came to the judges orders, apparently she did not find any other charges to enforce, other than a reprieve from the horn honking. So what happened?

After the injunction was issued, for the most part, they did stop honking. The leaders told them to stop honking. They were not counselling people to commit mischief, if honking is considered to be mischief.

I do not understand it. At some point it became illegal. Yet there was no definition other than mischief, which in spite of sounding like a minor charge, can be a very serious charge. Then there is counselling to commit mischief, which is highly subjective. What does it actually mean? I heard people singing Oh Canada a lot while watching live feeds of the protest each day.

There was some rebellion expressed by the protesters, like when hundreds of jerry cans were purchased after police started seizing fuel. Some of the protesters did a jerry can march, but really it was just minor theatre. The fuel was needed to keep the trucks warm, so people wanted to make sure they would not freeze. Was that mischief?

Another term frequently used by the truckers was to “hold the line”. Would a slogan be considered to be counselling to commit mischief? I suppose as time went on, the fact they planned to stay for the long haul was causing important people to become aggravated. The intent was articulated. They were staying until they were acknowledged and heard. It became an annoyance to the PM, the Mayor of Ottawa, and many others.

It seems the sequence of events sums up like this: The protesters were denied a voice, and were vilified at the onset. They dug in, and became annoying. The annoyance was translated into mischief. The mischief became criminal. Key organizers were arrested without bail. It’s almost like something you might read about in history books.

Now Canadians are under the War Measures Act, and once again, we don’t fully understand what that means. We have been getting all the mandates dictated to us through the media. Every day there are more covid updates telling us what we can and cannot do. Otherwise how would we know?

But one of the raw realities this entire scenario has brought home to us, is the unreliability of MSM to present unbiased news. There is a fundamental mistrust of the media, as well as the police. It appears the division between government authority, and the common person has become increasingly divisive.

Canadians are known for being peaceful and law-abiding. But how can we be law-abiding if the laws are changing constantly, and we do not know what they are from one week to the next? What are the laws under the War Measures Act? What does it mean to the average citizen?

Can people donate to charities? What if those charities do not support mandates or QR codes? Could the charitable donations be seized, and bank accounts of all those who make donations frozen? Theoretically this could apply to all churches, and any charity considered to express right wing views. Even though some people do not fully understand political terminology, they could inadvertently support something they thought was legal, yet it could be deemed illegal a week later.

We already know doctors and health care providers cannot speak out against the mandates. We know we must follow a one-sided science that is not open to being questioned or challenged. As the mistrust for the health care system increases, the mistrust for the police has increased since the crackdown in Ottawa.

During the whole ordeal, where so many people were traumatized by the police actions, we watched many eloquent speeches in the House of Commons. But what did we learn? We learned how broken and divided the political spectrum has become. We learned how insignificant we are as Canadian people. We have lost our political innocence.

At the end of the long and tiring ordeal, where many of the systemic fissures and cracks were exposed – we still don’t know what the laws are. How are people supposed to stay out of trouble if they do not know what the laws are?

The original and foundational laws are gone. We now have covid mandates based on covid science, and covid politics. But still – we do not know what the laws are, so please fill us in.

Have we entered the time where certain thoughts and beliefs are not acceptable? Tell us what they are, and what the punishment is for having them. Consider that eight billion people have around 80,000 thoughts per day each – that is an infinite number of thoughts to track. Most people have a hard enough time keeping track of their own thoughts.

We cannot possibly understand what drives other people’s belief systems. We seem to be entering an era of delusion and fantasy, versus truth and reality.

We do have many differences, but it does seem that the innate sense of autonomy and free will is an inherent belief among people in all countries of the world.

People are monitored by Internet usage, social media, QR codes, and cell phone tracking. But even so, how boring.

Maybe I am missing something, but from what I have seen, there is a genuine and heartfelt appeal behind all of this freedom movement. There is a desire to return to the stable foundational laws that we are familiar with. There is an appeal to the government to follow the Constitutional laws and Charter of Rights.

“Cornerstones of democracy include freedom of assembly, association and speech, inclusiveness and equality, citizenship, consent of the governed, voting rights, freedom from unwarranted governmental deprivation of the right to life and liberty, and minority rights.”

Time To Face What We Embrace ~ & What We Denounce

Politically I consider myself to be centrist with strong advocacy for human rights and individual autonomy. In fact, I believe the least corrupt government is the best option. The most important thing is to support stable, lawful governance that serves the best interest of its constituents. Then we can live our lives, and reach our potential – without being oppressed, monitored, or micro-managed.

The woke government tends to support the 1% fringe groups, because on the upper end, when it comes to corporate billionaires, it is perceived as the hand that feeds them. On the other hand, they completely miss the boat when it comes to the fact it is the middle class tax base that feeds them the most consistently. However, they cater to the 1% in all of its extremes, whether it is the billionaires, or the various other fringe, and often bizarre special interest groups. They support such groups because they represent no threat to the government power structure.

However, a larger, grassroots movement with exponential growth among all sectors of the population, does represent a threat to the government leadership. It has created an especially stark realization with regards to the trouble we are in as a democracy. We have just witnessed a government that refuses to negotiate, and resorts to violence toward its own citizens instead.  The War Measures Act was ordered, and then put into place without parliamentary debate, and without the support of most of the Provinces.

How can a government control a nationwide movement? It caught on like a prairie grass fire on a hot, windy August day. It literally swept across the country, not only in the convoy of trucks, but in an awakening of shared values. It opened the floodgates of a psychological break out.

As Canadians, we have followed those routes, back to our roots. As a child, I clearly recall standing up and saying the Lord’s Prayer in school every morning. I remember the flag above the speaker on the wall, as we held one hand to our foreheads, and in unison recited, “I salute the flag. The emblem of my country – To thee I pledge my love and loyalty.” It was during these recitals, where I remember feeling a belonging to something much larger than myself.

We sang the National Anthem. We know what it is to be Canadian. Many of us have ploughed the  furrows of the fields, into deep set weather-worn brows. We recall being half frozen for months on end, and how we burst out with excitement at the first sign of spring thaw. We have watched the weather with angst, and worked sixteen hours a day during seeding or harvest time.

Some grew up in cities and rode their bicycles to every park and beach. Deep down, we all know what it means to be Canadian. We do have a reputation for being nice, and are generally tolerant and peaceful. We should be proud of that, and continue in the same vein.

Some ideologies lean more toward socialism, and some more toward capitalism. In reality, we need a healthy balance of both. Therefore we should take the good from each one, and reject the abuse of power and corruption that is prone to raise its ugly head, regardless of the political stripes.

I believe when things veer off too far to the left, or too far to the right – things become us against them polarized. When the polarities start to drive on the shoulders, and eventually hit the ditch, they actually blend together in the muddied waters below, losing all respect for boundaries. They create underground tributaries, instead of transparent policies.

I strongly believe the ideologies should pull away from the extremes, and find more centrist oriented stability, unity, and representation. Otherwise there is sure to be an erosion or destruction of the middle class. We are framed in by extremism. The middle class is the landscape or Canadian picture. So why should we trash the picture and keep the frame?

The extreme left is constantly accusing the extreme right of being violent and dangerous. Yet they are the ones who are armed, and out in droves beating on unarmed peaceful protesters.

Now it seems that protests are illegal, no matter what people do. This protest has taught or shown us many things. On the side of the freedom convoy, there has been some misinformation and sensationalism. In addition there was a certain amount of taunting and aggravation directed at the police. But all of those people were quickly overpowered when armed forces moved in on them.

Personally, I do not get involved in protests because I don’t like crowds. But I do believe in the right to peaceful protest. I think all people involved should know the boundaries and parameters of the laws, so they don’t expose themselves to risk, or getting in scuffles with police.

I do not believe people should flood emergency lines, or do anything that could impede critical infrastructures. Nor should any property be destroyed or vandalized.

It helps when people are incentivized to examine and commit to their own principles, beliefs and values. It seems really odd, to see a left wing minority government in Canada accuse people of being dangerous and violent, while simultaneously overpowering peaceful protesters with police, snipers, and various other weapons of war. The citizens were not armed. They were assaulted.

I hope and pray Canada is able to change course. We are in an emergency because of the dramatic and unstable leadership. We need the Constitution and Charter of Rights to be reinstated in all ways. We need to find ways to make the leadership follow the laws and democratic principles. The wheels of justice might grind slowly, and they might have chains for the slippery slopes. When those chains are cast off, we will see change.

Meanwhile the old adage stands true – There is pain in change. Let us pray it is for gain, and not for loss. Clearly, this is no longer about a pandemic.

I do appreciate the speeches given by Brian Peckford, as an original contributor to the drafting of the Canadian Charter of Rights.

I also support the proper medical support, follow up and research, when it comes to vaccine injuries. It is very important considering these drugs have not been widely used on the general population until recently. There is very little known about long term outcomes, or the mechanism of injury for those who do suffer adverse reactions. In the case of the elderly or those with chronic disease, it is even more difficult to determine if the adverse health event was related to the vaccines.

The medical professionals need to research, document, and understand why some people are vulnerable to adverse reactions and not others. In some cases, the injections target certain organs, and various bodily systems in catastrophic ways. We need to be sure the adverse reactions are properly recorded, with appropriate follow up and compensation.

This seems like a no-brainer, yet the health care system seems to be ill-equipped to diagnose or deal with the injuries. The skepticism among many has increased because the health care system and media are reluctant to report or track the adverse reactions.

My own background in health care has made me very wary of the pharmaceutical industry. I realize many doctors and nurses do not share my own beliefs in this regard. Yet I also know full well that many do. Once again, the objective middle of the road point of view, with a healthy dose of skepticism seems prudent to me.

Every major health care decision a person makes can be fraught with anxiety and fear. I strongly believe it is important for people to have trust in the ethics of health care providers. More so, every individual has to trust their own intuition, in whatever interventions, procedures or medications they choose to use. This applies equally to what they choose to refuse.

Informed consent is one of the most vital polices to retain in the health care field. We can only hope health care professionals will adhere the principle of First Do No Harm. 

The medical field is not only mandated first do no harm physically – but in fact, that same ethical parameter applies as an admonition to avoid doing political harm as well.

We need to learn more, not only about drug reactions, but also about drug interactions. People over the age of sixty are often on multiple classes of prescription drugs. As more are added to the system, surely it must be important to track and learn about drug interactions.

How do we balance the interests of health and holistic values – with those of sophisticated and aggressive pharmaceutical marketing campaigns?

There are many issues to put forth for debate and policy making. Hopefully this latest and largest protest of all, will shine a light on the things that need to be addressed.

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West (2022). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.



Freedom & Hope ~ So What Happens Now?

The recent protests and developments in Canada, and around the world, keeps us on the edge of our seats, glued to the drama as it is unfolding before our eyes.

In a sense it has opened a Pandora’s box, with all kinds of unspeakable realizations spilling out, more by the day. We thought we were living in a democratic country. Now we are jolted into a reality that tells us the opposite. We are heading in a direction we did not intend to go. We have no brakes, and no turnaround at the end of this plot.

As the tensions mount, it is spine chilling to know the government of Canada is prepared to attack unarmed citizens. The police are not supposed to be directed by the government, yet here we are. It is an untenable situation for all people involved in this, including the police.

On one hand, it seems there could be another big party in Ottawa this weekend, since there is talk of bands and various activities being planned. But in stark contrast, there is a heavy, armed police presence and some dirty tricks being employed.

In addition, the parliament was closed today due to reported winter weather conditions. They were supposed to be continuing the very intense debate surrounding the use of the War Measures Act. So who knows if all the required procedures and votes are going according to plan? There appears to be no rhyme or reason, when it comes to shutting down parliament or debates.

We are witnessing some deep fissures in our governance, especially when it comes to a minority government having the power to invoke such catastrophic measures over a peaceful protest in Ottawa.

The various inconveniences have been voiced. The fact there are big rigs parked, and large gatherings, noise, speeches, bands, and food being served could be an inconvenience, especially when there was a lot of honking. But does it warrant such drama and risk?

I just keep getting a clip of a movie reel snippet, where Trudeau stands up and slowly says, “We want to keep you safe”.  It is a ball and heel grinding type statement now, and it makes one wonder if he means the opposite of every statement he makes. How could any leader order violent assaults, and armed attacks on innocent people?

In all likelihood, anytime there is a need for crowd control, or the potential for an act of violence like driving a truck into a crowd, or provocateurs stirring up violence, snipers are probably the norm. We are blindly unaware of many police and political operations. We assume that whatever measures are used, are actually in the public’s best interests. But now, the trust is damaged. The loss of trust will have a proportionate correlation to the amount of damage done.

What happens next? Party weekend or a weekend of attack and chaos? Or will everyone simply leave, and develop other strategies?

The undermining of trust in government and banking institutions in Canada is going to be far reaching, and could have unintended consequences. How can anyone donate to a cause even if it is a registered charity or a church, because you may have your bank account frozen if it is learned that the organization is against mandates, or QR codes? We don’t know if something is lawful one day, and then considered illegal the next day.

We think it is okay, and perhaps even a duty to participate in peaceful protests. Yet we no longer know if they will be deemed illegal. What is legal and what is not legal? Will unacceptable views be illegal in the near future, if not already?

Can views upholding fundamental freedoms and Canada’s Constitution really be seen as unacceptable by the PM of Canada? Is he saying that adhering to the Constitution and Charter Rights are unacceptable views? It sure sounds that way.

It is one thing to make generalized false accusations. People can see through that fairly quickly. But if there is an accusation of having unacceptable views, then we should be informed exactly what those unacceptable views are. Shouldn’t we? How can we avoid being faced with random and unexpected punishments for our views?

If someone waved a certain kind of inappropriate flag or symbol – then it is the individual doing it who is responsible for the expression of an inappropriate view. It does not reflect on the Canadian flag, or on anyone else in proximity to the wayward flag or sign. Pointing out a handful of incidents of inappropriate behaviours among a large group of people, does not justify making false accusations toward the entire group. If that were the case, a drive by shooting, or any crime in a community, would taint the entire community as being violent thugs, when they had absolutely nothing to do with the crime.

For example, if a person does not believe in clear-cut logging, or in pipeline expansion – is that an unacceptable view? Does it mean “those people” are responsible for acts of violence or illegal blockades they had nothing to do with? How do we protect innocent causes from being radicalized? How do we prevent them from being polarized? I certainly do not believe any cause should condone violence of any kind.

We are no longer naive as to the governmental power over us. If anything, this dramatic unfolding of events has shown us – is that we are not acceptable as human beings, or as Canadian citizens, if we do not go along with the government directives and mandates.

It is not illegal to refuse a vaccine, yet there are severe consequences if you do not get vaccinated. Informed consent is the law, so it is difficult to understand why adults are punished for refusing what they have a right to refuse.

Above all, this confrontation brings some very serious issues to the forefront. Those issues are being hotly debated in the House of Commons. There are lawyers, scientists, doctors, politicians, and lay people who are questioning the narrative, and rejecting the measures.

Today is Friday, and let us all hope and pray it is a safe Friday. Let’s hope there is nothing more than harmless parties, and dancing this weekend in Ottawa. De-escalation as opposed to escalation is the wisest approach. For those who cannot manage the stress, get some rest, take time away, and above all maintain peace and stability. Just pray they do not let anything spiral out of control.

The power of prayer, is always something we know we can count on, no matter how helpless we are feeling as we watch these events unfold.

The most difficult thing to process, is that now we know – Trudeau is not willing to act on behalf of Canadians. In fact, he is willing to set armed snipers pointing at protesters right in front of the Parliament buildings.

With the snow and weather conditions, combined with the heavy police presence, snipers and other weapons directed at people, what are we witnessing?

It is the surrealistic, phantasmagorical, outlandish outcome of a delusional leader drunk on power. Let us hope and pray the police do not use excessive force this weekend.

The debate in the House of Commons on this entire fiasco will continue until they put it to a vote. All we can hope for now – is that no one gets injured.

There is hope in freedom – and freedom in hope. The biggest challenge is to remain optimistic. The best we can do, is be of good cheer – have faith, encouragement, truth, love, charity, peace and self control. Peace, prayers and good will – even toward those we sharply disagree with.

What separation will there ultimately be? The wheat from the chaff. The bone from the marrow. The wheat from the tares.



Integrity Is True Grit ~ When Things Get Critical

Few things require more true grit than standing up for an oath, for a nation, for a neighbour, or for a child. It is a challenge to adhere to the principles of justice, fairness, and freedoms  – when authoritarian forces are working against you.

So many people have put their livelihoods and reputations on the line, to do what they believe is right. Why? Because they have integrity and courage. We all have the capacity to rise to principle.

As soon as we stand up to the abuse of power, things get critical. By that I mean, there is a critical, accusatory, unfounded attack on whoever is threatening the power structure. They go into a verbal attack mode. They discredit and try to intimidate in every way possible. It is the psychological equivalent of slapping you down.

The government tolerates and even supports many fringe protests. They condone protests that do have violence, and all kinds of disrespectful damages to statues, monuments, public property, and local businesses. They support the smaller extremist fringe groups, because it is all theatre for them. They are supporting the concept of a particular cause, first and foremost. It is almost always something that is no threat to the political establishment.

Riots and church burnings, are a flash in the pan, from the government’s perspective. They actually seem to promote that sort of thing, because anarchy and chaos means we need more policing.

On the other hand, a huge freedom movement is a major threat to them, so it is pretty obvious why they would support one and not the other. The bigger, and the better organized the grassroots movement, the more of a nightmare it is for the oligarchs. Chaos gives governments more reason for cracking down, but peaceful protest does not. This is the most critical factor from a bigger picture perspective.

Our foundational laws were established to protect the fundamental freedoms of people living in a democratic society. The police swear an oath to uphold the Charter of Rights. They know the laws.

However, as with all professions and people in general, covid and mandates cause division, contradictions and conflicts. The police are given orders from their superiors, that may not correlate with what they know about the laws. In a sense they are being put in an unfair position, and many are walking on eggshells. Thankfully the crowd and the police have been keeping their cool for the most part.

Integrity is standing up for what you know is right, even if it means you ruffle someone’s feathers or get punished for it.

When Adam and Eve were told not to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil – they did it anyway. Why? Because they had free will, even though God was near by, and was sure to find out. It was a decision that set the stage for the consequences of our our fallen nature. It also clearly established the doctrine of free will.

More than anything it meant that people, all of us, from the beginning of humankind, must discern the difference between what is right and wrong. We must figure out and differentiate between what is good, and what is evil.

If we are honest with ourselves, we know when we do what is wrong, and feel remorse over it. It teaches us to apologize sincerely, and to stop doing it. It’s not that we do what is right all the time, because we don’t. But we know the difference. We also know our fundamental rights and freedoms, and when they are being trampled on. If God does not take away our freedoms, how can man take them away? I really don’t think God will allow it.

One of the key differences between good and evil, is that those who aim to do good have the ability to admit mistakes or wrongdoing. Integrity therefore, is also about admitting wrongdoing, and changing what you have been doing. It means we all have the ability to discern, based on our own judgement, stemming from what happened in the Garden of Eden. God was angry and gave consequences, but he never did say that the good was taken away. It was a turning point relating to the knowledge of good and evil.

We have the ability to differentiate if we choose to. To me this really illustrates how God created us, clearly with free will. We do have guidelines in the Bible, in the laws, in the various declarations and agreements, and most of all – our intuition, our mind, our sensibilities, and our conscience.

Science is wonderful. So is art. Both are really quite subjective, and in some ways one reflects the other. We do not worship science. We are free to believe what we want to believe. Science is not sacrosanct. It carries a vast range of topics, so to make such a generalization is ludicrous. Some people are interested in sharks or marine biology. Others might be growing hybrid roses. To accuse people of not following the science, is almost laughable.

Guess what? We don’t have to follow the science. If I don’t want to put baking soda in the cake, so what? The cake might not turn out, and I’ll change my mind for next time. If you decide to use nail polish remover to take a stain out of a silk chiffon scarf, it might ruin it, and you won’t do it again.

Don’t we learn how to stay alive by following some science, some common sense, some advice, some experimentation – and most of all, by the grace of God?

Do we wake up every morning and think, “today I am going to be really good, and am going to promise to follow science”! I don’t know about anyone else, but I can honestly say that I have never once thought about following science. Even in science class!

I just put some fresh squeezed lemon juice in a cup of tea. Oh no! Maybe I am following science without even realizing it. Does lip gloss count as science? How about if it is Burt’s Bees?

Could you denounce people as being anti-art if you don’t like their taste in art? Could you accuse someone of being anti-music, if you don’t like their selection of music? If I write a book, do I have unacceptable views, if someone else does not like it?

Science may have tried and true principles, but there are many mysteries, and as many differences of opinions. Every person has the right to explore, and test whenever it is feasible – the various tangibilities, and intangibilities we come across in life.

Do we accept ideas – or reject them? Do we take this path down into the valley? Or do we head up over the mountain? It is not up to anyone else, any expert, any king, or any political leader – to tell us how to live our lives, and what, or who we choose to follow. It is untenable on all levels.

We don’t have to follow a virus. Nor do we have to be ruled by one. We are being ordered around by oligarchs speaking as though the virus is leading us with a viral leash. They are using it as an excuse to encroach upon democracy. They are cowards in every sense of the word because they will not admit what is driving them. They are claiming science is sacred, and we must not only believe what they say without questioning it, but follow it too.

If I could get a message to Trudeau, I would ask him quite frankly, “Who in their right mind sets out every single day to follow science”? Scientists set out to learn about their field of study. They apply certain standards and principles while doing their research. But I am quite certain that even scientists don’t wake up thinking about following science, or they might end up following themselves around in a circle.

Trudeau can go ahead and call me anti-science for my beliefs. I really don’t care. He might was well call me anti-buffalo because I would not let him herd me off a cliff either.

If we get to return the insults – he is unethical and anti Canadian. I hope he has the capacity to admit wrongdoing and drop the mandates. Who would have ever believed it would become such an astronomical battle?

Go back to the story of Adam and Eve and ask yourself – who has been beguiled by the serpent? And who is trying to do good, and restore the real law and order?

The number one principle in human ethics is to avoid the abuse of power. There is an old adage “You abuse it – you lose it.”

Let’s hope these axioms are strong like axles. Cause we are at a turning point!

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West (2022). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.



What Is The Meaning Of Freedom Of Speech?

As we fight for our freedoms, we listen to a litany of words being bandied about. Words that are banished. Words that dive deep into the gutter, and words that rise high above it all. Words that are delivered with powerful rhetoric and passion. If there are two sides of the freedom coin, one is living life to the fullest, and the other is constantly circling the drain. One side carries potential, and the other side is oppressed and exploited.

We are going to have to rely on words, and especially on the clarity of definitions, now more than ever before. Words can be twisted into a pretzel, or turn into a boomerang. They can be scripted and meaningless, with a repetitious robotic monotony. They can inspire or incite, create calm, or cause calamity.

Years ago as a young woman, I joined the White Rock Writer’s club. Almost everyone there was much older than I was, and almost all of them were writing about the war.

They told their stories about fleeing to Canada as war brides, and for the men, how they left families behind, in some cases young brides, and when reunited, often hardly recognized each other.

One woman was originally from Norway, and had been living and working as a journalist in London during the war. She had met and married a man she barely knew, which seemed to be quite common at the time. She was from a wealthy family, and ended up living in a wilderness cabin in central BC. When her husband finally returned from the war, they were complete strangers to each other. Both of them had changed. I don’t think the marriage lasted.

In looking back, the instant marriages happened for several reasons. People were seeking some kind of connection to their home, and someone to write letters to while they were away. They needed some hope to hold onto, so they could return to a normal life.

Women wanted to find some security for their futures during these very unstable times. In this case, the woman from Norway, met the soldier at a dance. A week later she was in her rooming house in the bath tub, and he slipped a note under the door asking her to marry him. She agreed. A week later he was sent to Italy to fight in the war. The honeymoon was over.

After multiple bombings and raids in London, she finally had a terrible experience when a plate glass window flew through the air following an explosion, and killed a horse just a few feet away from her. She was knocked over, and covered in the horse’s blood. She thought she was injured and bleeding as well. She laid in the alley up against a brick building, staring at the dead horse.

It took several minutes for her to get to her feet. She was shaking and traumatized, but was okay. Up until that point she had a sense of invincibility associated with youth and an adventurous spirit. She thought she could remain in London if she kept her wits about her. But the very next day, she got on the Canadian Red Cross boat, and headed for Canada.

In some cases people expressed how they were in complete shock to learn about atrocities being committed just an hours drive away. Another elderly woman explained that the men wanted to go to war because they were so desperate to get work during the depression era. Another woman whose family was from Austria, recounted a late night knock on their door. Two military policemen demanded to speak to her husband. They forced him down the stairs and outside. She watched through the window, as they took her husband away in the middle of the night in a black car. She never saw him again. She had two young boys, and struggled to raise them by herself after their father disappeared.

By listening to and reading some of their stories, the one thing that stuck in my mind was how much they stressed the importance of free speech. They said it was the last thing that was taken away from them. Once it was no longer safe to speak out, in hindsight – it was the final nail in the coffin of freedom.

They described the “us against them” mentality. They spoke of the fear and uncertainty. I remember one woman worked in a bullet making factory. Others worked on assembly lines sewing tarps and other military gear.

On the topic of free speech, we know it is a protected right under the Canadian Charter of Rights as well as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We also know the entire concept of free speech is under siege.

Certainly we can understand and agree that free speech has limits. Those limits specifically revolve around violence, making threats, inciting violence, and derogatory or aggressive language toward others. However in recent years, free speech has become like tossing hot potatoes in the air. Some of those words are like they are on fire.

We have issues with pronouns, with multiple genders, different races, levels of intelligence, polarizations, us against them mentality, and a range of adjectives surrounding our views, which lead to  the choices we make.

Free speech is an expression of thoughts and free will. Free speech is not fear based. It is about ingesting language, to chew it, and to spit some of it back out, if need be. Free speech carries a tone. It carries the truth. It reflects upon our existence and purpose.

We choose who we serve, and in doing so, are able to share ideas, arguments, or persuasion toward common values. We are by nature, inclined toward language and words. Babies formulate words and ideas long before they can talk.

To be wise, now is the time to unravel the words, and develop a good filtering system. It helps to know our own values, and reasons for writing, speaking, and sharing our ideas and stories. It is really quite fascinating.

Lately we have been inundated with covid buzz words, like misinformation, conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxer, racism, covid denier, climate change denier, and so on. These are all frequently used terms to oppress freedom of speech. We are ridiculed if we do not go along with the narrative. If we continue to resist, we are accused of spreading dangerous misinformation.

In my opinion, it is best to know ourselves, our beliefs, and where we are coming from – first and foremost. We have to know who we are serving. Perfect love casts out all fear. I keep reminding myself of the fruits of the spirit. We are promised there is no law against the fruits of the spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, and self-control.

I think if we know in our heart of hearts – what we choose to believe, and want to express, to give insight, love, and hope for the next generation, we cannot go wrong.

When we realize we have to be bold and courageous, and become champions for a worthwhile cause – we are serving God. We know he will defend us, which is a huge relief.

It is almost like we went from the Dark Winter to the Winter of Light in just a two week period. Oh – if only we knew what has really been going on behind the scenes. Some day we will know. Without a doubt, the truth is really going to surprise a lot of people!

Freedom requires faith. And faith brings truth, which endures and overcomes all things.

What Happens When Brainwashing Is Realized & Then Rejected?

Brainwashing, thought reform, cult indoctrination, mass psychosis, propaganda, fear mongering, and robotic repetition- are active attempts to mess with our minds.

I see so many similarities in the covid narrative, as I experienced in the brainwashing that was inflicted on me in a small town Alberta public school. It was orchestrated by an authoritative brute, disguised as an Alberta high school teacher. There was a great deal of shaming, sleep deprivation, fear mongering, repetition of lies, staring, and gaslighting involved.

I could not leave the sordid teacher tale behind for the longest time. It took until I escaped the clutches of the teacher to be able to understand it better. It went on for years and years. The guy latched onto me when I was in high school, and I could not get rid of him, or the nasty lying schemes he cooked up with members of my own family.

The techniques of thought reform revolve around constant monitoring, stalking outside of school, fear, humiliation, disapproval, lies, condemnation, the loss of freedom to be a member of my own family and the loss of freedom of association as an adult. Much of what the teacher drilled into me revolved around claims that our mother was wicked and non-redeemable. He translated that into what a pitiable shameful creature I was without him. He would not let up with the lies, no matter what I did or said. My life was his obsession.

I was not permitted to be who I am, or to be a member of my own family, choose my own career, have a political opinion, or basically step out of line. It was out of the question. It was like my life had to be sacrificed over what someone else wanted. I was an object to be sold or traded, as some kind of mascot, or investment deal – a deal that had been cooked up, and then sealed for all time behind my back.

I can attest to the fact that you cannot get a clear perspective until you get out of the trap. Since they will not let you out of the trap, and all the wraparound lies – you have to fight hard to get free of it. Meanwhile, as your trust in those around you completely crumbles, you have to figure out what happened to your life. That too – takes time.

In my experience, there could be no healing or recovery until I got free of it all. Following that, there was an in-depth contemplative phase. There was so much shame and condemnation inflicted on me over the decision to get the teacher out of my life, that it was difficult to rise above it all and be objective. I was ganged up on and dominated all over again, thanks to the deal my older brother made with the cult teacher – combined with his power and influence in the family.

Brainwashing is a psychological assault, insult and trap, no different than if you are trapped in a cage. One of the predominant techniques involved is to shame, blame and scapegoat you for your insubordination. They not only want to monitor and control your every move, my older brother actually told me he was going to put me on a behaviour contract when I was in my fifties (for what I was thinking). I asked him, “Like what kind of contract? So you know when I do my dishes, or what?” He said, “No, it is what is in your head that is the problem”. Oh my. That’s a tough one isn’t it?

Since my older brother is now one of the 1% elite, and is very rich and powerful – I think his influence is part of what is happening politically today. He has the totalitarian tyrant mentality to the core. He will dominate everything and everyone in sight. He has always been that way. He is the boss man, and he rules. He has not changed since we were kids back on the farm.

The entire trucker convoy has opened a new perspective for me on the issue of toxic male dominance, versus a strong and protective type of masculinity. To me, it has shown the benevolent side, versus the corrupt side of masculinity. I see Big Brother and the scheming conspiratorial dominance using brute force and mind manipulation, as being on one spectrum of the man-dates, hidden from view, yet having tremendous influence on politics.

My conclusion was that we are stuck with the old boy’s club scheming behind closed doors. They have all the money, all the power, and all the political clout. They reduce us peons – to nothingness, wishing pesky little people did not even exist. It is a ruthless and punitive attitude to have toward other people. Loyalties exist only for those willing to be sycophants and minions.

In my wildest dreams, I never thought I would see a type of masculine force rise up that defends the rights of innocent people, instead of taking them away. The paradigm we have grown accustomed to – is that rich powerful men pull the strings, and there is no counterweight. It seemed to me, there was no resistance strong enough to oppose them. We all know Trudeau is speaking through a megaphone spewing the views of the elite, backed by his posse of wealthy corporate handlers and influencers.

Yet here we are. We finally have a group of no guff type truckers and farmers who are standing up to an unfair dominance over our lives. They have brought, through freedom and free will, the choice of the people to the forefront.

This is a display of power and unity that actually defends ordinary people. It is a strength defending the rights of babes in arms, to the isolated grandmothers, to those forced to die alone, to the working class people who put food on our tables. And everyone in between. It is such a refreshing turn of the tables. We have been forced into a mandate trap with no way out, and yet to our surprise – the trucker’s convoy came to the rescue, like right out of a Hollywood movie script.

I know the PM and the media have doubled down, just as my own family doubled down on me when I finally resisted the tyranny and lies. But once you are out of the trap psychologically, there is no going back.

Brainwashing is insidious and damaging. There are certain techniques used, which makes me believe it is an intentional act of harm. When there is deep rooted spiritual indoctrination, combined with an assault on the identity, it takes years to unravel the harm. It is a form of molestation.

From what I have witnessed in the covid progression of lies and propaganda, I saw that people bought into it, just trying to be nice. I know the drill. You comply because you feel awkward, and want to help make things normal. There is a willingness to concede, even though there is a great deal of cognitive dissonance, because they have broken down your free will and spirit. It does not take long until we become accustomed to oppression, and resign ourselves to it.

Once the bond of fear and dominance is broken, there is a surge of freedom and optimism at first. In my case, there was also a sense of absolute revulsion toward the teacher for what he did to my life. Even though I know I must forgive him, it is almost impossible. I can forgive my own family members, but I have trouble forgiving the guy who literally tortured me into subservience with a pack of lies.

As far as the covid restrictions are concerned, it has gone on for two years, with no end in sight. Every time a few restrictions are lifted, they double down again. This is a cult practice. They keep you off-balance. They throw out a few rewards, and then move forward again, pushing an ever increasing number of boundaries past your better judgement.

They are push in predators, using push polls, leading questions, and biased responses. Once they have a foot in the door, they want you to be nice, while they move in on you completely. They operate on the premise – if you give an inch, they can take a mile.

If I was a psychologist telling the government what to expect, I would say the penny has dropped for most people, which means there is no turning back. When people have come to the point of resistance – it means our minds are made up. There will be no more falling for media lies and propaganda. They might as well give it up. Covid is like their pet puffer fish. It just keeps puffing up with more poison. Once you see it, you avoid it.

I believe brainwashing or thought reform is not sustainable, because it erodes and destroys the soul of its victims. Escaping the trap becomes the only way to survive. We cannot re-reconcile what we reject at the core of our being. In fact – the resolve to resist just gets stronger. You can feel the quest for freedom inside, like it swells up from the spirit within us.

We are inclined to go back to our roots, and figure it out from there. One thing about control, is that the control freaks have to be able to predict a response. They use fear, mandates, shaming, scapegoating, ganging up on, etc. in order to get the predictable response. Blind obedience is what they want.

Now the powers behind the scenes are in a position where they cannot predict or control the response. Control freaks are actually much more inclined to lose control, than those of us who just want our own freedom, never mind controlling the masses. In my opinion it is the control freaks who are the dangerous ones. Why? Because they are coming from a place of insecurity – instead of love. It may seem like an oxymoron, but arrogance is a symptom of insecurity.

When control freaks do not get their own way – they get mad. They get revenge. But they will not do it openly. They hate to see people escape from the trap they have sprung. But if everyone escapes all at once – what are they going to do?

The trucks runneth over – The footprint of tyranny.

The truckers create a blockade – yet at the same time, they are opening the floodgates, to set the people free. It is a story of Biblical proportions. Just wait and see!

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West (2022). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.



What Views Are Unacceptable? & Who Gets To Decide What Views To Have?

We have been exposed to another infamous, and somewhat staggering speech from our PM in Canada. It is already spinning and grinding the wheels in our heads – churning up yet another flurry of indignation.

In response to the trucker’s freedom convoy, we have been told that some people have unacceptable views. He claimed this convoy of truckers is nothing. That’s right, nothing but an angry fringe mob representing a very small minority. Seriously?

Our PM also shows great disdain for anger, unless of course it is his own anger, then it’s okay. Otherwise, no unacceptable views. There can be no anger over his views either. It is very odd coming from a man who has a history of supporting all kinds of minority fringe groups.

In fact, he implies – if we don’t smarten up, we will somehow be punished for our unacceptable viewpoints too. Create a crisis, cause a reaction – punish the reaction. Quite the cycle of abuse. How can he be surprised that people would finally say enough? From his perspective, when is it enough? Taking it to the wall – or to the wild side? Why would any leader stoke division, and uproar to the point of mass protest?

When the ball is in his court, he grabs it and takes it home with him. It is HIS ball, so the game is over, if he is not guaranteed to win. To some, power is like child’s play. Petulant and pure as the driven snow – like last weeks blizzard. Anyone not on board with that, can stay out in the cold and starve. Fair play is another unacceptable view. He gets paid. He gets food. He travels freely. So what is everyone else so worried about?

But sadly for him, after the vision clears – the narrative is crumbling like a stack of cards. There is no controlling the domino effect, when legalism and petty rules no longer make any sense. Laws that provide stability and protect inalienable rights, are a reflection of societal values. Laws and rules that make no sense, will be rejected by those same range of societal values. There are Universal laws that some politicians tend to forget about in the never ending quest for absolute power.

The central message coming from the trucker’s convoy, could be called a view. The convoy carries a message of Freedom. How can any PM or democratic leader claim in front of the nation – that freedom is an unacceptable view? Where is the list of unacceptable views? We should all know what they are. Shouldn’t we?

The minute freedom is mentioned – the polarized opposite spins it into anarchy. But that is absurd, because what a freedom rally is trying to do – is prevent anarchy.

The cause of anarchy is a descent into chaos based on a refusal to follow the laws. Dismantling Constitutional laws, and other laws surrounding informed consent, laws protecting inalienable human rights, economic rights, rights to freely assemble, and privacy laws in health care – these are the laws that prevent us from falling into chaos and anarchy. Yet these are the very foundational laws that have been eroded and dismantled over covid. Laws that have been holding us together for hundreds of years got tossed in just a two year period, without any proper judicial processes.

Once again, the wording and the polarities are spinning this to pretend that all the faux covid laws are actually the laws. One of the main reasons there is so much controversy and passionate responses to these mandates, is because Canadians generally know what the laws are, and for the most part have always been tolerant and law abiding.

Unacceptable views do exist. They are outlined in the Criminal Code of Canada. The list includes everything from property crime, to violent assaults, kidnapping, child pornography, theft, inciting violence, fraud, and so on.

Foundational laws must be maintained, or we lose our democracy. In my opinion, Canadian citizens are saying “I want the foundational laws that are meant to govern our land and protect our inalienable rights back”. Taking those foundational laws away, is taking away the rule of law. The more legalistic and controlling things become with rules that are not in sync with the supreme laws of the land – is a dichotomy that even a five year old cannot process.

Being forced to internalize so many contradictions does have an impact on mental health. Some people become depressed. Other people become angry. A good leader would probe for underlying concerns. But instead – people are told these are unacceptable views and that it is not okay to be angry. The expression of anger as in a peaceful protest has a purpose. The purpose is to make a grievance known. Anger is the emotion and catalyst that leads to constructive change, if it is managed properly.

Mental illness or unacceptable views must have accompanying symptoms or laws attached to them. People struggle with mental health on a regular basis. They are not sick just because they struggle. They are sick if they cannot cope, or if they act out in a way that threatens harm. The key is to maintain self control regardless of how you feel.

The idea of stomping out all opposing views, with a singular focus on getting 100% of the population vaccinated is an extremist viewpoint. It is as extreme as it gets.

Not only do all people have to get vaccinated, but if they do not, they are severely restricted and shamed. They cannot work. They cannot get EI even though all employees pay into it. Many are saying they should be denied health care, even though they pay taxes like anyone else. It has been taken to the extreme in name calling and denouncing the unvaccinated as “not being Canadian citizens”. These are the views of extremism in my opinion.

The other glaring viewpoint or polarity right now is between – follow the science or follow the truckers. Pick one.

People pick what they can trust, what they need, what they believe in. Thought reform is a fear based attempt to oppress and subvert popular dissent. Guess what – it does not work. It does not jive with foundational laws based on one of the oldest Constitutional monarchies in the world.

The Canadian Constitution has language to protect inalienable rights in the event a government loses sight of its role. This is the language of the law. Those are the views Canadians are standing up for.

To have a PM stand up at a time of leadership crisis and basically denounce the Canadian Constitution as being an unacceptable view – is almost inconceivable. Yet – he came out with that speech. Did he think it through? Where does it lead? At least the truckers knew where they were headed. I really wonder what Trudeau is trying to do. If what he says is intended to clarify anything – all it has done is muddy the waters and make his views look downright scary.

What Causes Civilizations To Collapse?

For the first time in our lives, some of us are pondering this question. The only way we can evaluate how it happens, is to look to the past, to look at the present, and to read Bible prophecy. For the secular world, the Bible prophecy is irrelevant, so the secular world will look more at things like computer modelling, and climate change – in order to make predictions.

I was reading about the collapse of civilization during the Bronze Age, and then soon realized the scope of these lost civilizations throughout history. Common themes are that there was a period of settlement, cities built, prosperity, combined with engineering and technical advancements leading to sophisticated infrastructures.

Then something happened to cause these civilizations to collapse. Most modern day interpretations claim the causes to be drought, climate change (yes even in the sixth century), famine, overcrowding, loss of income or livelihood, and pestilence and disease.

But in reality, the collapse of these early civilizations, is shrouded in mystery. After the Bronze Age collapse, there was a loss of written record, during and especially following the collapse – so much of the cause is based on theory and conjecture. No doubt wars and conflict contributed significantly to the fall of civilizations.

We can be sure that the loss of economic survival and food security would have been central to the collapse of a civilization. The descriptions revolve around chaos, and generalized societal breakdown.

According to one book writer who focused on the collapse during the Bronze Age, the least likely to survive such a collapse were the ruling elite. There seems to be a pattern when you look at the historical fragments that come out of the catastrophic changes that befell people throughout history. We see a progression of events or circumstances, that reach a tipping point, and then all hell breaks loose.

Whether it was the revolt of the pheasants, or the chaotic collapse of infrastructure, drought, famine, or war – the landscape was changed forever – first by the settlements, and then by their disappearances.

Whether you read about the history of collapse during the Bronze Age, the Mayans, the Vikings, and various other civilizations that first thrived, then died – they are still mysteries. I think the Bronze Age is the longest and most interesting situation, since it spanned such a large area for a long period of time.

In some of the descriptions of lost civilizations, the cause was evident. One location had what was described as thousands of arrows, like leaves littering the landscape. They were found along with the bones of people who remained where they had fallen when they were shot by the arrows. But there was no way of knowing why this happened, or who did it to them. In some cases the civilizations were abandoned, like people were forced to leave very suddenly even though they had lived in luxury and abundance for a period of time.

In another description, there was evidence of a catastrophic fire. Sometimes the archeologists can find evidence of famine and drought. But for the most part, each historian will admit, every downfall remains cloaked in mystery.

Throughout history, people usually had the option to flee a war torn country, or migrate to more fertile lands. But now, people do not have those options. We are in a global free fall.

In my opinion, the key difference we are seeing today, is that we are facing issues on a global scale with increasing conflicts, combined with chaos and instability of infrastructures. These infrastructures contribute to food security and economic survival. We cannot survive if we cannot feed ourselves.

I don’t know how anyone, including the ruling elite, can create a great reset for the entire world. It means they are collapsing all systems without a plan for rebuilding. You cannot rebuild what took five hundred or a thousand years to build – by intentionally collapsing that system. Do they honestly believe they can collapse foundational principles and reboot all systems within a couple of years?

Build back better? That’s delusional and demented in my opinion. That’s why laws have addendums. Instead of scrapping long established laws, we see addendums getting passed, for very good reasons. The destruction of the rule of law, especially the supreme laws of the land, like the Constitution – is one way to contribute to the collapse of democracy. From there, it is a slippery slope into rule by dictatorships. Totalitarianism is simply not sustainable. The virus is the megaphone – so we do not clearly see where the voice of all this deception and tyranny is coming from.

If we see the collapse of the rule of law, of food security, of basic human rights, of economic security, and of infrastructure – we can at least consider the fact we may be nearing the end of the age. Never before in history have we seen so many of the contributors to collapse coalesce on a global scale.

Other than the flood during Noah’s day – the world has never known a complete collapse of civilization. Historically, the collapses were in certain locations, spanning specific time frames. The other notable thing about them, is that much of the documentation as to what was going on at the time, was lost in the aftermath. There was an absence of the written word. Only the monuments, artifacts, and certain structures remained, to help piece together what happened.

We do live, or think we live in more civilized and sophisticated times, with all of our newfound technology and knowledge. But it is truly incredible what human beings are capable of doing to each other if the circumstances become desperate.

For those of us who do believe in God, it is a huge relief during these stressful and chaotic times. The ruling class may have enjoyed many years of decadence and power, but history tells us that can change very rapidly. They make plans, but there is no guarantee those plans will work out as they hope. Even if most of the conspiracy theories are true – the outcomes are not set in stone. Some may think those planned outcomes are set in stone – but surprises might be in store for all of us, including them.

Every day brings new developments, and truthfully we are supposed to have mercy and love towards all people. The final chapter is about a call to repentance for all people, including the churches. Repentance brings redemption for the believers. Those who refuse to repent, are sent strong delusion and develop hardened hearts. Their pride lets them feel superior and their money provides the prestige, the comforts, and all the delicacies this wonderful earth has to offer.

Wealth and prosperity carries no inherent evil, unless it is acquired through deception and abuse of power. Joy, love, peace, and health are highly valued – yet they have no monetary equivalents.

For the secular world and the atheists, or worse yet, the apostasy of the churches – they take what they can get out of this life on earth. They plan for earthly gain, not heavenly gain. So it is understandable why there is competition for gain.

We listen to the experts all day long – yet we know nothing from listening to them. In fact, we are exposed to massive contradictions in a single paragraph. We cannot really test the truth of the numbers we see on a computer screen or in a newspaper. All we can do, is look at the world around us and observe what is happening.

Stability is one of the most central principles in maintaining societal order. Yet the entire world is being forced into instability and chaos. Who can comprehend this?

No one can. But we can keep one central theme in mind. They cannot collapse free will. We carry our individuality, and free will with us into the next age. So we can keep our chin up – regardless of what happens!

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West (2022). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.




Writers Worth Their Salt ~ Are Not Afraid To Confront Controversy

Almost every memorable writer throughout history faced controversy. Several of them were punished and sent to labour camps or prison. Stalin murdered many of the intellectuals and writers who were thought to promote western influences.

No matter what the scale, or the level of fame – writers have to lay bare their inmost thoughts, or raw ideas, along with emotionally charged passions, channeled into the arrangements of words.  Just words. Thoughts get strung together like a picture on a big old-fashioned loom. Writing shows what is looming ahead, by what is seen in the patterns, before the full image emerges.

For all those who are not writers, many think as though they are. They see the characters, the nuances, the crossed motives, the contradictions, the changing stories, and the sixty four thousand shades of grey too – just as many writers do.

When a reader connects with a writer, they either accept or reject the ideas presented. We are constantly filtering, and must filter more and more information all the time, as competing sources vie for our attention. We each have to find our own way to separate the wheat from the chaff.

If you pick almost any topic, you can find polarized points of view. We usually don’t hinge our values on one article, or a single experience. We decide our beliefs based on a cumulative amount of information that is sifted by our brains. We have memories and experiences to help us compare and validate the things we read. If the weather forecast was completely off-base and not truthful, after awhile, we would stop paying attention to it and find other ways to check it.

We develop values based on foundational beliefs, and personal convictions. Even siblings born into the same family, often have completely different values. This is based on personality, and the different ways each one interprets and manages his or her surroundings. Siblings have plenty of conflict. What happens if one is censored, and the other dominates? It leads to a very dysfunctional family.

In sibling relationships, where there is dominance and bullying, it is usually the stronger, older child who rules the roost. This is for no other reason than birth order and physical size. You would think we would grow out of such things when we enter adulthood, or preferably much earlier. But many don’t grow out of the need for power and dominance, and carry these traits into adulthood.

Authoritative and controlling attitudes are ingrained early in life for some people. Authority is meant to be accountable and transparent, with checks and balances. Those in authority over us are expected to follow the laws, as well as the Constitution and democratic principles.

If they don’t, they deserve to be challenged. Anyone who is in a professional role, has an obligation to intellectually challenge brute force dominance that erodes democracy, free will, freedom of speech, and fair play.

We know there will never be real equality, and if we examine the concept, how would we even define it? Would we be equal if we were all exactly the same? Imagine a world where no one musician was better than another? No one was better looking or smarter. No one  with more money or property. Is it even feasible in the fantasy world of the newfound meta verse, let alone the real world?

What fun would it be? No one wins. All have the same strategy, and no one can tell who is who. The duplicate button got batch processed into clones. Busy clones, and many angry clones – with no competition among them. Pointless and angry sounds like chaos to me.

Controversy as a writer, is about delving into some of the intellectual challenges involved in a given topic. It stirs up the indignities, the injustices, and the neurochemistry associated with the flight or fight response. It is the attempt to reach out and share ideas or possibilities that may not have been considered yet. Or it confirms and validates what the reader also believes. It is an attempt to cut to the chase, instead of chasing your tale, until someone cuts it off.

Can conflict be censored? Especially if the conflict was created and crammed down our throats, and more commonly up the nostrils – with a swab? What does the test tell us? Oh but is it accurate? Dare we ask that question? Does it matter? Of course it does.

I read in Global News today what I considered to be a very dumb and hackneyed article. The entire article tried to refute every bit of controversy surrounding covid, repeating all the talking points over and over. Okay, we get it. These are full page ads for the pharmaceutical companies. It is not news. They are telling us what to think, what to believe, what to do, and what values to have. What does that have to do with news?

Global News went on to blame, name, and shame various non-compliant companies. They also gloat over any untimely death or illness of any person who has voiced anti-covid sentiments, labelling them as anti-vaxxers.

Some people would rather die than be called an anti-vaxxer. How ludicrous. We keep hearing;  “this is the way out of the pandemic” yet we are in a deeper rabbit hole than when it all began.

People made comments when interviewed by Global News, but they were asking not to be named, because they were affiliated with such radical organizations as “Jabless Jobs”. Once again – can’t we at least say, “this is mind-bending ludicrous”? Imagine people having the nerve to find ways to work for a living, in order to feed their families?

To all writers, and readers – we are at a critical crossroad of cowardice or courage. It looks like we are at that fork in the road. Perhaps it is more like a pitchfork. Words can be powerful. The media is using words to make false accusations. They are calling peaceful people radical, extremist, and fanatical. What are they? Mad?

Let us be perfectly clear – the decisions some people have made to wait and see, the desire to work for a living, the normal inclination to socialize, the desire to see loved ones, to want to go to school and get an education, to want to buy a home or start a business and keep it going, to want to go to fitness facilities to stay in shape, to want to go to church if so inclined. These are not the values, desires, or patterns of radicalized extremists!

Fear is the biggest de-motivator when it comes to human behaviours. We are better equipped to deal with sudden, short lived fear – than to live with the chronic stress and anxiety of sustained fear. Uncertainty and instability is also a stressor that can become chronic and adversely affect overall health.

How can any of the antagonistic journalistic nit-wits claim that good is bad, and bad is good? We are not all loon-balls – if we make an informed decision to avoid certain medical procedures. So drop it already, and prepare for some honest political discourse and opposing viewpoints. Debates are not won by shutting the opponents out in the cold, and dead bolting the door. Open it up, or lose ALL credibility.

We live in a rapidly eroding democratic country. In BC, there is no active political opposition to challenge what is going on. Fortunately, there is one political person in a senior’s advocacy role, who is pleading for more humane treatment for long term care residents. Those poor people are worse off than ever before. They are being neglected, deprived of social contact, isolated, imprisoned, and cared for by people who don’t even want to touch them. Many of them have no idea why this is happening to them. They die alone, carrying this great travesty of human suffering to a whole new level.

Now this global agenda has the gall to shift the burden of illness onto children. They do not in any way deserve to carry such a burden – especially when they have no capacity for informed consent. How does a five year old understand what is going on if we can’t? I am sure most of them would adamantly say NO WAY if they knew the risks.

If we don’t have the courage to speak out now – we are cowards. Now is the time to re-evaluate and reconfirm our values, hold them tight, respect our minds, guard our hearts, and stand up for the things we believe in.

Some examples of the most controversial writers throughout history: Nicolaus Copernicus, Friedrich Nietzsche, Galileo, Karl Marx, John Milton, Oscar Wilde, Charles Darwin, Voltaire, Truman Capote, Aldous Huxley, and Ayn Rand – just to name a small handful of them.

Whether these controversial writers were right or wrong, good or bad – where would the world be now, if we never allowed any controversy, or refused to let any philosophical potential be developed? Who can destroy food for thought? Who gets to decide what can and cannot be read or discussed? Where does it end – if we allow it to begin?

Where would we be – if we did not read and interpret the Bible?

We, as human beings have to read, learn and think. Why? Because we don’t like the polarized alternative. We cannot conform to a society that is not open to discourse, tolerant of different points of view, and capable of managing open debates on topics that affect us directly. How can we be? Some things are simply not sustainable.

Broken systems that took hundreds of years to build, cannot be destroyed and built back better in a matter of months. It is sheer lunacy. We need to ask the powers that be, to stop hacking at the foundation of our existence. They do not even know how to rebuild it. It’s like giving a six year old a radio to take apart, and expect that he can put it all back together so it works. Not likely.

Power has the capacity to run amok, without an adequate amount of rational thought. Power corrupts. We have checks and balances in place, to keep power from becoming absolutely corrupt – for very good reasons.  Power is like an addiction. Perhaps it is time for an intervention.

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West (2022). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.





Why Is There Such A Rise In Conspiracy Theories & Why Censor Them?

This is probably the most central topic for all of us right now. We are being told not to follow social media, with dire warnings about all the conspiracy theories. Oh no – what will happen to us if we read and indulge in different material?

Will we morph into the dreaded conspiracy theorists? We will definitely be on the other side of the “us against them” battleground of the constant conflicted information. We become the pip-squeaks in the war of words. Our thoughts are vilified, and our actions are considered reprehensible, even if we sit back and do nothing at all. We are not impulsive. Just the opposite in fact.

How dare we challenge the mainstream journalists? They seem to be either young and naive, crafting the narrative for their own careers, and the greater corporate good. Or they are the old dogs, long in the tooth, and drumming propaganda into us like they have a hammer and a template for doing so, nailing it down with efficiency and aplomb. They do have a template. History knows they do – because they have done it before.

But why are so many conspiracies surfacing in the first place? The mainstream media is claiming these conspiracy theories are “far right extremist” groups. But right off the bat, the labeling causes people to mistrust the hyperbolic labelling. Furthermore, if there is a polarity of views, and one side is far right extremist – then the other side must be far left extremist.

You cannot be polarized if there is only one pole. Unless you are a stripper doing acrobatics on centre stage of course. Then you just have to bare it all, but they don’t do that either do they?

Though we are seeing plenty of sleaze, we have to ask – who is working the poles, and where are their clothes? The emperor has no clothes in this narrative. It is the only possible way they could have only one pole! So let them evaluate the real reasons for the upsurge in conspiracy theories. They own the pole. They own the narrative, and therefore, they own the fact that it has spun out of control. They are the spinners. We are the weavers.

Admittedly some conspiracy theories are far-fetched. But what about groups of doctors and scientists who dispute the mainstream news media? Surely they would not risk their livelihoods and careers to chase unfounded nonsense. In fact, when conscientious people have ethical dilemmas, they have a duty and an obligation on behalf of the public to bring their concerns forward. Stifling those concerns is like throwing kerosene on the flames of mistrust.

In my opinion, conspiracy theories are on the rise because there is a loss of trust in both the governments, and the main stream media. So people naturally will look elsewhere for information. The facts are changing daily. If you quote last weeks facts that were presented in the media, you could be labelled an anti-vaxxer or far right extremist. Those so called facts are changing faster than you can spin a prize wheel at a local carnival.

Therefore it must be the instability of facts, and a constant stream of changing and new information that causes the public to distrust the mainstream narrative. We are not accustomed to seeing scientific facts change every time we get up to face another day.

If we open our cupboard in the morning, and coffee is no longer coffee, but we get powdered compost instead, we would no longer trust the labels on coffee. Or we would investigate that particular brand, and find out what happened to it.

Aside from the many conspiracy theories that have popped up in the past two years, how can we rely on scientific fact if it is not the least bit stable? You might argue that a volcano or fault line is scientific, yet unstable. You might say that science is always evolving. You also might parrot the narrative, and say that we are learning as we go, therefore all of this is to be expected. Why? When in all of history have we expected science to change every second day?

We have basic expectations. We expect to see the whole, not just the parts they want us to see. But wait! The peons cannot possibly understand the whole story anyway. it must be presented to us by cherry picked scientific experts. After that, it must be pruned, ruminated and regurgitated by what passes as  well-crafted journalism telling us what to believe. We are no longer reading the news. We are being educated into group-think by the media.

Aside from the political and media strategies designed to stifle dissent, does anyone really understand the immune system? I don’t think so. The reason I don’t think the immune system is well understood, is because we all have different immune systems. If this were not the case – there would be no autoimmune diseases. There would not be any cancers or other types of autoimmune induced illnesses. There would not be any adverse reactions to immune altering drugs. And when adverse reactions appear, they would know the cause and mechanism of injury – but clearly they do not know. So I think it is safe to say, the immune system is very complex, and is not fully understood by anyone.

Why do some people get adverse reactions to certain drugs, and others do not? Why do some people catch eight colds a year, and others catch one or two? Is every cold a covid cold? How could any science possibly figure that out? If the data are not properly collected, broken down into age groups and gender, and then scientifically analyzed – how can anyone know the results? If you don’t know the results collected from data analysis, how can you announce safety results or efficacy?

The mistrust and conspiracy theories are caused by the very people who denounce them. When people no longer trust governments and mainstream media, they will search for other information. In some cases, the other information is very well researched and comes across as quite factual. In other cases, the alternative news can be far-fetched. But the fact it is surfacing as rapidly as it is, tells us the entire narrative is falling apart.

Mainstream media can no longer hold it together with all the daily death counts, cases, and fear mongering. If the facts that people are spoon fed, do not align with observations or basic scientific principles, people won’t trust those facts, and will look elsewhere to find truth.

As the saga continues to unfold, I think most of us have far more questions than answers, in spite of all the long-winded news articles. Why is the world so focused on covid to the exclusion of many other more pressing public health issues? Why all the talk about field hospitals, yet the one in Vancouver never had a single patient?

Why are the adverse reactions not being reported? Why is there no compensation for injury? Why is there a need for passports and mandates if the transmission has not changed, and there is no efficacy toward the new variants?

And from the political perspective of collectivism, the orders are that we must do our civic duty, and take the risk of invasive medical procedures without sufficient data to prove either efficacy or safety.

If I am forced to do something they claim is for the collective good, that means the collective society should take care of me if I suffer an adverse outcome. Shouldn’t it?

But what exactly is the collective good? Does it mean no one will ever catch a cold or flu again? Does it mean it is my fault if they do? How does that ring true to anyone?

Personally, as an individual – if I have a serious adverse drug reaction and go blind, who is going to look after me? If the government or the collective society cannot look after an individual that is injured by what they are trying to force on us – it means the individual must take more and more responsibility for personal health and safety, not less.

If a person looks at the available information and is not satisfied, then they should be able to refuse it or refute it, because the available data does not meet the threshold of informed consent. No one should have to go to a doctor to get an exemption for something they do not want. If a doctor tells me I must take chemo for a tumour that showed up on a mammogram – do I have to take his advice? Maybe it was a false positive. Even if it wasn’t a false positive, I still don’t have to get chemo if I don’t want it. Is all that going to evolve and change too – so people cannot refuse any medication or treatment? It’s a slippery slope and a scary thought.

If you do not want a medical procedure, you do not have to explain it to anyone, unless you are admitted to an ER department or psych ward without the ability to speak coherently or make decisions for yourself.

The test of sanity is based on behaviours, not political beliefs or alternative viewpoints. Refusing a medical treatment is not a behaviour. It is a choice. In fact, lining up for test kits and booster shots represents a behaviour, and some might call it maladaptive or mass psychosis. But doing nothing, is not really a behaviour, is it?

For example, I chose not to use steroids for an autoimmune eye disorder that I have had for many years now. The reason I chose not to use steroid eye drops to reduce inflammation, is because the steroids have worse long term implications than doing nothing. The steroids cause white cataracts, which eventually requires surgery. Plus the long term use of steroids for a chronic condition leads to a host of other systemic, and often life threatening problems, especially of you ever need emergency surgery.

For the eye condition, doing nothing in relation to the medication is simply a choice, and a choice that I am glad I made a long time ago. Does it mean I have a conspiracy theory toward the treatment of autoimmune eye disorders? No, I don’t. In fact, the research I have done indicates that reduction of stress, diet and rest – are the key things one can do, to reduce the severity and frequency of the flare ups.

How did I come to the conclusion? I had an intuitive sense that using steroids for a chronic condition was barely a band-aid for a bigger problem. Then I read forums, and followed multiple people online who had to deal with the same disorder, to see what they did and how they fared. Many said that diet and stress management was crucial. Some followed the medical treatment plans to the letter, with steroids and opiates. By comparing the testimonials with what I experienced myself, I concluded that diet, avoiding alcohol, and stress management, would be the best approach to keeping it under control.

If a person gets cancer and decides not to get chemo – does that make them a conspiracy theorist? How is it that the refusal of one certain treatment can make you all bad, when people refuse medications and treatments all the time, just based on their knowledge of their own bodies, and on doing their own research?

Are we going to be accused of thought crimes for doing our own research? Do we have to justify or find exemptions in the medical field, just to make a decision to avoid or refuse certain treatments?

What if the pharmaceutical profit motive is geared toward making merchandise of all of us? Are we merchandise? And more importantly – are we their merchandise to be used, poked, prodded, and then cast aside? If we are their merchandise, what did they pay, or what did they do to procure us?

And finally, who owns our bodies? Who can say that we do not have natural immune systems, without denying the scientific evidence that proves we do?

Okay, let’s just say that we don’t have any natural immunity whatsoever – does that mean we do not have an immune system? What is the purpose of the immune system? If science promised us a bionic arm – would we cut off our functioning arm to get a new and improved one?

Human beings naturally try to make sense of the world around them. When the world no longer makes sense, we will find a way to remain stable, so we can hopefully live out our lives in peace. We are not an abstract blob of people, we are individuals. Abstract blobs don’t think, individuals do.

The mainstream media has lost its steam. In fact it is like an insipid, repetitious concoction of words all jumbled together to come up with the same crap. It is like the big bang theory of denials and dismissals.

Just think. We are in the midst of watching science evolve right before our eyes. Usually evolution takes more than a few days, but hey – we are already in a world of altered reality. So should we be shocked that somehow the evolution of science speeds up like a lightening bolt from the deep. But to be fair, this is more about the miraculous science of words, statistics, cherry piking, collectivism, social engineering, and creativity with numbers. It is out in the open, even if people are still in denial. It is more of a linguistic virus than anything.

Just put those drug advertisements in a shaker for awhile and presto – you have more science, in the form of covid hype and bias. It seemingly evolved like a monkey swinging in a tree. Do we all point and cry out – Hey – that used to be me!

Shake it up a few more times – I want to see what happens!

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West (2022). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.



David E. Rea Toronto Awesome Mid-Century Dresses ~ Painted Daisies

David E. Rea Dresses from the 1960’s and 1970’s are made of beautifully embellished fabrics. There is also a gorgeous 1960’s pink satin gown to be listed in the near future, embellished with silver embroidery by David Rea for The Mirror Room Hudson’s Bay.

Today I listed this delightful late sixties, or early seventies David Rea palazzo pant jumpsuit. It has a yellow toned overall floral theme, with an overlay of hand painted daisies. It looks like an outfit for doing cartwheels in a meadow on a spring day! If outfits have personality – this one is exuberant, perky, breezy, optimistic, chirpy, carefree, and spirited. What can possibly go wrong in a getup like this!

David E. Rea Toronto For The Mirror Room Hudson’s Bay

Are We On A Descent Into Nihilism? Do We Know What It Means?

Nihilism brings to mind some of the revolutionary dark philosophers from the 1800’s like Nietzche. Dostoevsky also wrote about nihilism, but it seems he wrote about it more as a lament.

Nihilism like all isms carries a certain range of ideas embodied into a central theme. It is described as anarchy, a loss of values, chaotic, hopeless, and loss of all meaning.

Nihilism is also described as the rejection of all religious and moral principles. It is the extreme skepticism that believes nothing in the world has real existence. Does that bring us to question the motives of the new facebook meta verse even more?

Nihilism projects a complete loss of values, and loss of meaning for human existence. In fact it condemns our existence, therefore it justifies destructiveness and lawlessness. Nietzche predicted that nihilism would eventually destroy all moral and religious convictions, and bring about the greatest crisis in humanity.

Could we apply the rise in this nihilistic mentality to the overdose crisis we are witnessing on our streets today? Can we apply it to the public vilification of certain members of society by political leaders, who are the very people who should be preventing such persecution?

Can we apply it to the destabilizing loss of the Constitutional laws that have governed us since Britain became a monarchy, and Canada became a sovereign nation? And poof – just like that, life as we have always known it changed, without even passing these laws through proper legislative channels.

Nihilism has many synonyms in the power thesaurus. All of them are negative, cynical, godless, agnostic, disordered, chaotic, rebellious, lawless, full of turmoil, mistrust, anxiety, confusion, mayhem, mob rule, and revolution.

Though many discussions and truths are now censored in mainstream media and social media, the philosophical discourse surrounding the rapid and rabid rise of nihilism throughout the world, should give us all a wake up call. It is important now more than ever before, to shake the media induced beliefs out of our minds, and evaluate the importance of defining and holding onto our own foundational values and beliefs. The old adage or phrase attributed to Rene Descarte “I think therefore I am” should also tell us – Don’t give up thinking then! And don’t give your spirituality over to the dark forces either.

As politics and the rise of fascism in health care, makes us increasingly polarized and mistrustful, we are forced to examine our own thought processes. Once we do that, we can articulate them, and project them outward much better. We can create more inner stability and peace for ourselves if we hold firm to our integrity and values.

We should all ask ourselves – have we been swept along in a tidal wave of BS? Have we been conned into going into uncharted territory, when those who are leading us don’t even have a map or a moral compass?

For centuries we have held our freedoms, our families, our fitness, our food, our finances, and our faith as central and common values that govern our lives. Yes we do screw up, and we mess up often. But with our common values, we have avenues for justice, and restraints upon lawless activities.

Now, all of a sudden a person who chooses not to succumb to pressures coming from aggressive marketing tactics steeped in pharmaceutical profit motive, are labelled as obnoxious, antisocial, ignorant, misogynist, racist, selfish and so on. Those who want to avoid a descent into nihilism will recognize these tactics as bullying tactics, with no basis in truth, democratic principles, or laws.

We keep wondering what we can do, as we see all the devastation brought by these mandates and lockdowns. The vast majority of people have followed the government guidelines and mandates, in order to help get things back to normal. Did it work? No it did not.

Even the coveted mass pharmaceutical obedience, which has given them blockbuster profits, has clearly not worked, and people are fed up. They have a singular motive. It appears to be aimed at destruction, and dependancy on more drugs. Drugs do not sustain us. We need food, water and shelter more than we need drugs. We need to stabilize and re-establish trust in health care (a value) or it is going to cave in completely.

To help end this madness, we have to start by examining, and holding tight to our own foundational beliefs and values. We hold fast to values that are worthwhile and good. Values help guide us, get us working, improves loyalties, and strengthens families and communities.

If you look up the opposite of nihilism, it is existentialism from the secular perspective, and a belief in God from a faith perspective.

Existentialism opens up the discussion on the meaning of life, and the purpose of existence. Nihilism turfs what is good, and wallows in self pity and despair. Nihilism is the mental depiction of circling the drain. It is a very dark vortex, churning with confusion as it revolves in a constant state of darkness and despair. It almost seems to have a vacuum attached to it, that can suck you in with the rest of the debris, if you get too close to the swirl.

So what does that leave us with? It leaves us with hope. Because hope, love, and a belief in God – wipes out nihilism, without having to lose all stability, and all dignity through the destruction of what is good.

We overcome evil by holding fast to what is good. But first, make sure your beliefs are rooted in truth. When Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, it meant that we would have to figure out the difference between the two, which is not easy to do. But it is more important now than ever before, to be able to separate the wind from the chaff.

Don’t swallow a camel and swat at a gnat!

Matthew 23:24 “Ye blind guides, which straine at a gnat, and swallow a camel.

25  Woe vnto you Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites; for yee make cleane the outside of the cup, and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excesse.”

The Emerging Prepper Trend Or Raw Survivalism – Is It Rational?

The prepper trend is an interesting response to the many changes we are witnessing on a global scale. The fear mongering has caused a percentage of hard core survivalists to prepare for complete self-reliance. Some go to great expense and obsessively devote their lives to being ready for apocalyptic events.

Although the central theme is similar, the range of ideas around this concept varies widely. One couple’s main objective was to grow food, keep honey bees, and promote community engagement. Of all the preppers I have watched on youtube, they were the most rational and happy of the survivalists.

They set up a wholesome and functional hobby farm, combined with canning, pickling, dehydrating, and other methods of food storage. They extracted and stored honey, and made various types of wine, because they believed these could be used for barter if there is a complete economic collapse. As far as guns and protecting their food source, they chose not to bother. They claimed the community would band together to help each other, not attack each other.

But most of the other videos I have watched on the topic, seem to revolve around creating a stockpile of both food and weapons. Some of the attitudes are very hostile and war-like. They believe the protection of what is stockpiled is of utmost importance to their survival. So they focus on guns, ammunition, and creating a protective barrier around themselves.

In some cases, people are investing over a hundred thousand dollars in food. They give video lessons and instructions on how to prepare it, store it, how long it will last, and how to reconstitute it into recipes. Some of the survivalists concentrate on storing really good food, like meat, cheese, and various oils. One couple had an entire house and garage full of food. They ran out of space, and had to rent storage rooms. The woman was delving into and experimenting with gourmet recipes, using a variety of preserved foods.

Other preppers look for basics with a very long shelf life, regardless of nutritional value. They stockpile things like canned food from superstores, Kool-Aid, sugar and Tang. I don’t know if they still make Tang, but it was popular in the sixties. It was bright neon orange, and full of artificial flavours and colouring. You added water and turned it into juice. They have changed the name and re-branded it into other varieties of non-nutritional juice crystals.

Even among a small group or percentage of the population who choose to plan their futures by prepping – there are significant differences among them. Some are very militant. Others are like old hippies who want to remain passive, and live off the land.

Personally, I don’t think it is rational to stockpile a massive amount of food, or weapons. I have never been a fan of guns. However, it is interesting to know that Switzerland is a country with millions of guns, yet they have minimal gun violence. They were also one of the only countries that was not attacked by Hitler. So I can certainly understand both sides of the gun control arguments.

Plus anyone who lives in a remote wilderness area would have to have a gun for protection against aggressive bears, coyotes, cougars and other wildlife that might become a threat to them. If a person decides to live off the land, chances are they will hunt as well.

As far as prepping to accumulate and store massive amounts of food, I think it could be a futile waste of time and money. I also believe that counting on some food items to last thirty years or more, is quite a stretch (with the exception of honey and alcohol). The idea of being constantly paranoid in order to guard a food supply, is not the least bit appealing.

One contaminated food batch, and they could inadvertently poison themselves with botulism, salmonella, or E.Coli. In addition, a high percentage of gun violence or accidents that do occur, happen within the homes of the people who own them. So the militant prepper mentality could backfire in a multitude of different ways.

In my opinion, violence tends to beget violence. Paranoid people with guns, are actually more dangerous than those who carry a balanced and peaceful outlook. The old adage, “you are what you eat”, can also be transferred into “you are what you think”. Thoughts precede actions, and if people shut up their thoughts in a bottle, or a bunker – they might feed on themselves in a maggot-like fashion.

If you are going to be a prepper, I think planning for nutritional and sustainable food supplies should be the highest priority. If you decide to go back to the basics, as in a hundred years ago, forget the Tang and store bought goods. You have to garden, farm, fish and hunt.

The only rational part of being a prepper is to plant gardens, nurture them, and learn about growing food, as well as preserving it for reasonable lengths of time. The best approach, in my opinion, came from the couple who grew a prolific garden, and planned for community engagement and barter – not trying to fight their neighbours off.

In Canada we have enough space to grow more food. We can raise cattle, chickens, pigs, and other farm animals for meat. But most of Canada does not have a long growing season, so we depend on the warmer US climates for a high percentage of our fruits and vegetables in the winter months.

Food security is a huge issue for all of us. Historically, the world has experienced many famines. As we try to predict and plan for what the future may hold – it’s like we are being thrust backward and forward at the same time.

We are in the rapidly advancing high tech world of artificial intelligence and gene therapy – while simultaneously planning to go back to pioneer days, just to maintain food security. There does seem to be a major disconnect.

We can watch historical accounts of real life survival situations like the Donner Reed party, where a group of American pioneers set out on a wagon train from the midwest, to reach California. They got far more adventure than they ever could have anticipated. The first mistake they made, was in being deceived by a fast talking young lawyer who convinced them to take the uncharted route. He used rudimentary guesswork to draw an inaccurate map of the proposed route. The unsuspecting group set out on the perilous journey, believing it would be a short cut, when the lawyer himself had not even traversed the route.

The Donner-Reed party made the biggest mistake at the onset, by embarking on an uncharted route. They expected a certain outcome, but it did not pan out. They turned their fate over to a glib young entrepreneur who knew less than they did about the territory they had to cover.

As a result, they suffered many unanticipated mishaps, one after another. Some of the wagons were double deckers and so heavy, they were difficult to navigate the narrow and rocky, root covered trails, which slowed them down considerably.

Soon after what they thought was the worst part, they were suddenly faced with an expansive, desert-like salt mine to cross. The heaviest wagons got stuck in the deep crystals of pure salt early in the trip. As a result they lost many supplies and livestock, since they did not have enough water for such a treacherous part of the journey. Nor could they get the heavier wagons across the vast expanse, even if they could have dug them out. When we think about being parched, the idea of heat without shade in a desert is formidable. But can you imagine being stuck in a salt mine desert in the middle of nowhere?

In spite of their best efforts, they did not make it past the Sierra Nevada mountains before the snow fell, and were essentially trapped there to starve and die. Finally a handful of women, and one twelve year old boy, made a last ditch effort, and miraculously managed to cross the mountains.

Similar to other catastrophic events, the fatal Everest climbs, are almost always due to unanticipated weather and human error. People become disorientated with altitude sickness, and then make mistakes. Human ego vs nature, whether on the mountains or on the sea – cannot physically transcend what might befall them, just due to the random nature of circumstances. I think it is in our nature to believe we are invincible, especially when we are young and fit.

Although it might be boring compared to conquering mountain peaks, we can’t go wrong if we plan for healthier living. That means better nutrition, well-planned outdoor adventures, more gardening, more fresh air, more pollinators, more composting, and less waste. Make way for the wine and the bees. Put some soup in the freezer for a stormy, icy day – and hope for the best!

Be the salt of the earth – but steer clear of the salt mines!

The following YouTube link shows the most creative and resourceful prepper of all. He travels with sheep, who graze and provide him with warmth and milk, which he makes into butter. He gets half his calories from the sheep. They each have their own little carts to pull. The coolest thing he said is that he is a prepper, but does not want to be self-sufficient while others are suffering, so he takes a community integration approach. It is truly incredible to see what he has figured out to keep himself fed, clean, happy and functional.

Drop The Cults – Keep The Culture

As we wrestle with the bombardment of changing rules, and get plundered and plunged as it is swept along, it’s time to take stock. Drop the cults and keep the culture.

How to identify cult tactics so you don’t get suckered in? They divide and destroy as many close relationships as possible. It is well known that isolation is cruel and has ill effects on people’s well being. Some people can tolerate more isolation than others, but if combined with shame, rejection, and a lack of purpose – it is deadly.

Another key feature is deception. The lies are built from the ground up, yet they have no foundation. They do not stand up to the test of truth, yet they will brazenly hold onto to the lies. The cult has to deceive with success in order to maintain control. So there is constant repetition, and manipulation to keep the charade going.

Cults divide and cause a great deal of conflict among families. It stands to reason these same issues that polarize and divide families, will expand into communities, businesses and politics, if democracy and morality continues to fail us.

Cults will take away your right to live your own life, have free will, or get out of their trap – without facing extreme shunning and punishment. They will stare you in the eye, without blinking, and rob you of who you are.

Cults do not permit open dialogue. They will not be challenged without punishing and shunning their victims. They will not permit the truth to surface, using a plethora of different ploys to maintain the narrative. Those who go along with it are embraced, praised, and rewarded. But dare they step out of line. If a cult hates some of its members – they hate them all. Those they favour are wearing a thin disguise, and must tread softly to avoid being the next target.

Cults are designed to protect and exalt certain individuals or one person at the top of the hierarchy. They rely heavily on false authority, and totalitarian rule. They use fear to destabilize. All things, all thoughts, and all obedience must revolve around the leader. In the case of cult-like corporations, it is the men at the top, the old boy’s club – who expect reverence, loyalty and submission.

On the other hand, true Christianity is open to the scrutiny and questions that test truth, does not fear exposure, but welcomes it, and will not punish people for exercising free will. Cults close the door on all contrary dialogue, and censor or silence their opponents. One of the main reasons they silence and isolate opponents, is because they do not want us talking to other people. The practice of shunning is so that the deflector does not influence anyone else in the cult. It is also a well-known and very painful way to judge and punish people. In the Old Testament if a widow or marginalized person was shunned by a cultish family – it was considered to be a death sentence.

Cults are focused on money, power, and control. They use deception, coercion, and shaming as key tools. The ultimate form of idolatry is to make self into the monument. Too much entitlement causes not only idolatry, but demands that all the wealth, resources, entertainment, protection, elitism, etc. revolves around them. They expect obedience and reverence from lesser beings. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing. I am not sure how they can possibly view themselves as being so wonderful. But, they do.

To make matters worse, authoritarian leaders will force their subordinates into tenuous situations, yet they take no responsibility for them when they falter or fail. Doesn’t it stand to reason that if someone decides to take over your life, they will also take responsibility if it does not turn out well? They force a learned helplessness and then kick the victims to the curb.

Who takes the brunt of personal or psychological injury that is inflicted upon us by powerful people? Doesn’t it also stand to reason that adults make their own decisions, since they must deal with the outcomes of the decisions they make? Who is going to look after all the mistakes the leaders make? You can rest assured they will not look after you. What good is it if you are blinded and in a wheelchair with a feeding tube, to have a failing health care system with nowhere to turn? If you are injured by the state, you will not be taken care of by the state. So how can they force us to to take the risk of being injured, maimed or killed?

The Bible has been altered, twisted, with things added to it, or taken away – or it has been misinterpreted to suit an agenda. This is done in order to give credibility to cults, so they can advance their agenda by adding deception to truth. Why would people think it would be any different when it comes to science? It is not rocket science to skew numbers. White collar crime has been doing it for years.

Culture on the other hand – connects us to our roots. It helps to showcase the labours and talents of people from all over the world. It helps us visually and artistically see and understand each other better. It educates us. It shows us how much common ground we have, yet shines a light on the different gifts, abilities, labours, and patterns that have emerged. It represents the emotional, aesthetic, and day to day aspects of our human heritage.

We grow to love culture and labours of love. Love does not grow out of cults or cultish conduct. Excessive control is a cult tactic. The battle ground therefore – is for free will. Thoughts, words, and wisdom triumphs over totalitarianism, every single time. It may not be civilization that collapses – but rather totalitarianism that is truly more fragile, because history demonstrates that it always collapses no matter where it springs up, or in what era.

Technology cannot usher in or maintain totalitarianism, even though it seems like it could. In my opinion the reason it cannot, is because it is a tool. Viewing it as anything else is foolish. Computers can do things the human mind cannot, as far as computational number crunching is concerned. But there are limits to what it can do, and those limits are structured by the programmers, not the machines.

Complex thought, translations, original work, creative work, intellectual property, innovation, and insight – comes from people, not computers. No matter how brilliant someone thinks they are, another person will come along that can do it better, hence the beauty of open-source. It helps to create a counter-balance when it comes to dominance and control in programming.

Humans were never intended to be subjected to psychological or physical computer programming. Nor were we intended to be the reverse objects of computer design.

We don’t expect the ox to drive the farmer, or the dogs in a dog sled team to be taken over by the alpha male dog, complete with a map and compass. We know the sewing machine does not design and make the dress. These actions are done by whoever is planning the project or the trip. Projects are not initiated or planned by the tools or machines you are using to achieve your goals.

Yes there are some very invasive tracking apps that offer constant surveillance. But we must ask ourselves how sustainable it is to track the activities of millions of people doing mundane everyday things? No matter how controlling you are, do you really care what kind of shoes a person wears, or where they get their morning coffee?

Just as we were born with robust immune systems, we were also born with brains. Computers did not create or give birth to human attributes.

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West (2022). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.




Deception, Division & Forced Isolation Comes From Cults

We really should just cut to the chase. All the talk about science and politics – yet the practices of deception, division, forced isolation, and brain washing or thought reform – comes from cults. The origin of it all is cleverly crafted – so to speak. Or dare I say what I think?

But I do get to express what I learned about indoctrination that stems from my own experiences. It is only fair – since we have to find a way to overcome it, don’t we?

Cults are as old as the hills. They are not agnostic or atheist. They are often made up of people who know the Bible, or some version of the Bible that has been altered. Falsehood almost always has grains of truth sprinkled throughout. When people see something they recognize or believe to be true in one area, they are more likely to believe all of it. Cults are made up of people who reinvent various cult practices that have been used since the beginning of time. They attach themselves to a belief system and can rationalize some very bizarre behaviours.

We have to look at words and actions, whether a person is a leader or a pauper. What are they saying? Is it true? What are they doing? Who is affected by their words and actions?What are the contradictions? What are the motives? What do they want? Why are they acting that way? Whether they allow people to ask these questions or not – it still does not stop the thought processes and beliefs. It does not stifle curiosity and skepticism. The more dissent is shut down, the more it grows. It’s like putting wood on a fire.

They know who they worship. They aim to divide the family first and foremost. They create confusion, yet they repeat the same lies so often, they are changed into fact, just through repetition.

Cults want to infiltrate not only your family, but your inner being. They use guilt, shame, scapegoating, and many other aggressive and coercive psychological tactics. They subordinate you to their superiority. They oppress you with their lies.

The doctrine of cults – you can pick any one of them, for they all serve the same master, is to use deception to cause chaos. They want to put their opponents in the most vulnerable position possible. They want to weaken us, disable us – destroy our health, finances and beliefs. They will find every way possible, to gang up on you just for trying to get free of them. The ultimate objective is to not only destroy your health, but your mind and soul for all eternity.

Already we can see how this battle is crossing into eternity, in order to face a judgement at a later date. Look at how many people have died without being able to say goodbye to a loved one? Look at how much harm has been done to people’s lives, businesses, and families. Look at the chaotic uprisings of protestors in every country in the world. Watch the instability churn into anger and revolt. Then despair. The increase in drug abuse to escape. The broad daylight violent crime. The intimidation, and bullying is rampant. All without proper justice. Who are the lawless ones? A person who doesn’t wear a mask?

Even though there are one hundred and ninety-five countries in the world, and people have been thrust into mass hysteria – some of the public turns into brilliant sleuths. Many people maintain rational thought.

The like-minded – with sincere spirituality, and genuine humanity, holding to a moral compass, clinging to love and compassion, seeking the truth, with sound values, defending the frail and feeble, with a willingness to be a buckler or shield for the innocent – are also spread out among us – far and wide. We are never truly alone. So don’t worry.

No one can take away what is good in this world. God will not allow it. Plain and simple.

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West (2022). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Hold Onto Hope

Put flies on your ears,

And a bug on your collar –

Then wash off the fears

From the media’s squalor.

Put germs on your list,

Then cover your face

And clench your fist

So you leave no trace.

But pray do tell –

What is the point?

For every point has an end

Or an aim –

A spike in the bend 

Continues the game.

  We are still free to dream

Nothing can bind us

To their scheme.

Who knows the breadth and scope?

Or when we have had our fill.

They can pillage and poke –

But they can’t take our will

 So hold on to hope.

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West (2022). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

The Biggest Enemy Of Truth Is Denial & Fear – Mostly Fear Of Mockery

Denial is one of our most powerful and common defence mechanisms. If we really do not want to believe something awful is happening, we can allow it to go quite a distance, just based on denial. Something in our psyche blinds us to the truth.

But denial can only last so long. There is no peace in denial, therefore the defence mechanism is no substitute for truth. A person in denial has to constantly be defensive, while wrestling with the dichotomy or cognitive dissonance within.

All defence mechanisms serve a purpose, or people would not have developed them. The ones that top the list are denial, repression, projection, displacement, and rationalization.

So much of our denial is based on fear of mockery. People will paradoxically risk their lives just to avoid being mocked. No one wants to be associated with a group that is being vilified. In fact, it is human nature to gang up on them, and persecute them even more.

Why do people become so cruel? Pride and power. It can be reduced to two words. The inclination to see others as inferior is a powerful trait in human behaviour. We like to be seen as superior in some way, either financially, morally, physically, or intellectually. There is a pecking order in every group, organization and structure. Going along with the masses means you will not be singled out as one of the rejects.

Our identity is tied to the family we were born into, what career path we choose, and how successful or wealthy we become. It is attached to what we own, and what kind of outward appearance we can give to demonstrate our success.

All of that is fine in the sense that people who are motivated to work hard, stay organized, and take care of their families – is a good thing. But tying the entire economy to certain health choices, making it so people who do work, want to work, and are perfectly capable – cannot work. That makes absolutely no sense, and plunges working middle class people into economic despair.

If we are honest with ourselves, we know all of the psychological defence mechanisms quite well. Repression is a state of being subdued or restrained – in your thoughts and memories. It has a direct correlation to oppression, since the forces of oppression cause one to resort to repression. Once you allow truth to surface, and the reality of those oppressive forces – it brings clarity and a very strong resolve to resist those forces.

Projection is the convenient method of throwing your own faults into accusations against the opponent. The most selfish people will accuse others of being selfish for example. They think you are being selfish if you don’t succumb to their oppressive forces. They punish you for refusing to be exploited. When up against this kind of dominance – no one can dare force those who are more powerful, into the basics of justice and fairness. There is no such thing as equality, and there never has been.

Projection is also the projection of voice as in those who rage, scream and curse, in order to magnify themselves, and get their way. Often it is combined with constant attention seeking and narcissistic rage. They will project violent posturing, name-calling, vindictive retaliation, and other methods of intimidation. This is done in order to dominate, control, and take away the rights of other people.

It is especially damaging to those who are forced to be in proximity to such a person. Violent language is often a precursor to violent assaults, so it is not something to be ignored or condoned. In fact, you cannot ignore it since the aggressor is constantly screaming and cursing, banging, slamming and terrorizing. Then he simply lies and denies it, even though everyone around him has been subjected to, and has been ear witness to his constant outbursts. This allows the cycle to continue because people are sufficiently intimidated, and many will remain silent.

Displacement is when emotions, often aggression, is displaced onto a weaker target. If the angry person cannot address or face the real cause of his anger, because he is too much of a coward, he will transfer it to a weaker person, or sometimes an animal. In fact, bullies tend to look for weaker targets, just to have them on hand for when they are in a bad mood.

Rationalization is the attempt to use numbers, science, media, the various conversations, and information, and then adapt that or filter it to justify the acceptance of lies, hypocrisy, and state control.

Rationalization and denial probably top the list when it comes to accepting the marching orders of psychological warfare. Masses of people, through the cleverly crafted use of fear and propaganda in the media – have sugar coated their own armour with the psychological defence mechanisms of rationalization and denial.

All defence mechanisms offer a form of escapism. People escape into the meta verse, the television, gambling, exercising, shopping, drugs, alcohol, video games – and the list goes on. Escapism is the one defence mechanism that does not always require us to lie to ourselves. The key issue is what you choose to escape into, not the fact you seek diversion from negative thoughts or surroundings.

Just as we really need to buckle down and take care of our physical health now more than ever, we also need to take special care of our mental health. The emotions are triggered, and when sustained over long periods, it causes fatigue and illness.

The worst escape modes are drugs and alcohol. You fall prey to the system, as well as to a self destructive cycle that becomes central to your life. Plus many drugs, including alcohol – will cause a person to do things they would not do otherwise. There is a loss of cognition and alertness. A high percentage of assaults, accidents, and suicides happen while intoxicated. Addiction also robs the person of true confidence and self-esteem.

In spite of the galaxy of human frailties and crossed motives underlying all human behaviours, including thought, belief and opinion – we do have rights. It is an indisputable fact of life. We may not be treated as equals. But human beings do have fundamental rights, and can formulate their own opinions, based on personal observations, spiritual beliefs, and life’s experiences. Otherwise there can be no sustainable humanity, no justice, no choice, no dignity – and nothing that separates us from the beasts of the jungle.

We must remember that one of the key traits of psychopaths – is the callous disregard for the rights of others. We must not allow those prevalent psychopathic traits of dominance and deception – to become an ideological state of being. Things need to be brought back to stability, common sense and balance.

No one has a crystal ball in relation to what the future holds. Knowledge of what is to come is probably best contained within the pages of the Bible. But even so, we are confronted with falsehoods, and misinterpretations that are polarized. The truth contained in the Bible, has also been subject to all the defence mechanisms known to humans.

Even if there is a grand conspiracy to create a totalitarian world government – those who are orchestrating it, don’t really know how it will unfold either. Grand scale plans seldom turn out the way they were envisioned.

None of us are modern day prophets, and no soothsayer could ever have conceived of it all. Yet here we are. We all need to strip off our defence mechanisms, and take intrinsic personal and individual responsibility for what we believe. What is the reality that surrounds us?

The looming humanitarian crisis is coming at us like a steam train, yet all defence mechanisms have kicked in to deny it, and allow it to happen.

We can thank God we are spiritual beings. We can be thankful for having a sound mind during times of crisis. It is time to look deep into our own conscience, our own psyche, and pray with all our heart, mind and soul – to ask God to intervene.

A change of mind – can change the world.

As promised – the truth WILL set us free!

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West (2022). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

What Makes Our Cultural Heritage So Valuable To The Individual & The Nation?

As a Canadian and a collector, when I say “our cultural heritage” it means – the expression of art from a divergent range of people. In Canada this includes influences, artifacts, writings, and beautiful hand made works or designs that were brought here from other countries.

On an individual level, we are more likely to resonate with, and remember the culture of our ancestors. We also learn about and share different cultures among families, friends, neighbours, communities, and travel. We all know how much food and music influences culture in every country of the world. So we can begin to recognize the patterns contained within a wide variety of cultural influences and designs.

We all come from a unique perspective, beginning with the family we are born into. This expands into a curiosity and awareness of the things around us that intrigue us or influence our senses. How many of us recall playing with the hand-painted Russian wooden nesting dolls? There was one on the shelf in our Swedish grandparents house. As a small child, I knew it came from somewhere far away.

In my opinion, one of the benefits of culture to society is in what we can learn from thier labours. It lets us examine how they did things, what they wore, and  what came out of the lifestyles of the past. The range of patterns and design is intriguing, inspirational, and thought provoking.

I have been trying to create a material landscape of the dispossessed – to show that throwaways, and things from the past, are often much better than what is new.

Through the long process of establishing an online store, especially doing all the product photography, I have learned to appreciate the designs of some of the most talented designers and jewelry makers of this century. Even though it is a fairly humble collection compared to museums and rich people, it still shows who we are and where we came from. This collection has roots.

The Quiet West collection was gathered from the west coast of Canada over four decades. Even so, the items in the store come from all over the world. It is especially thrilling for me, when I come across some of the famous Canadian designers from Montreal and Toronto.

I can clearly see that Montreal has gifted Canada with a reputation for excellence in fashion and the arts. Canada may not be seen as the epicentre of the Parisian French fashion flair. But we do have a significant and impressive mid-century contribution to the world of fashion from Eastern Canada.

As time goes by, the material remnants of the previous century begin to disappear. People tend to look at old photographs to see both style, and lifestyle.

Although I have a long way to go to become more consistent with the photos, I do believe an online collection of art and fashion from the past can contribute much toward education, design, pattern recognition, care and preservation, textiles, and appreciation of the arts. If each country had such a collection, it would be very interesting to peruse. Of course, so much of it depends on what the collector is looking for.

But most of all, it’s the nostalgia it creates that connects us to the past, and to each other in a positive way. Our world has changed quite dramatically this past couple of years.

We can look to the past without clinging to it. We can seek what is good, and get our heads out of the dark shadows when they pass overhead. We can turn our focus toward aesthetics, learning and labours of love.

Over the years, so many things get lost in time – through fires, floods, and the migration of people from one location to another.

Some of the past is worth hanging onto, and some of the past should be let go. But nevertheless – it is what we know. Tangible is touchable – and it keeps us in touch with the remnants and the roots of our past.

Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) ~ A Truly Brilliant Historical Figure

When looking at the lives of some of the famous thinkers, writers and philosophers throughout history, Blaise Pascal was clearly a brilliant man. He did not become self-obsessed and insane like Nietzsche did.

Pascal was a French philosopher, mathematician, scientist, inventor, and theologian. He was an early pioneer in game theory, probability, and existentialism.

Although Pascal faced the hardship of losing his mother at the tender age of three, it did not plunge him into a lifetime of abandonment issues. He did suffer chronic ill health, however his work was expansive and prolific regardless.

Pascal’s biography describes his character in the following way: “For Pascal himself – humble yet forceful; fanatical as well as skeptical; mild and empathetic, yet also capable of withering scorn – personified the very “chimera” he famously declared man to be.”

It is interesting to note the dual definitions of chimera. One definition comes from Greek mythology and describes a “fire breathing female monster with a lion’s head, a goat’s body, and the tail of a serpent”. The other definition is ” a thing hoped and wished for, but is illusory and impossible to achieve”.

Since the modern day definition probably did not exist in the 1600’s, I am assuming the chimera he was describing was the former definition, and comes from a spiritual interpretation. It was not likely a description attributed to himself, but rather the general nature of man.

Although several biographies have been written about the life of Pascal, some of which have been hotly contested, including the one written by his own sister, there are certain indisputable facts about his life.

Pascal’s father was a tax lawyer, and the family was upper class or bourgeoisie, therefore Pascal received a very good education. But regardless of the class he was born into, his giftedness in mathematics and physics showed evidence of a keen mind. His intelligence and endless curiosity was considered exceptional in his childhood, and by the time he was thirteen years old he was recognized in the higher intellectual circles.

Personally I think any gifted person will demonstrate their giftedness in childhood. There have been many “brainy” charlatans, who claim to have IQ’s well beyond the norm, when they showed no evidence of it as a child.

At the age of sixteen, Pascal wrote an original essay called “Pascal’s Theorem” describing the special properties of hexagons inscribed within conic sections.

Conversely, Charles Darwin just wanted to run around in the bush, shoot birds and collect beetles. Even when he was on the Voyage of The Beagle, he had no concept of scientific principles. He would throw things (dead birds) in a bag and send them back to England. I know many people would disagree, but I have read his history, his family history, his autobiography, and many other books attributed to him. With each book, and background description, I drew my own conclusions.

Darwin’s father was a doctor, a freemason, and apparently a formidable figure who was very tall and weighed around four hundred pounds. Darwin was expected to go into medical school, but dropped out in the first year. The other occupation he would have been expected to go into was the clergy, which he could not manage either. His early school years did not show that he was a brilliant child. Quite the opposite in fact. In the early chapters of his autobiography, Darwin openly admitted to being prone to spreading falsehoods. In later life, he was very worried about his fate for doing so. He opined that he may be considered to be worse than a murderer.

Pascal’s father was a tax collector, therefore Pascal was well aware of the need for record keeping and calculations. In spite of the politics surrounding him at the time, to include a massive tax revolt, he managed to invent the world’s first calculator using a series of interconnected wheels. It was called “la machine arithmétique, later known as the Pascaline.”

One thing we can take note of throughout history, is that only those with rich, and noble backgrounds rose to fame. You seldom read about a famous person who was born into poverty – or was a serf, pheasant or slave. The law of probability tells us that some of the so-called lower class humans, are born with exceptional minds. But without the wealth or political influence, the lesser beings are lost in time.

The law of probability also tells us that a percentage of women must be born with intellectual giftedness or hereditary high IQ’s, but have very little representation when it comes to historical documentation or fame. It seems the brightest women fell into a forced mediocrity. The women who were exalted, like Florence Nightingale, were puppets taking their orders from powerful men within politically connected families. We can see the same patterns today.

Pascal was plagued by illness from the time he was a small child. Throughout his life, he began to reject the contemporary treatments of blood-letting, enemas and purging, and opted for bed rest and bouillon instead.

On November 23rd 1654, Pascal experienced what he described as “The Night of Fire”, a religious conversion that had such an impact on him, he described it on parchment paper and then had it sewn into his jacket.

“At the top of the sheet stands a cross followed by a few lines establishing the time and date, then the word FEU (fire) in all upper case and centered near the top of the page. Then:

Dieu d’Abraham, Dieu d’Isaac, Dieu de Jacob, non des philosophes et des savants.

Certitude. Certitude. Sentiment. Joie. Paix.

Dieu de Jésus-Christ.

Deum meum et Deum vestrum.

Ton Dieu sera mon Dieu.

(God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, not of the philosophers and scholars. Certitude, certitude, feeling, joy, peace. God of Jesus Christ. My God and your God. Thy God will be my God.)”

The parchment copy ends with the solemn pledge: “Total submission to Jesus Christ and to my director. Eternally in joy for a day’s trial on earth. I shall not forget thy word.”

His life and many accomplishments are truly remarkable. We should be able to see his testimony, his sincerity, and his ultimate calling. He was so determined to save this triumphant testimony that he preserved it in more than one location, and carried it with him on his person.

Of the many quotes attributed to Blaise Pascal – what wisdom stands out that might apply to our lives today?

“In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don’t.”

“Truth is so obscure in these times, and falsehood so established, that, unless we love the truth, we cannot know it.”

“The least movement is of importance to all nature. The entire ocean is affected by a pebble.”

“Justice and power must be brought together, so that whatever is just may be powerful, and whatever is powerful may be just.”

“People are generally better persuaded by the reasons which they have themselves discovered than by those which have come in to the mind of others.”

“Contradiction is not a sign of falsity, nor the lack of contradiction a sign of truth.”

“Between us and heaven or hell there is only life, which is the frailest thing in the world.”

“Evil is easy, and has infinite forms.”

“Reason commands us far more imperiously than a master; for in disobeying the one we are unfortunate, and in disobeying the other we are fools.”

” If man made himself the first object of study, he would see how incapable he is of going further. How can a part know the whole?”

“We run carelessly to the precipice, after we have put something before us to prevent us seeing it.”

The glimpses we have into the life and thoughts of Blaise Pascal contain wisdom for today as much as they did centuries ago, perhaps even more so – in light of what is happening today.

One of the historical enigmas for me, is that the life expectancy in the days of Noah went from eight hundred years, to what appears to be a life expectancy of about age forty-five during the twelfth to nineteenth centuries. That’s quite a phenomenal drop. I also wonder why the upper class wealthy people who would have had good nutrition, and cleaner more enriching areas to live and work, were so plagued by chronic ill health.

The concept and rise of physicians, or doctors – to care for the ill began during the latter part of the middle ages. Perhaps this became more of a problem, as opposed to an avenue for cure. Having the keys to the opium dens, was especially not directed toward optimal health, even for the bourgeoisie.

Pascal had a commitment first and foremost to God. From that he extrapolated the utmost importance of both truth and thought. He did not fall back on scientific principles or reason. He realized that God is central, salvation comes only through our belief in Christ – and love, including the love of the truth – is the only real hope for humankind.

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West (2022). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.










Is The Brain & The Mind The Same “Thing”

Although we certainly can’t believe everything we read these days, my interest this morning was piqued by an article coming out of New Brunswick about a neurodegenerative disease that is affecting young people, and seems to be transmissible. The full article is in the Guardian (which could easily be more fear mongering and propaganda).

If you read the article, it makes it sound like dementia, hallucinations, weight loss, and severe cognitive decline can be spread from one individual to a care giver.

The thing that struck me is that in Moncton the clinic “The Special Neurodegenerative Disorder Clinic” is called “The Mind Clinic”. Really? How odd.

The brain is a holistic part of our physicality. Injury to the brain might damage thought processes, swallowing, cause certain behaviours, affect speech, movement, or coordination. The brain is dependent on oxygen, nutrients, other organs, neurochemistry, and is protected by the skull.

Conversely the mind is part of the person’s identity, individuality, personality, beliefs, will, and emotions. The soul consists of mind, will and emotion. The spirit, which is closely linked to the mind, comes from God. Therefore the mind, soul, and spirit are separate from the physical body, and have the capacity to leave the body when the person dies.

In the case of near death experiences, thousands of people have described leaving their bodies, and watching from above what is happening. One man described being in a boat that was capsized by a huge wave. He described struggling to the point where he gave up, surrendered, and accepted death. He said being tossed around in the ocean was intense and violent. He also recounted leaving his body, and watching the ocean and waves from above. He gave the description of what it was like going back into his body, being pushed up against something that forced water out of his lungs, and being pulled from the water. Apparently he was under water for about eighteen minutes.

Admittedly there are some near death experiences that seem to be sensationalized or fabricated. But a high percentage of them are quite consistent, so there must be something to it.

In previous articles I described my own similar experience with anaphylaxis. One of the most amazing aspects of my experience is the amount of knowledge that flooded into my mind. It was like ten textbooks of information all at once because I was praying, and asking God, “what is happening”? Our mother described the same thing when she had open heart surgery at the age of twenty-three. She could see all the drapes around her and watch what was going on. These types of experiences almost always take away the fear of death and change some aspects of the person’s beliefs about death.

My thoughts at the time of surrender. There is acceptance. Like it is as natural as an apple falling from a tree. And thoughts of loved ones, hoping they don’t grieve. Aside from that, there was a sense of what was happening in the spiritual realm. It was literally crackling with energy, and I was quite curious to see what was out there when I fall over dead.

For me, the real acuity of the whole experience lasted about ten or twelve minutes, and I was struggling to get each breath  – so I did not really die or go anywhere. But I came to that point of exit. When my soul left my body briefly during the whole experience, I was looking down on myself with clarity, wondering if and how I was going to survive this. So I did not have the real version of a near death experience, or go towards a tunnel with a bright light. But it was close enough to make me realize beyond a shadow of a doubt – that our souls leave our body, and there is a very dynamic and active spiritual world around us.

Even though we should not fear death, I also believe we should value our lives, try to stay alive, and avoid doing things that might hasten our death. For this reason alone, we need to maintain as much control over our own bodies as possible – in all ways. When it comes to the diseases that take some control over our bodies – we still have our minds. If our minds go into cognitive decline, we still have our beliefs, our genetics, our history, and our identity.

How does the mind remain active when it leaves the physical body? How do our eyes see what is going on when looking down on our own bodies? Our eyes are also part of our physical bodies. So what is it that enables us to see or think at such a time?

I wonder what’s next with these so-called clinics? Can’t they differentiate between the physical brain and the mind or the soul? Obviously not. In my opinion a neurodegenerative disorder of the brain, is not a disorder of the mind. It is a physical disability, secondary to an injury to the brain or central nervous system. A quote from the article:

“The Special Neurodegenerative Disorder Clinic, also called the Mind Clinic, in the city of Moncton is the clearing house for cases referred from within the region as well as neighbouring provinces. Prospective cases have typically stumped doctors and resisted a battery of standardized neurological tests used to rule out certain conditions.

Using a case description guideline developed by a team of neurologists and epidemiologists, the clinic decides if the patients warrant further investigation or if they may have a known illness or disease. Determining who becomes part of the cluster is subjective, largely because the brain is notoriously difficult to study. Certainty is often only obtained after the patient dies and the cerebral tissue can be fully tested.”

There is supposed to be a Provincial report of the disorder coming out this month. They claim forty-eight people have been affected by this strange and debilitating set of symptoms.

But the good news is that the “Mind Clinic” might not manage to stay afloat themselves. They should leave their concept, rise above it, and see for themselves – that as a neurological clinic, they should stick with the physical. Taking it beyond that, is not the least bit fair to those they are treating or diagnosing.

The only part of the article that makes sense is that the Mind Clinic is struggling to survive. Oh my – take a deep breath before you go under!

“Amid mounting tension between specialists and the provincial government, a source familiar with the Mind Clinic say the postings for several jobs at the clinic – a social worker, an administrator and a neuropsychologist – were recently made temporary, the budget would no longer be recurrent and the clinic would be converted into a Alzheimer’s and geriatric clinic. Health minister Dorothy Shephard told reporters on 1 December that speculation the clinic would be shut down was untrue.”

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West (2022). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Friedrich Nietzche Went From Philosophical Influence to Madness – What Happened?

Friedrich Nietzche (1844-1900) was considered to be one of the most influential thinkers and philosophers of the time. In hindsight, when the whole world contemplates what laid the foundation for a plunge into darkness and madness – look deeper into the concepts introduced by a brilliant mad man.

Nietzche was a German philosopher, writer, and essayist. Prior to retiring into full time writing, he was a University professor in Switzerland.

Although his writings are circuitous, depressing, and convoluted – many have embraced his concepts. In fact, his writings may have been foundational for the rise of the Nazi movement. His central beliefs denied all forms of morality, and focused on the will to have power.

Although his writings are considered to be brilliant, the torment of his soul was evident in his life. One of the most famous statements attributed to him is “God is dead”.

“When Nietzsche famously declared that “God is dead,” he meant that science and reason had progressed to the point where we could no longer justify belief in God, and that meant that we could no longer justify the values rooted in that belief. So his point was that we had to reckon with a world in which there is no foundation for our highest values.”

Rather than go into the exhaustive interpretations of his writings, which include “Beyond Good & Evil” “Twilight Of The Idols” “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” it might be more worthwhile to simply give a snapshot on what is known about how he lived his life. None of his thesis proved anything, and it seems much of what he wrote is either poorly understood, or misinterpreted.

It is documented that he graduated from high school at age twenty. He was born in 1844 and entered the University of Bonn in 1864. His father, who died when he was a child, was a Lutheran minister, which gave his mother hope he would follow in his footsteps. But Nietzche chose to study and teach philology (the study of languages) instead. He became a professor of Greek language, and literature at the University of Basel in Switzerland at the age of twenty-four.

It appears he worked as a professor for less than ten years, and at the age of thirty-two quit to be a full time independent writer. He lived with his mother, and got his money from his pensions and various associates.

Although there is much speculation about his life, and whether his descent into madness was due to syphilis, isolation, strokes, dementia, or the excessive use of drugs – is not clear. He suffered early and significant cognitive decline for whatever reasons.

However, it is clear he traversed a very dark and convoluted road. Some of his followers deny that he went mad, and attributed his catatonic paralysis during the final eleven years of his life to a stroke. But even so – they cannot deny the string of mad letters he wrote, in many cases claiming himself to be god.

The contradiction and hypocrisy is pretty obvious – for a person who famously claimed “God is dead”. It sounds like this poor delusional man maybe thought his own soul was dead, and was so filled with pride, he mistook himself for being god.

He continued to write throughout his thirties and early forties, but by his early forties he was already writing the mad letters. He died at the age of fifty-five after spending eleven years totally paralyzed or catatonic.

Some of his fierce defenders remain adamant he was paralyzed due to a stroke. However, in my opinion, he did not seem to exhibit the global characteristics of brain damage associated with a stroke. In addition, it is not that common for a person to have a massive stroke or severe dementia while still in their forties. However drug and alcohol use, among other things, could contribute to an early stroke.

No matter how you choose to view his life, his writings, and the influence he laid for some very dark philosophical arguments and belief systems – there was no joy, no light, and no hope in his forsaken life.

It is really interesting to note when studying these historical famous figures, how many of them were sick for most of their adult lives. Florence Nightingale was also sick for many years, and spent those years writing esoteric nonsense. By the age of thirty-eight she was home bound and bedridden. All the nursing school exaltations and praise of Florence Nightingale’s wonderful contributions are nothing but fabricated propaganda. You can follow the path of the “iron maiden” and wonder why anyone thought she was kind, or that she even knew what she was doing. It was all political.

Charles Darwin was equally as sickly. He had maladies up the yin yang for most of his life. “After returning from the Beagle in 1836, Charles Darwin suffered for over 40 years from long bouts of vomiting, gut pain, headaches, severe tiredness, skin problems, and depression. Twenty doctors failed to treat him.” This is especially significant because he was very young when he went on the Voyage of the Beagle. He never experienced optimal health at any time in his life, in spite of constant doctor’s visits for various treatments and therapies. You have to wonder if Darwin really wrote the theory of evolution.

In fact, I know Charles Darwin did not come up with the original thoughts or writing on the theory of evolution. His grandfather Erasmus Darwin wrote thousands of pages on evolution, many steeped in or copied from ancient Sanskrit texts. So how did Charles Darwin develop the original thought train if his grandfather wrote about it before he was even born? His grandfather, father and ancestors were steeped in Rosicrucian belief systems. Darwin might have been tasked to translate the ancient texts to remove the spiritism and make it more scientific. The theory of evolution was written down in ancient texts as early as the tenth century.

Another reason I came to suspect Darwin did not write the evolutionary material, is because his autobiography has a very different writing style. So there you go – add that one to the 9,999 other conspiracy theories in this world. In the end, I wonder how many of those conspiracy theories will be true?

Besides that, how many people who are really sick can sit and write all day? I know I can’t write all day if I am sick. Maybe Florence Nightingale and Charles Darwin were hypochondriacs, or lazy, and simply wanted to get out of taking out the trash. Who knows for sure?

What do the known lives of some of these people tell us? To me, it demonstrates that a path of darkness, dark philosophy, and dark writings – does not bring much joy or inspiration for the soul. It is almost like they lived their famous and exalted lives as examples of the “destinies of the damned.”

On a broader scale, perhaps the bigger question is – why does the media, the universities, politicians, and the grant programs exalt so many crazy and deranged people?

How do we know Florence Nightingale was not the ethereal, benevolent lady with the lantern – floating down the hallways of hospitals during the Crimean war? Because iron maidens don’t float. Her career was short-lived and cruel. How do we know Nietszche may have been brilliant, but he lacked wisdom or true knowledge? Just look at where all his self-absorbed, twisted notions led him? The path we choose in life does take us somewhere, even if we don’t realize it at the time.

The eighteen hundreds had a plethora of dark philosophers that laid the foundation for much of the modern day apostasy. One person’s writings can influence a mushroom cloud of off-base and deceptive thought processes that infiltrate everything from politics to health care. Some of the historical thoughts and ideas that surfaced helped people break out of oppressive conditions. Other ideas led to catastrophe. We need to be able to discern the difference between good and evil in order to make our own choices.

The cult of personality and national socialism creates a harebrained mess of things. We can thank our lucky stars – there is a God. If all of history, politics, education and health is left up to man, just look back. Look at the present. Ask yourself if we are giving too much accolades to the actions of behind-the-scenes people who are so self-exalted they are in a descent into madness. Yet their thinking becomes foundational and can be plucked out the remnants of those Godless black holes.

Yes things have become increasingly polarized, the opposite of what Nietzche believed in and taught. He denied the existence of right and wrong, he denied the existence of truth, and he denied the existence of God.

No one is forced to believe in God. Perhaps it is better to write about a favourite famous writer like Blaise Pascal. I have been a fan of Blaise Pascal since I first started to read about him thirty years ago. He was truly and provably a brilliant man. He did not do circle talk spouting intellectual gibberish. He did not focus on himself, but rather practical things that could benefit knowledge, understanding and progressive mathematics. He wrote about and tested his beliefs.

My next blog post is going to describe a much more productive and psychologically stable historical figure – Blaise Pascal. Here is what he believed about God.

“Either Christianity is true or it’s false. If you bet that it’s true, and you believe in God and submit to Him, then if it IS true, you’ve gained God, heaven, and everything else. If it’s false, you’ve lost nothing, but you’ve had a good life marked by peace and the illusion that ultimately, everything makes sense. If you bet that Christianity is not true, and it’s false, you’ve lost nothing. But if you bet that it’s false, and it turns out to be true, you’ve lost everything and you get to spend eternity in hell.”

Another of his famous quotes, which I think should be a covid quote is. “Don’t try to add more years to your life. Better to add more life to your years”.


About Snow Crash – The 1990’s Novel Behind Facebook’s New Meta Verse

Everyone must be scratching their heads over the announcement to change Facebook into a global meta verse. Huh? What the heck is that? Do you take selfies, run them through a filter, make up an impressive handle or avatar, call yourself a god or a goddess, and play “meta verse” all day instead of living in the real world?

Where did Zuckerberg come up with this novel concept? That’s right, it does come from a novel. It comes from the 1990’s novel by Neal Stephenson called Snow Crash. I have not read the book, but looked up some reviews and the convoluted story line. The book is pure science fiction.

In the book there are many altered Biblical references to the tower of Babel and various gods. It speaks of how “in the beginning gibbersih was written into the bitmap causing the computer to crash”. Snow crash is a reference to the old fashioned TV screen when it went off air and left a snowy, static looking screen.

The book speaks about the Sumerian language used for programming the brainstem. The goddess Ashera is the personification of the linguistic virus. The god Enhi created a counter-attack causing all humans to speak different languages (idea comes from the Bible).

The plot opens in LA after a complete global economic collapse. LA is no longer part of the US since the world is run by sovereign enclaves each run by big business. The plot revolves around a character named Hiro who is a hacker and a pizza delivery driver for the Mafia. When viewed, the snow crash datafile caused a system wide crash and the viewer to get brain damage.

The book hints of strong narcotics as part of the computer file, and has multiple sub-plots. Quoted from wikipedia “The body that is infected by a virus does not become infected because it understands the virus any more than the body that does not become infected misunderstands the virus. So a world in which everything—from bitmaps to blood—can be understood as a “form of speech” is also a world in which nothing actually is understood, a world in which what a speech act does is disconnected from what it means.”

Now the question is, how does this science fiction odd ball novel manage to become the backdrop to set up a Facebook meta universe? Especially given the fact it was written thirty years ago?

The answer is it doesn’t and it can’t. It is not only a far-fetched marketing campaign, but it is dredged up from the dark side. It is given accolades for having all kinds of brilliant connections on everything from history to linguistics, to anthropology, religion and philosophy, but a quick overview, in my opinion – shows a focus on nothing much but a cult religion.

But regardless of what fantasies a person gravitates toward, how is this book going to be the conceptual construct for a meta verse, which no one fully understands?

First of all, computer programming does not take on a life of its own. There are brilliant programmers, but all it is – is a translation of thoughts into code. It does not invent itself.

The basic reason it cannot be what Zuckerberg claims it will be, is because in order to create a meta verse, first there must be a virtual reality. A virtual reality must be open source, and allow any other programmer to jump in, and possibly even take control. You can rest assured Zuckerberg – has not structured it this way. This is his own little play station version of his own aggrandized pseudo-reality.

Furthermore, the science fiction genre it stems from has a moral code, and this falls outside that moral compass. Why? It has undercurrents of a radicalized and racial purification structure for humanity.

“In contrast, it uniquely risks developing a racialized view of culture.[according to whom?][citation needed] Because, Walter Benn Michaels states, “in Snow Crash, the bodies of humans are affected by ‘information’ they can’t read… the virus, like the icepick [in American Psycho], gets the words inside you even if you haven’t read them”,[16]: 68  culture is not transmitted by beliefs and practices, but rather by physical characteristics, such as blood (or genetic codes).[according to whom?][citation needed]”

Facebook has morphed into a meta universe based on a science fiction novel from thirty years ago, when there is no virtual reality even today. Gamers put on goggles and headphones to enter. The rest of us put on a hat and gloves and go out for a walk in the snow like normal human beings in the real world.

When someone shares a picture of their dog on Facebook – don’t worry. It can’t bite or byte you!

What all this drivel fails to acknowledge – is that human beings produce both language and thoughts. Thoughts stem from our identity and beliefs. There are Universal laws surrounding the development of thoughts. All computer programming stems from human intelligence and thoughts, not the other way around.

Happy New Year! And let’s hope Zuckerberg only manages to crash his own system.

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West (2022). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.




Romance Scam! A Hummingbird Falls For Fake Flowers & A Fake Friend!

This little bird visited today and stayed for a few photo-ops. Funnily enough, first he was fooled by some fake flowers in a basket. Then fooled again over a metal hummingbird on a trellis above the basket. He let me get quite close to him, but I was afraid he might fly into the living room if I opened the sliding door too wide, so this was the only angle I could get. I was taking product pictures when he stopped by, and happened to see him fly onto the balcony. I had a 50mm fixed lens on the camera. Too bad it wasn’t a macro lens. But with hummingbirds, you don’t usually have much time to change a lens.

He was just three feet away from where I was standing, and did not fly away when I quietly slid the door open. He kept looking up at the metal bird, and opening and closing his pointed little beak, like he was trying to talk to it. He might have been cold too, or maybe it is a mating thing, because he kept preening and puffing out his feathers as well. He stayed much longer than hummingbirds usually do. I wondered if he was hiding out to avoid being attacked by the crows. I don’t recall ever seeing hummingbirds in December on the west coast. Perhaps this little birdie came to give a wee parable or message for the New Year. There is potential within  all of nature – to be deceived. The photo art is a pop art filter cropped from the original.

I just read that the only breed remaining here for the entire winter is called the Anna hummingbird. Apparently there are record numbers of them freezing and injured right now. No wonder this little one was hanging around longer, and maybe not thinking too clearly.

I also read about people warming feeders this time of year, and/or trying to find ways to keep them from freezing. In a previous post I explained why I do not believe in feeding any wildlife, including birds. If the Anna hummingbird routinely sticks around for the winter, they must have the capacity to survive, at least a percentage of them must. This bird did fly away without appearing to be injured. I hope he or she is doing okay.

The Rise Of Mussolini’s Fascist Leadership Or “Il Duce” In Italy From 1922 – 1945

History is valid because history tends to repeat itself. You would think we would learn from the past, but human nature, unfortunately – is what it is.

Mussolini started out as a revolutionary socialist. It is an ideology that stresses the need for widespread revolution in order to bring about social restructuring. It is about destabilization and division.

According to Mussolini’s father was a blacksmith by trade, and an ardent socialist. His mother was described as being a devout Roman Catholic, although I am sure she was a whole lot more than that. I have never been quite sure what a devout Roman Catholic means. When I was younger I assumed it meant they followed all the traditions, midnight masses, and various forms of worship set out by the Catholic Church. But regardless of religious affiliation, people are responsible for what they do, and how they treat others. There can be no hiding behind a cloak of religion, or it means it is a false religion.

It is interesting to note that Mussolini was expelled from school at age ten for stabbing another student. He obviously had no remorse, because he stabbed another student when he was fourteen, and was suspended from school. He did not face serious consequences by the sounds of it. Nor did he have assessments or some kind of intervention and follow up. At least there is nothing to show he was remorseful, or even controllable.

His young adulthood was spent traveling around as a socialist agitator, with frequent altercations with police. After a brief stint as editor of a socialist newspaper in Austria, he was deported back to Italy in 1909.

By 1910 he was the editor of another socialist newspaper, and was arrested for inciting violence. He spent six months in jail. Apparently during his incarceration he began writing his autobiography while still in his twenties, citing his difficult school years and romantic prowess (multiple conquests). Wow. A violent, self-aggrandized, agitated lover boy. How ominous.

Mussolini fought in the First World War in 1915, and then returned to journalism. By 1919 he was organizing fascist groups to form the Fasci Italiani di Combattimento. He also began to stockpile weapons and explosives in his newspaper offices. This group insisted on the internment of any foreigners deemed to be enemies of the state. He was arrested again for collecting arms to overthrow the government, but was soon released.

By 1921 the Italian parliament was dissolved in the midst of violence and chaos. The reason given for the dissolution, was the reluctance to impose martial law. The subsequent election brought a win for the fascists. Mussolini won a seat, and from there he managed to rise to power.

By 1922 he declared himself the dictator of Italy. Following his declaration, two decades of oppression, and harsh regimes were inflicted upon the people. During the Second World War, he opportunistically aligned himself with Hitler and the Nazi movement.

Is it any wonder fashion took on the persona of the flapper and the fringe during that era? Flapping wildly in the wind and turbulence of the times. If you compare the “look” from the turn of the century, before the world wars, to the 1920’s-1940’s we see radical changes in some of the glamorous silhouettes that came out of those wars. War generates profits, especially for those at the top.

Mussolini’s first order of the day was to demand special “emergency powers” to set up the elections and punish any anti-fascist activists with prison, denying them a trial. By 1926 the fascists owned 66% of the newspapers. The “Order of Journalists” was created and membership was mandatory. Anyone who did not comply faced immediate arrest and imprisonment.

By 1943 the antics of Mussolini and his alliance with Hitler began to catch up with him. He was voted out of power by his own Grand Council. He was arrested and freed again, only to join the dark forces in the murderous rampage against the Italian Jewish people.

Finally, in June of 1945 the allied forces stormed into Italy. Apparently Mussolini tried to flee with his lover, but was discovered in a transport truck and arrested. Most of the information for this article was retrieved from the website However there is a glaring contradiction. In one paragraph it states he was arrested in June of 1945 trying to flee, and the next paragraph claims he was shot by firing squad in April of 1945.

Although there is much more to this snapshot of the rise and fall of a fascist dictator, one of the final macabre bits, is that he was hung upside down with one of his cohorts at the Piazzale Loreto in Milan, and displayed for crowds to express their rage and disgust. The public was free to kick and spat upon the upended corpses.

But the grisly bits of his life did not end in the town square. In 1966 his wife was given a piece of his brain in an envelope. The American diplomat who gave it to her said it was a gesture, or a piece of what creates a dictator. It does not make much sense to me, how a piece of someone’s brain in an envelope is going to prove much. You would think she would have been appalled, but instead she saved it. His wife decided to put the grey matter on his tomb, which receives over a 100,000 visitors a day. Nice tourist attraction eh? For flies maybe…

If anything, the dictator’s history of stabbing his classmates, and his many brushes with the law, should have prevented him from rising to power. But people get caught up in confusion, chaos and fear. Or worse yet – denial. Then it seems things just follow a certain path of destruction, with some sort of mysterious timing.

Mussolini’s life was one of violence and domination. Soon after his death, Hitler committed suicide.

Although they commit an untold legacy of harm, murder, and imprisonment – these men died miserable deaths. Are they gone for good? No. Those ideologies never got stamped out. They surface again. But what is their ultimate fate? Judgement day. They wait in the pit until they rise one more time – to face the final judgement they deserve.

For all those with fascist or extremist leanings – learn from the past, or your future will be locked in a pit somewhere with guys like Mussolini and Hitler. We all await the judgement day. Some of us hope for justice, while others quake in fear at the thought of consequences for their horrific actions toward other human beings.

Every impactful ideology, even if it is steeped in madness – leaves a remnant. We should study the scraps and leftovers from the past to see the origin and progression of extremes – leading to the cult of personality, self-exaltation, tyranny, arrogance, and cruelty. The remnant of social injustice is seen when societies become increasingly Godless.

In all ways, we can safely assert that creating confusion and chaos is not good. Pushing people to the point of rioting in the streets, is not good. Inciting violence? Not good.

We are meant to do good, with sincerity and honesty. We are meant to deal with others in good faith. No matter what happens, good overcomes evil. Love overcomes hate. Truth overcomes deception. Peace overcomes violence.

Christmas means a Saviour was born. Just as we celebrate his birth, we look forward to his return. Now, perhaps more than any other time in history, we have to navigate one of the most complex narratives of all time. We just have to do our best to do good, and promote peace.

May faith in Jesus bring peace of mind, with much reflection and hope for what is to come.

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West (2021). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.



What Is Luxury? Are We In The Midst Of Changing Intangible Concepts?

Like most intangible definitions in life, luxury is embodied in a lifestyle that some take for granted – yet others have never experienced. Or is there some kind of luxury for all people? Is love a luxury? If it is, then maybe some of the poor have experienced more of it than the most opulent people on earth. Of course that’s pure speculation on my part.

But really, what is luxury? Expensive clothes and art? In my opinion, it is about comfort and peace of mind. An aesthetic and pleasing ambiance is part of luxury. In every way, luxury is a perspective, not a brand.

If you are lost on a mountain for hours on end or overnight, and it starts to rain and blow sleet, you lack luxuries, no matter how wealthy you are. If unprepared for such an excursion, the wealthy might have fancier gear, but will still suffer the discomforts, the elements, and the fear of death.

From such a perspective, a hot bath and cup of tea are longed for, in your mind, and viewed as the epitome of luxury. If you are lost in a hot desert, the oasis represents a luxury powerful enough to cause you to hallucinate the sight of one.

I remember reading somewhere that those who spent extended times in the wilderness after surviving a plane crash, fared better if they imagined food in detail, as opposed to those who tried not to think about food at all.

In cases of hypothermia, it is common for people to undress before they die. If they do not take off all clothing, they often remove just their footwear. Search and rescue are stymied when they find a missing person’s hiking boots, with no evidence of animal predation, or obvious reason for taking them off.

Humans are paradoxical in so many ways. There is much speculation about the reasons for undressing in the final stages of hypothermia. It is probably something instinctual in relation to the skewed electrical signals in the body, and decreasing level of consciousness. Some say it is a survival mechanism to increase vasoconstriction, in order to preserve the core temperature. But that doesn’t really make sense to me, since the core needs warming, not more exposure. The skin is the bodies largest organ, so our basic instinct is to protect and cover our skin when it is cold.

Luxury seems to be more closely related to warmth, stability, and relaxation. It is something you can hold close, like a warm stone. It is natural to slip into, easy to hug close around you, but not too sloppy to answer the door. Luxury is merino wool and cashmere socks inside your favourite pair of old and worn leather boots. Luxury is making it another few miles when you are tired, without stumbling and doing a face plant. It is reaching a destination, the one you have in your mind long before you get there.

In the past couple of years, pomposity has gone by the wayside. Luxury has been humbled. Over indulgence is rapidly becoming a garish and wasteful form of luxury. Huge carbon footprints are no longer idolized.

But what about our obsession with textiles and fashion? Has society ever abandoned the concept of adding art to enhance comfort, colour and beauty? Style is part of self expression and personal identity. Everyone has a certain style, which seems to match their personality.

Luxury, in one form or another is for everyone. If we have gratitude, we know a hot bath is a luxury. I believe we are very fortunate to have so much luxury. I also believe it is far better to buy quality and keep it for a long time, as opposed to fast fashion. Fast fashion fills up the landfills with excessive waste. It also exacerbates the use of petrochemicals, since most cheap things are made of polyester. Some polyester is superior to other polyesters, but even so…

Luxury leans toward natural fibres, in my opinion. Natural fibres make so much more sense, both for comfort and for the environment. This includes the use of leathers that are byproducts of the food industry. Natural fibres last longer, protect us better, and are less harmful to the environment. Nothing beats merino wool in cold weather.

High fashion is somewhat like music, art and other memorabilia. Some things are worth keeping and preserving, since they will never be made again. Who makes hats with intricate rows of contrasting feathers in this day and age? If they do try to make something similar, it certainly does not look like a 1950’s Ellen Faith hat. Quality and fashionable items have lasting value, if they are taken care of. They are part of the arts and culture of every era, and every country in the world.

Luxury is thought of as being everything from fancy cars, and python bags, to jet-setting, and indulging in seven course meals. Yet, luxury can just as easily be donning a warm pair of slippers, and pouring a steaming dark roast coffee, to watch the sun rise over the mountains. It is even better if you can sit quietly and listen to the trill, the distinctive woo woo sounds of the Mourning doves.

Whatever your luxuries this holiday season – May you have the luxury of peace of mind. Also, the luxury of seeing loved ones without rigid controls, rejections, restrictions, or conflicts.

Freedom is a luxury now. I hope we can all be encouraged to know our minds are free. We can question things, disagree or agree. We can talk to each other, research, read, observe, and formulate our own opinions. Freedom to think, is the way it has always been.

In so many ways, the battle for ultimate freedom has already been won. We just have to be patient, and carry on like normal people. Who would have ever believed normal would become the new luxury?

I wish all people a normal Christmas, with all the comforts and luxury of love, warmth and acceptance.

We can “safely” acknowledge that no one can cast out, or separate us from the bonds of love that bind a family together, no matter how great the intrusion or abuse of power.

May the downcast be blessed. May the arrogant be brought to their senses, in the midst of abundance and luxuries. May all of our hearts hold love – in spite of it all.

This Christmas wish is for blessings to all polarized people. Unity would be a true luxury. It brings harmony. Harmony can do no harm.

What are ideas, but words given to thoughts and expressions? We are free to undress words before the final stages of system failure – ’cause they don’t freeze, yet they freeze in time. We can examine words for truth, and draw our own conclusions. We don’t have to bury them on the hillsides. We can embrace and share words, as one of the luxuries of living in a democratic country.

Our values are strong. We weather the storms. Love is a constant. Truth is important. And luxury? It is a changing look.

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West (2021). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


What Does The Book Of Revelation Say About The End Times?

We are in the midst of apocalyptic theories about the end times, especially in relation to current events with floods, fires and plagues dominating the news every single day. The book of Revelation is one that incites fear – with images of tribulation, the mark of the beast, death, and graphic descriptions of the dreaded antichrist.

However, the final book and chapter of life on earth as we know it, is filled with hope, with mystery, imagery, metaphor, the spiritual realm, drama, and symbology. It is most prone to false teachings, or misinterpretations, which serve to enhance a fictional account of what it all means.

I will freely admit, there are many parts I don’t understand. But I can say what beliefs about end times that I cannot find in the book of Revelation. First and foremost, it is about the fullness of the revelation of Jesus Christ, not specifically about the revelation of a single anti-christ. It describes the ultimate battle between good and evil, to include punishing those who are against Christ, giving them plenty of warnings, and opportunity to repent.

There are many antichrists in this world, both in the unseen spiritual realm, and among people. The battle against evil encompasses all of the evil, to include the false prophet, lawlessness, and the devil himself. The revelation of Christ defines, and eventually demonstrates what is good in this world. The polarized opposite ceases to blend in, until the line of of demarcation, becomes an outright and inevitable challenge. Once you realize the basics, it is easier to understand how things might unfold.

There is no mention of a single antichrist, even though many extrapolate the description of this beast in Revelation as being one person. There is no mention of a pre-tribulation rapture, and prior to the John Darby alterations of the Bible in the mid-eighteen hundreds, there never was a belief in a rapture theory. Be very wary of anything added to, or taken away from the original version of the Bible.

There is nothing to describe a one world government, or one world order. In fact, The Bible specifically says that nation will rise against nation, and there will be war and rumours of war. People will deceive one another at all levels. Those who think they are the smartest and richest, will deceive those they think they can outsmart.

The thing about arrogance, is it creates an invincible perspective – viewing others as being beneath them, and deserving of their mistreatment. They will also strive to dominate and surpass anyone who seems to be above them. They are prone to scheming and creating conglomerates though. Joining forces with the right people increases their power, and is required, in order to achieve the goals they cannot possibly meet otherwise. But who is the top dog of such a system? We don’t have to take too many wild guesses.

If someone has accumulated billions of dollars, they already know wealth does not fill their void. So rather than abandon the concept of power and money based on deception and ruthlessness, they seek more power, dominance and control – like in a big game of Risk. They will continue deceiving and being deceived, unless they genuinely realize the error of their ways and repent.

How does the information found in end times eschatology translate into a one world order? The deception and conflict will increase, not coalesce into some kind of unified conspiracy theory. You don’t get unity out of divisiveness, greed and deception. You get confusion and a revolving door of changing “facts” ad infinitum. Lies change constantly, since they cannot be defended with reasoning or logic. In sharp contrast, truth is constant. There is no honour among thieves. There is no compassion either. Forget the concept of universal human rights. Prior to the end of this age, we get man and the devil’s version of ruling the earth, not God’s version.

During the years I went to church back in the eighties, I listened to many sermons giving dire warnings about the terrible tribulation Christians were about to face. In conjunction with the fear mongering, there would be the false hope of a rapture into the clouds when the going gets really tough. At the time, I thought it was what all Christians believed. After all, it was what I was indoctrinated with by a religious zealot (and very deceptive) teacher when I was in a kid in a small public school in central Alberta. Fundamentalist lies might have been foisted upon many people, but they are far from the truth.

Nothing is as it seems. There are many false teachers. All people should read the Bible for themselves. Do not listen to the many interpretations, including mine – at face value. When you read it for yourself, and then read it again, you will wonder how all the fables and myths arose out of what is meant to reassure us, not terrify us.

To give a summary of what it actually says: It starts out with a warning to the seven churches, in some cases explaining their shortfalls, and in other cases offering praise and encouragement – but in all cases, it is telling them to repent. The churches are the first ones to be told to repent. Following the reprimand to the churches, the punishment for those who do not repent begins.

The seven seals can only be opened by, and delivered to the world by Christ himself. After the churches are admonished, the non-believers and the wicked are told to repent, as the wrath of God begins to unfold. There will be persecution of Christians, as there has been throughout history, but the central message surrounds a series of punishments, in order to encourage all people to repent. Those who refuse to repent, get more severe punishment. If anyone should be terrified, it is the non-believers, especially those who lie with arrogance, and have little regard for the weak and the poor.

The focus on a single anti-christ, followed by a rapture into the clouds is false doctrine. One of the things we must do during these troubling times, is embrace and love the truth. We are specifically told to stop false dealings, and lying amongst ourselves. We are to discern and avoid false teachings, and be truthful in our communications. There is a much greater punishment awaiting those who intentionally deceive. Liars and lying top the list of the seven deadly sins, not the Catholic deadly sins, but the list as spelled out in Proverbs, describing the things God hates the most. In fact, the devil is known as, and described as being “the father of lies.” Arrogance or a “haughty look” is also in the top seven things God hates.

In my opinion, what is referred to as the antichrist in Revelation, is actually a system, not a single person. Some refer to this system as being the Catholic Church, or the USA, or the UN, or some other geographical location or organization. The beasts described in Revelation usually refer to a kingdom or a nation. I believe the verses about this creature, are referring to the hidden system of control and deception. It describes a kingdom of the anti-christ mentality, and organizational structure.

It is an organized and sophisticated system, but may not have a specific public name or known entity, since the nature of deception, is to hide under a cloak of darkness, while trying to appear to be a beacon of light. Most of the intent behind placating speeches, is the polarized opposite of what they are claiming. The cloak of darkness, lawlessness, apostasy, and secrecy – will eventually be revealed for what it is.

The book of Revelation is ultimately about repentance, redemption, and the return of Christ. It is encouraging believers to repent, to be patient, to be watchful – and most of all, to be comforted and reassured. As the time draws near, all people will face tribulation. None of us will escape it. We will be protected though, even through death. And just as there is a description of the mark of the beast, there is also a description of the mark and seal of the Holy Spirit as well. All people will end up with some kind of mark, likely a spiritual identifier, as opposed to an actual literal mark.

And finally, what happens when Christ returns or when we die? The atheist assumes life ends when the body dies. All religious beliefs have some kind of vision of an after life. I used to try to imagine living in heaven for all eternity. I would wonder what we would be doing, since eternity is a very long time. As a kid I wondered if we would be jumping from cloud to cloud, or have various groups or family units floating on their own cloud. Even so – how do we live on vapour?

How many funerals and church services have we listened to that describe a loved one being in heaven? But is it true? I don’t think so. It sounds like people go to a resting place until the return of Christ, which makes more sense. How can people automatically go to heaven prior to judgment day?

Heaven eventually gets brought to the earth. People do not go to heaven when they die, and nor do we go to heaven after Christ returns. Dead people sleep until the return of Christ. It is written – the dead in Christ rise first, then those who are alive are caught up to meet Christ in the air. This is a fulfillment of the Gospel promise of the resurrection of believers. But after all the joy and excitement, everyone settles back down to earth. The rest of the dead, as in the unbelievers, do not live again until after a thousand year reign on earth. The thousand year reign is under the rule of Christ, and all the believers throughout history will be on the earth.

This is consistent with the verses, and the images of swords being turned into ploughshares. The earth will have a focus on love for one another, agriculture, music, liberty, nourishment, truth, joy, praise, learning, exploring, gardening, and preparation for the great day of judgment. There will be no sickness and no fear.

There will be no more deception or violence. Of all the evil to be overcome in this world, the greatest gift of all, is knowing death will be overcome, once and for all. It is so much easier to imagine what we will be doing, when we realize we will not be floating on a cloud somewhere for all eternity.

If you don’t believe me, recite the Lord’s Prayer, because it tells us “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” For believers, the earth does not belong to anyone but God. We already know who is going to win the great and final battle.

Yes there are earthlings who believe they can get away with taking over and dominating the world, using deception, and abuse of power to make merchandise out of people. They actually believe money gives them a stake or a share in the all encompassing power of the global elite. The bigger question is, will they succeed?

Regardless of what you believe, even if you mock Christianity, and believe in the Big Bang theory. Imagine what it will be like for those who reject God until the bitter end? There will be a regrettable realization, knowing they squandered their own lives, in favour of deception and self exaltation. They are exchanging seventy or eighty years on a corrupt earth, for an eternity on a peaceful and joyful earth. Does it show us how justice might prevail? Belief is based on free will and faith. No one is forced to believe.

It is a sobering thought to acknowledge a hundred billion or more people have already died since the beginning of mankind. Where are all those people? What is their ultimate fate? Though we live and walk on this earth for now, clearly it is temporary. We cannot see eternity because our beliefs are based on faith, which is unseen.

We are warned many times throughout the Bible not to be deceived. Don’t assume all people who call themselves Christians are telling the truth. Look it up and read it for yourself. Some people will say money is the root of all evil, but what it really says is “the love of money is the root of all evil,” which makes more sense. Things are quite consistent in the Bible, making it a very stabilizing influence.

Of all things I don’t understand and would like to know, is why Eve was blamed for eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, when she was supposed to be submissive, and Adam was supposed to be the leader? Shouldn’t he have said “no way”? I suppose in many ways, it does demonstrate how people are inclined to be deceived, or talked into things against their better judgement. Once a deception is acted upon, it can change the course of many lives. The choice made by Adam and Eve, changed the course for all humankind.

If we sincerely seek the truth, we will eventually find the liberty we so desperately want. In my humble opinion – embracing truth, is the only way out of this mess.

On a more positive note, one of the most beautiful passages in the Bible describes the tree of life being here on earth once the kingdom of heaven is here. The tree of life has twelve fruits, with a different one ripening every month of the year. The leaves on the tree of life are for the healing of the nations.

Tips To Help You Stay Out Of The Hospital

The old adage “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” has always been pretty good advice. Prevention is all about staying healthy, in particular having a healthy diet, combined with fresh air and exercise. We all know the drill.

We all get sick from time to time regardless. As we age, the chronic diseases, cancers, heart disease, stroke, and accidents top the list for what could put us in the hospital (aside from covid, flus, and various other respiratory infections).

We simply do not have any guarantees in life. I might not be here tomorrow for all I know. I have managed to stay away from doctors and hospitals for the most part, with the exception of working in hospitals. As things unfold with covid, and health care becomes less reliable, I am more determined than ever to steer clear.

If I fail in my quest to stay alive and drop dead, there might be some finger pointing, and dire warnings “See I told you so”. Maybe I will plan to wear a pink sequinned mini skirt to my own funeral (very bad) so the tongue-wagging could have some bling in the orbits of the obits. What a place to end up when the party is over! Notice how older people take very few selfies? They add at least seven years to your life!

One of the things I cannot comprehend surrounding privacy and confidentiality in health care, is why they allow media into the ICU’s now, to take pictures of people who are critically ill, or on their death beds. Especially when you consider they will not even allow family to visit. Are all those cameras, tripods, and lenses sterile or even clean? Where else have they been?

I really do not think anyone should consent to that kind of macabre voyeurism. We are not getting out of this world alive, and we certainly don’t need to be used as covid mascots when we are at our most vulnerable. Those ICU pictures published in the newspapers, are intended to scare people into compliance, when no one knows the history or various other factors that put them in ICU.

People ended up on ventilators in ICU long before covid came along, yet we never allowed media into a hospital room. Now if you end up in ICU, it’s a reality TV show with a biased slant, at a time when you have no hope of defending yourself or your reputation. Vanity aside, privacy in health care is being eroded faster than an unstable embankment, without any roots to hold it in place.

I would far rather go out of this world dressed up, than tied and bound up in tubes on a ventilator, at the mercy of mobile hazmat suits, with people you could never recognize outside the place. So when people say, would you forgo medical care if you need the ICU? I always think – Sure I would. Faith and fate are part of life. Give it your best shot, and then fall out of the tree. Nature is what it is.

It has come to the point where it is simply safer to stay away from doctors and hospitals if at all possible. They are understaffed and overwhelmed as it is, and things appear to be getting worse. They don’t want us there.

The chances of medication errors, diagnostic errors, and a lack of advocacy – makes hospitals increasingly formidable. There are many good people who work in hospitals, but inadequate staffing levels can lead to inhumane treatment. Plus people are under a great deal of stress right now. Many people who work in hospitals have strong opinions about what is happening, yet they are not free to speak what they believe. The idea of facing the financial crisis that comes with loss of income, or worse yet the license to practice your profession, for people in mid career with families to support – is a huge stressor. The strong differences of opinion cause conflicts, mistrust, and instability in the workplace. I am so glad to be out of it.

Hospitals do have a fair bit of drama, and each experience is unique. For example, if a person is post op with a big abdominal surgery, has had the catheter removed, and cannot urinate – they will get a full bladder pressing on a fresh incision, and be in a great deal of pain. If they let the nurse know they are in extreme pain, and she does not palpate or notice the distended bladder, she might give sedation without alleviating the cause. She might not get back to the patient for another two or three hours. It is a very long time to be in that much pain, steadily increasing, as the IV is running, and the bladder becomes fuller.

The same thing can happen if there is internal bleeding, or a big clot pressing on the incision or other organs. The nurse may be inclined to give more sedation without recognizing the post op complication for several hours. Oftentimes it is a family member who acts as a patient advocate, and will seek help when they see something is not going well.

But if family is not allowed to visit, the person has no advocate. People can quickly become too weak to ring a call bell, especially if there is a post-op bleed. I truly wish there was a way to maintain a support person as a patient advocate, for every person who lands up in the hospital. From a staffing perspective, it is very helpful to have someone at the bedside who can give sips of water, adjust pillows, make sure the person is rousable, etc. Most nurses are not intentionally neglecting patients. It’s just too busy sometimes.

When a person lands up in ER, or is admitted to the ward, the treatment is in the luck of the draw. You might go in during a quiet period and get treated quite well. You might happen to get sick when a really good team of doctors and nurses are working. Or you may get a dud for a doctor, and nurses who are burnt out and beyond caring. The consistency of care is compromised by an overworked system.

Accidents and the resulting traumas, make up a percentage of tragic hospital admissions. In addition to car accidents, this includes falls within and around your own home. If you are over fifty and fracture your hip, the chances of dying within a year is very high. Falls can lead to brain injuries, and/or lifelong disabilities.

Therefore, assess and minimize your chances of getting injured before taking any risk. When indoors, use a stable two or three step ladder with an arched handle to get things out of upper cupboards. Never grab a bar stool or some other unstable piece of furniture to stand on, even for a minute. The same applies to all ladder use, inside or out. Always hold railings on stair cases. Use proper body alignment when lifting things.

For every project, create a safety filter, whether it is chopping vegetables, cutting frozen tuna, fixing things, using glues and chemicals, decorating, painting, gardening, lifting, and loading things. The notion of physical invincibility starts to wane at about age fifty five. If you add insult to injury, it hampers healing, and could lead to chronic pain, arthritis, and dependency on pain medications.

All injuries, like illnesses, need rest and healing therapies. Massage, water exercises, stretching, elevating, and application of warmth – will aid healing. Whether injured or ill, always keep your circulation flowing by moving around, changing position, deep breathing, rotating your ankles, tightening up your calf muscles, and stretching. Many people will develop pneumonia, just from not moving enough. Moving also helps keep the circulation flowing, which is especially important to prevent blood clots from developing in the lower legs.

We should not blame ourselves if we do get sick or injured. It’s bad enough to have to deal with a health crisis, without beating ourselves up even more. But even so, it is wise to do an objective evaluation of the cause, to help us recover, heal, steadily improve, and then make the necessary changes to boost our overall health.

To take responsibility for our own health, we have to gain some confidence and basic knowledge. One of the best ways to gain confidence is to overcome the fear of death. If we are living in fear, we are easy to manipulate and control. If we go for every pre-screening option available, we are bound to get diagnosed with something. Once that happens, it is much more difficult to back out of the treatment plan laid out for you. It is the same with prescription drugs. If you go to a doctor with any problem at all, you are likely to get a prescription of some sort.

I believe we all get inflammation, cancers, infections, and autoimmune diseases of varying degrees, sooner or later. Wellness is a lifelong journey, and many times, it is an uphill battle. A battle of self-discipline, will power, getting a proper balance in life, managing stress, getting enough sleep, solving problems, overcoming childhood trauma, addictions, and so on.

Years ago I was quite taken by a nutrition based self-help book about emotionally induced illnesses. The author claimed 80% of illnesses are emotional in origin. It seems excessive, but at the same time quite believable. During the years I worked as an RN, I could certainly see plenty of evidence to support those claims. Almost all frequent flyers presenting in ER departments are riddled with emotional pain, addiction, and an over arching physical complaint. Being referred to as a frequent flyer was a negative thing, with the undercurrent of what was then termed as “drug seeking behaviours”.

It is not simply a matter of thinking positive, although a decision to be happy, with an optimistic outlook, can help a great deal. You cannot stay positive if you have constant struggles, and never-ending problems to deal with though. So the key is to do what you can each day to solve the problems, in bite size pieces. Once you outline what you can do each day, then the problems can be broken down, without casting a complete shadow over all the positive things in life. If you have a hundred pounds to lose, you cannot lose it overnight anyway. It has to be a day by day, and step by step action plan.

In many cases we land up in a cycle of some sort. If it is negative and swings to the extremes, it means there are patterns to break and restructure. We have to ask ourselves what we might be doing to contribute to our own bad luck or instability.

Sometimes it is a matter of “to thine own self be true” but you end up getting punished for the decision. Other times, it is a pattern, a coping mechanism from another era. Sometimes it is interlocked with a co-dependant or destructive relationship. It is hard to be objective when you are in the thick of it. You have to get free first.

In a similar way, if you have a raging addiction, it will not be cured in a day. It takes abstinence, followed by a day to day plan with the objective to get feeling better. All addiction, depression, poor diets, chronic illness, etc. require a dedication to improve energy, stability and vitality. The dopamine levels, serotonin levels, gut biome, and methods of stress management must be sorted out. For some, healthy living has been fairly easy to make into a lifelong pattern. For countless others though, optimal wellness is burdened with, or snuffed out by emotional and psychological baggage.

Over the years, I will readily admit my own shortcomings in handling emotional stress in a healthy way. I allowed coping mechanisms from early childhood to rule. In hindsight, I wish I would have known then, what I know now. When things go wrong with our health, we feel awful. We don’t have the energy to get our work done. It is difficult to feel happy and optimistic while feeling physically ill. In a similar sense, it is difficult to feel physically well, if we are emotionally stressed, downtrodden, or over burdened, and without the resources to deal with things.

One of the core values I have developed, is to avoid most medications, non-herbal drugs, and alcohol. They might be needed for a brief period, but dependency on medications or chemical mood elevators, means masking symptoms, and creating a roller coaster of mood instability. Eventually the (self) medications do not work as well, or else they cause intolerable and cumulative side effects. Alcohol and many prescription medications are addictive, and can cause severe withdrawal when stopped suddenly. Benzodiazepines require a very careful tapering, which can take many months.

The main objective is to stay stable, regardless of what is going on around you. This means having surety in your decision making abilities, forgiving your own mistakes, and doing your best each day. Keep stable routines, stable diet, stable home life, and keep working out the priorities and details. If there are major changes, don’t add more, just deal with what is tangible. Any time something is threatening to spiral, pull it back to the baseline.

As far as physical health is concerned, the principles are similar. Pay attention. When there is a problem developing, evaluate it, research it, and trust your intuition. If you feel unwell, often rest is the antidote. Some people panic if they see a tablespoon of blood. Apply pressure. If you have an arterial bleed, or an injury that won’t stop bleeding, you do need medical attention. In such a case, there will be a significant amount of blood. Some things do require a 911 call, but often people tend to over react.

Many people get scared if they get short of breath, or if they get a positive mammogram result, or told they “might have this or that”. Ask yourself how you feel, what is different, when did it start, what might the cause be? No one knows your medical history better than you do. It helps to become dispassionate for periods of time, while we make an assessment, as it increases objectivity and rational thought.

From my own perspective and experience, diet, exercise and adequate sleep, make up the basics of maintaining health. If you feel ill, it means you need rest and some early therapies. Things that are therapeutic, and contribute to helping the body heal, are steeped in old fashioned remedies. Therapies are basically comfort measures with healing benefits.

Yes home made chicken soup and lots of clear fluids, in between resting, will help you get back on your feet in a few days if you catch a cold. It is worthwhile to study up on the use of essential oils. They have many well documented health benefits, and contribute to a sense of well-being. Most of them have antimicrobial and anti fungal properties as well. Aromatherapy is pleasant, and full of olfactory flavour. You do get your favourites among them. My favourites are rose, jasmine, cypress, thyme, marjoram, and juniper. Some people love the mints, and others prefer the citrus essential oils. Once you get into it, there is an awesome range to choose from, and become familiar with.

You have to research the usages, carrier oils, and dosages of essential oils carefully though, especially if you choose to use them medicinally. It is fine to use them in aromatherapy or the bath without concerns. But anything taken internally, or even put onto the skin, must be done with caution. Some of them cannot be taken internally at all. Others can be taken in very small amounts depending on the concentration.

It is wise to keep in mind, there are many healthy and natural remedies, including the overuse of some foods and spices that can be toxic. Some food examples with potential for toxicity are cinnamon, Brazil nuts, nutmeg, green potatoes, and large amounts of leafy greens.

Essential oils, nutraceuticals, and supplements must be evaluated and researched based on what ailment they are directed at, before using them medicinally. They need to be managed as carefully as any other kind of medication. You have to include them in a list of medications you are taking if you do end up in the hospital. Some of them can lead to bleeding disorders, or can react with other medications. Steroids and anticoagulants are especially high risk for serious drug interactions when taken in conjunction with certain herbs or supplements.

I was surprised to learn the upper limit on cinnamon is a teaspoon a day, and Brazil nuts, must be limited to less than five nuts a day. Normally a person could not consume too many leafy greens, since you would have to eat a very large volume for it to be toxic. But now with the popularity of smoothies, a person could get toxicity, if they consume too much spinach and kale, if they assume the more you consume, the better. Moderation is always the key.

I do see many health related YouTube videos telling people they need multiple supplements and trace minerals, often promoting very obscure supplements. Be very wary of adding large amounts of trace minerals, when we are only meant to have tiny amounts, not overkill. We get most of those beneficial trace minerals from a healthy diet. Even if you take supplements that the body can detoxify and excrete, this places an excessive burden on the liver and kidneys. If four or five Brazil nuts has too much selenium, what happens if selenium is packed into a supplement you do not even need?

Clearly, we need to keep our priorities straight. One of the things I noted when working for a few years in large long term care facilities, is that you would often see people who were cognitively intact, but immobile due to knee, back or hip injuries. Another group of them were on the dementia wards, and would have a disproportionate number of very active people. They could walk all day, yet could not remember their name.

One key question to ask ourselves is why we seek a diagnosis for every ailment? We want someone else to fix us. We want a label put onto our ails, so we can find a treatment? Or find a reason for feeling unwell. We have been indoctrinated into believing that we must get an early diagnosis or die. For those with anxiety or fear of getting cancer or diabetes, then by all means seek diagnosis and treatment. Many people credit an early diagnosis with survival. But I think we have become too dependent on quick fixes. If something took years to develop, there is probably not a quick fix.

When I did diabetic teaching for awhile, I had to follow a certain accepted protocol. This involved telling people to test their blood sugars four times a day, and use sugar substitutes like Splenda. The diabetic teaching office would receive boxes and boxes full of free Splenda to hand out, along with the free blood glucometers. One thing most diabetic teaching nurses will notice, is there is a strong correlation between diabetes and depression. I felt like telling them not to check their blood sugars so often.

Why? Because if you are not going to do anything different, why depress yourself over it? It’s like telling an alcoholic to measure their blood alcohol levels when they are drinking. Obviously they are going to be elevated. I think it is better advice to tell people to outline some changes, do them daily, and then check their blood sugars to see if the results are better. Maybe things have progressed since I did the diabetic teaching. I hope so, because there were so many facets of it that I found to be counter intuitive.

Perhaps it is better to make a game plan. What will I do if I get sick? Stay home of course, especially if it is a cold, flu, or communicable disease. Drink plenty of clear fluids, eat soup, and rest. Other self treatments at home can include fasting and hydrotherapy.

As we go forward in our technology based world, we are simultaneously going backward in health care. It makes me think we might return to the back-on-the-farm treatments with mustard plaster compresses, and thermofuge poultices. Human beings are amazingly resilient. There is no way of knowing why some are more resilient than others.

As far as making the grand exit in a pink miniskirt, there is really no chance of that anymore. If I had a choice in the exit costume, I would substitute the sequins for a calf length green silk tea dress with a full skirt. Then spin off into the sky, and blend in with the aurora borealis. But alas, little does it matter what we are wearing when we draw our last breath on this earth. When we leave our bodies, we not only leave our clothes behind like in the movies, but the body itself will be abandoned, clothes and all. At least that’s how I see it.

When people over a hundred years old are asked to share their secrets of longevity, the answers are widely varied. Some smoked and ate ice cream every day, while others ate spinach, and walked five miles a day. But the one common denominator, is most of them are quite cheerful and grateful. That’s probably the crux of it. So cheer up, and have some ice cream with that spinach!

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West (2021). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

The Gabby Petito Case – What On Earth Happened?

This case has caught the attention of people from all over the world. On the surface it may seem like all the media attention is due to the “beautiful young white girl” law of attraction. Although her beauty and youth may be a contributing factor, perhaps it is more about the disturbing depth, and scope of a relationship gone terribly awry. The whole world has now witnessed domestic violence on wheels. Her wheels no less.

It has gripped the nations, to a large extent because the story or script was initiated and portrayed as a love story. We watched it unfold. It was dramatized with adventure, romanticism, and a micro-enterprise production crew to capture all those adventures. It does sound and look quite glamorous.

In reality, traveling in itself is a lot of work. You have to find your way around, locate places to stay, to eat, to do your laundry, to get showered, etc. In the process, you have to keep things very organized, because in a small space, you will end up rummaging constantly, if you do not know where things are.

In addition, all published works – even if they are amateur and low budget, require set-ups, photo shoots, creative layout and design, attractive imagery, titles, poses, and story line. Once you start creating content, the only way to attract and keep followers, is to keep uploading more content. Entertainment has an insatiable appetite for all extremes, and everything in between. The Internet has made it possible for people to set up their own reality road shows, which is great. Or is it?

In what ways are we objectifying not only women, but unrealistic romanticism in relationships going well beyond a honeymoon phase? Is it possible the objectification is what creates a non-sustainable illusion? Would the hard work involved in trying to maintain the form and imagery of romantic illusion every single day, while limited to a small space like a van – eventually take a toll? To be surrounded with wide open spaces, freedom became a trap, with only each other to rely upon. As it turned out, relying on him was the biggest mistake of her life.

This story intrigues us for many reasons. We have all made relationship mistakes, or been humbled by our own illusions or delusions of grandeur. We reach for the stars and fall flat on our face. Yet luckily, most of us do not get murdered as a result of making mistakes in our youth. The polarization involved between what was supposed to be, and what actually happened, is difficult to reconcile.

Some might question if there was any real love between them to begin with. Others might see it as an example of loving too much. What went on behind the scenes, we will never know. The dash cam footage of the police stop is another key contributing factor propelling the fascination with this story. If they really believed Gabby was the aggressor, and had assaulted and scratched him, they should have arrested her. It might have saved her life. It appears the police fell into an old fashioned superficial assessment, as opposed to seeing the gravity of the situation and need for intervention, when they stopped them. But how could they know? No one looks like a murderer until after the fact.

Near the onset of this case, when I saw the dash cam video of the police stop, after she went missing – there was no doubt in my mind, she was dead. There are so many disturbing aspects of the roadside video. Brian had scratches all over him, which is what you usually see in true crime shows when a woman has fought off someone who is trying to strangle her. The entire episode was ominous. Gabby was downplaying it, and taking the blame to protect him. She explained how he grabbed her by the chin. Was it her chin, or her throat he had grabbed?

In sharp contrast, Brian was showing little emotion. I thought it was odd when he refused on two occasions to accept a bottle of water offered to him, while they were standing out in the hot sun for quite some time. I thought it was strange when he showed them scratches on his arm and then mumbled, “Hey I’m not complaining”. What on earth did he mean?

There were several altercations between this couple, witnessed in public places, and serious enough to prompt people to call 911. Imagine how many altercations happened when there were no witnesses to call the police? What about the potential for domestic violence when they were living in his parent’s home, or out in the wilderness somewhere? If they were physically fighting on a regular basis – who was going to win the ultimate fight? She was around 110 pounds.

Did the police really believe a night apart would solve their problems and improve their coping skills? All it did was allow her to be the scapegoat even more. Then she was put right back into the path of danger – even though she was clearly at a breaking point.

The unintended transparency of the police calls, combined with the rosy illusion of a freedom lovers romantic adventure – is a polarity too harsh to process. We see a beautiful innocent young woman with her whole life ahead of her, vibrant and alive one day – and gone the next.

Not only did Brian fail her, but the system failed to protect her. There was no way of escaping the trap, by the end of their trip. The relationship had died. For those with more experience in failed relationships, we know in hindsight if nothing else, that the relationship was failing and falling apart for a long time before it finally hits the brick wall of no return. At a certain point, even in volatile relationships, there is no more breaking up and making up, no more dependency, no more roller coaster rides. The writing is on the wall – Time to ditch it.

Imagine what it was like for Gabby living in a small house with Brian’s parents? It would have been much better for them to get their own place so they could work out their differences in privacy, and maintain the responsibilities of supporting themselves. It sounds like Brian never wanted to support himself, let alone anyone else. As a result, he would have harboured a deep sense of inferiority and resentment when dealing with another persons ambitions in life.

It sounds like Gabby had to flee the relationship several times while living with him at his parent’s place. Even though she had the buoyancy of youth, she must have been fairly downtrodden emotionally and psychologically by the time they embarked on the cross country geographical cure.

However, a long trip is expensive. There is no security of routine or location. There are few support systems, no girlfriends to confide in, and no man cave for him to retreat to in a shared space. They must have been worried about running out of money. It must have taken a great deal of energy to make everything look so attractive and rosy. Making yourself the focus of creative content requires innovation, or you soon run out of ideas. So many attractive young people have lost their lives to Instagram, or some other form of social media fixation.

One young woman on Instagram took a hike near Vancouver to post pictures of herself with the beautiful mountain backdrop. She was fit and full of an adventurous spirit too, but she got lost coming back. It was early spring, and she had no intention of staying the night, therefore was unprepared, and died of hypothermia before she was found.

Many others fell off cliffs, or grabbed live wires trying to get the perfect shot to post on Instagram. The competition for these daring stunts is fierce. Is it worth it? Of course not – but like so many other addictions, self-destruction lurks just below the surface of all things unattainable.

Shannon Watts, who was also murdered by her partner, had a social media persona that displayed a perfect family in a perfectly organized house. On the surface we saw one life, and after the grisly murder of his family – the whole pandora’s box was spilled out. Even so – who could ever fathom such a thing would happen?

Image is everything, until it’s not. We carry a fanciful image of a white picket fence (or van), romantic love, adventure, adoration, beautiful children, and endless memories. For some, it actually materializes. For most, it ends up being a combination of building up and breaking down, when dreams are shattered, and rebuilding is required. It is usually not so catastrophic.

What might have saved Gabby? An escape route of some sort? What a horrible feeling it must have been when he kicked her out of her own van, and she feared he was going to take off without her. She expressed that to the police directly! It was a foreboding level of foreshadowing.

Is Brian a true villain, or is he too a victim of circumstances, and the combined magnification of weaknesses? After learning a bit of his background, it does appear he was immature, selfish, and without any real career or job plans. He also seemed arrogant, insecure, and jealous.

If sinister is a word to be attributed to him, all one has to do is look at the pictures he drew, and the material he was reading and writing. He was dabbling in the occult. It also appears he made mocking comments, and did things to fabricate their whereabouts after she went missing. He showed no remorse.

I question why they did not arrest and question him for stealing her van, when they could not even locate her to ask if it was stolen. Then a month later they indicted him for $1000.00 bank fraud used to obtain items of value. Isn’t a van an item of value? Especially if it is minus the original owner?

If anything positive comes out of this wide publicity, I do hope there is justice for Gabby. I hope this tragedy helps to educate young women on the illusory traps they can enter into, especially when steeped in the emotions of love and romanticism. I hope it serves as a warning to those who take big risks for the perfect shot or image.

Most of all, I hope it strips away the illusion of false love, with beauty and innocence sacrificed not for love – but for control, jealousy, insecurity, and deception. We have to find ways to help young women see the red flags.

To protect women in vulnerable situations like the one Gabby found herself in, there has to be a way to set up an escape route, and find a way out – before it is too late.

This evening there was an announcement about a press conference scheduled for tomorrow at 1pm to give the cause of death. Some have speculated she was shot. John Walsh said she had been beaten to death. I am guessing she was beaten and strangled, with evidence of a fractured hyoid bone in her neck.

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West (2021). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

How The Beaten Down Will One Day Say “We Won”

Years ago I watched a poignant show about the story of one young man’s life. He and his younger sister were homeless and destitute during the depression era in some dust bowl, remote, flat and forsaken, North American prairie location. He was about seventeen and his younger sister was eleven.

They came upon a small country store owned and run by an elderly man. The young boy went into the store, looking around in awe at all the food on the shelves. He asked about the possibility of getting a job. His sister waited outside in the scrub brush about forty yards away.

The elderly shopkeeper was not kind to him at all. He harshly told him he was nothing but dirty trash. He ordered him out, and told him not to come around his store or property ever again. To place emphasis on the point he was making, he turned around to pick up his rifle.

When he turned his back to get the gun, he left the cash register open. The desperate young boy saw the cash in the open drawer. He impulsively grabbed a five dollar bill and ran, breathlessly and excitedly, telling his sister to run too.

The elderly man had zero compassion for the young boy and his sister. He called the authorities, and both the boy and his sister were promptly caught. The boy was given a harsh prison sentence. His sister was sent to some kind of religious orphanage. They were never allowed to contact each other.

During the next several years, one tortuous thing after another happened to him. He was disabled mentally and physically, due to the torture and beatings he endured in various facilities. They imprisoned him for years over the original theft. It was like he was a throwaway, without family or any resources – so he was stuck there. The more he got beat, the more disabled he became. He was labelled as a nutter, drooler, retard, crazy etc.

Finally, there was a lawyer who learned about his history. The little sister grew up, and started looking for her older brother, thinking he must be out of prison after all those years. She contacted a lawyer who was mortified over the story of his life, and his fate. She set out to make compassionate efforts to help him.

The battle for his release went on and on. It took about two years for the lawyer to even manage to improve his conditions in prison while they waited. He was picked on just for the fun of it.

Finally, there was a letter from the courts to pardon him for the original theft. He was overjoyed. It was the most incredible victory he had ever known.

Sadly, he never did make it out of prison. He was so physically weak, vulnerable, had a speech disorder from blunt force trauma to his head, and was targeted by the prison bully one last time. He had no way of defending himself against such attacks. The final attack occurred shortly before his release date.

He was found face down in the dirt outside in the prison yard. He was already dead when they rolled him over. But before he died, as he lay there bleeding, he scratched his final message in the dirt beneath him. It said “We Won”.

When people are downtrodden and marginalized to the point of no return – this is one of the most powerful messages I have ever heard. He was absolutely right – in more ways than one!

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West (2021). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Self Care ~ Some Tips For Surviving A Heat Wave

Given the weather conditions we just experienced, and the number of fatalities during the heat wave, we have to prepare ourselves, especially those who live alone in condos without air conditioning.

In my opinion, any time we are ill or faced with something that can rapidly make us ill, hydration is critical. One of the most important things to maintain and be aware of is fluid balance. You have to keep track of your intake and output. If you cannot do that, you need someone to look in on you. You need to drink twice as much water or more, and if you are not voiding clear straw coloured urine, you need to drink more water.

If the fluid balance is not properly maintained, you become dehydrated very quickly. The blood becomes sluggish and the kidneys can shut down. The electrolytes can get out of balance, which can affect the organs, and chance of survival. Dehydration also increases the risk of stroke and heart attack. The skin is actually the bodies largest organ. As we age, we may not perspire as much or as readily, but even so, if well hydrated, we have a much better chance of getting through it.

Signs of dehydration are seen in a reduction of skin turgor, but that is more difficult to assess in the frail elderly. Sunken eyes, dry mouth, very dark coloured urine, headache, and reduced alertness, are all discernible signs of dehydration. Also if a person normally has visible and palpable veins in their hands and forearms, if there is a change or flatness in those veins, it can signal dehydration. The minimal safe urinary output is 30ml per hour, and may vary if you are on diuretics or certain other medications. It might be a good idea to discuss with your doctor, whether or not certain meds should be stopped or withheld during a heat wave.

Do not make the mistake of over hydration by drinking water non-stop. Although it is uncommon to do so, some people might make the mistake of going overboard, which can also upset the electrolytes. Again, it is all about maintaining the proper intake and output. If a person is acutely ill and in hospital, accurate intake-output records are considered to be very important. We should keep that in mind, in order to care for ourselves and others, and recognize early signs of trouble. Ideally, you want to measure and match the intake with the output. No one should die simply because they need a bolus of fluids.

If faced with vomiting or diarrhea, you will need IV fluids. If you vomit once, and can keep sipping and keep it down, you are probably ok. But if you keep vomiting, it is serious. Usually you have to go to a hospital for IV fluids in that case. Hopefully this heat wave will cause the health care system to develop travelling IV teams. They could send out more home care nurses who can start IV’s, and put in a saline lock, which is a small IV cathlon in the vein. With the cathlon in the vein, you can get a bolus of fluids. The cathlon is left taped in place, until you are drinking well. If you start vomiting in a heat wave, you need medical attention very quickly.

Wear loose fitting light clothing, made of natural fibres, so the skin is free to perspire. Cotton, linen, and silk are best in my opinion. As much skin surface as possible needs to be free to breathe, and perspire.

There is probably no better time to learn about, and appreciate your skin. It truly is a miracle organ, and can save your life. In 2017 when I had a full blown episode of anaphylaxis in the middle of the night, I had third spaced so much fluid within a short time, I did not have enough blood pressure to stand up without blacking out. In the end, every pore on the surface of my skin opened and poured out that toxic fluid. I was quite amazed at how much the skin can contribute to saving our lives.

For this reason it might be comforting to massage the skin with coconut oil infused with essential oils. Many essential oils have healing, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. Even if you don’t believe they are medicinal, they do offer comfort in the bath, or for massage. Just be cautious not to get them near your eyes, or full strength on the skin. They need carrier oils, or else to be infused into the air. I tend to use them more on the skin than in the air. The fragrances are really just awesome. Many are woodsy and earthy smelling enough, to feel like you are going camping.

Staying out of direct sunlight is an obvious bit of advice. If you do need to go out in the sun, keep it to five or ten minutes. Keeping a bath tub full of cool water or quick showers will temporarily cool you down. You can also place a fan behind a basin of ice and sit in front of it. Also ice packs, cold compresses, and anything that cools you down.

Conserve energy. If there is a heat wave coming, get the groceries and prepare some food ahead of time so you don’t have to cook. If you have to exert yourself, keep it brief and rest often. Do not treat it like a normal day. The day before it started, I made a big pot of vegetable chicken soup with lots of shiitake mushrooms, and froze half of it for later. It was a great staple during the heat wave and helped to maintain nutrition. We lose our appetite when it is hot, but at the same time, it is not the optimal time to fast, since our body needs less food, but still needs good nutrients. Watermelon, and all fruits are good to snack on.

Rest frequently, but don’t stay completely still for long periods. Walk around a bit, stretch, tighten your leg muscles to help venous return, and do things here and there that test your memory, like login to accounts and remember passwords, bank numbers etc. That way you can test yourself to make sure you are staying cognitively with it.

Reduce any additional stressors that might be around you – if you can. The heat stress on the body is enough to deal with. Avoid arguments, loud noise, and set aside anything you are worried about. Deep breathing, aroma therapy, flowers…are all good. You have to keep your flowers alive too! Even listening to the sound of flowing water is helpful. They have all kinds of youtube videos with soothing sounds, like waves lapping on the beach, or the sound of rain, which can be a nice diversion. Sounds of water are actually probably really good for the mental health during a heat wave. Water is the antidote. Drink it, douse yourself with it, and listen to it.

Shade, shutter and siesta like they do in places like Belize, Greece, and other very hot countries. They close all blinds at around noon, and all is quiet for several hours. People do their work and errands in the morning, and end up eating late in the evening.

Like all conditions in life, we need water, food and shelter as priorities. Importantly, there are some key things to avoid:

Don’t go anywhere in the wilderness where you risk the possibility of breaking down, getting stuck, running out of gas, or getting heat stroke trying to walk out. Like in a blizzard, hunker down in a safe place, and stay put.

Don’t ingest anything that clouds your judgment – to include pain pills, sleeping pills, or alcohol. If you do take these things, make sure you set timers to wake yourself up to drink water, and stay oriented. Maintain contact with someone who can check in on you.

Avoid processed foods high in salt since they are more likely to cause fluid retention. Elevate your legs and check your feet for edema, especially pitting edema. Edema is most often seen in the feet, and signals fluid retention. It is common for pregnant women to develop edema of the feet. Many older people also get some edema during periods of heat, inactivity, or long periods on their feet. Pitting edema is when you push the skin around your feet and the indentation stays.

Most often people are advised to elevate your lower legs, don’t cross your legs, and do not wear constrictive socks or clothing. But if the swelling is accompanied with shortness of breath, or becomes excessive, it can signal congestive heart failure. It is probably a good idea to check your own pulse several times a day. If it is weak, thready, or irregular – especially if combined with weakness, dizziness, shortness of breath, or chest pain – it means you need medical attention.

Avoid the higher risk of falls. The heat tends to throw us off balance, or increase postural hypotension, which is a drop in blood pressure, leading to dizziness when you stand up. Older people should sit at the side of the bed for a couple minutes before standing up. If you are prone to postural hypotension, or naturally have a low blood pressure, give yourself time to adjust when you stand up, before walking. Also avoid climbing on ladders, stools, etc. Be extra vigilant about the increased risk of falls due to dizziness, misjudgement, fatigue, a drop in blood pressure, etc.

Keep a phone, or a fitbit watch, or panic button with you at all times if you are in poor health, ill, or getting sicker. Once you fall, if you are alone and cannot get up, you could lay there for hours, if you have no way of calling for help. If you do feel very faint, the best thing to do is sit down, and get your head down, below the level of your heart. That way you can stay conscious and think for a minute. If you feel very faint, and have to walk to get to the phone or door, make sure to avoid cracking your head on a counter, or hard object if you do fall. Keep your centre of gravity low, in case you black out.

During the anaphylaxis experience, I did collapse on the floor trying to get to the phone. But I knew that if I stayed flat on the floor, I would probably go unconscious, convulse and die. So the only way I could stay conscious was to get up, get seated and get my head down. It made me realize why so many people who are in respiratory distress struggle to sit up. I had to sit up, yet I could not sit upright for more than a few seconds without blacking out. And I couldn’t really get a breath without leaning forward a certain way. The position was a critical factor in that case, and probably varies, depending on what the cause of emergency is. One bonus thing about that whole event, was it took away my fear of death – completely.

It was such a close call, I accepted death, and will never forget the drama of going through that alone. It was like going down in your own private airplane crash. I could not get to a phone and even if I could have, my hands were swollen like baseball mitts. I could not do anything but try to get each breath and stay conscious. There was no way I could speak, use a phone, or walk.

Other ideas like taking a baby aspirin a day, or loofah scrubs to help your skin function more efficiently, are things to consider. Others might put some fresh sheets in the freezer for awhile before going to bed. Anything for some relief! I am sure people came up with all kinds of innovative ideas to stay cool, so this bit of advice is just a drop in the bucket, so to speak.

This heat wave has caused a staggering loss of life. The situation for the people in the small town of Lytton is so close to us, yet almost impossible to fathom having to flee like that on a moment’s notice. It must have been terrifying. I hope they can account for all people soon, as it must be agony for those who do not know where their loved ones are.

Whether or not we believe climate change is man made or not, we are facing drought and wild fires in today’s reality. More than anything – we need to focus on water. Just like we had to drink water to cool and replenish our bodies during the heat wave to get through it, the earth needs water, and needs to focus on water, as a number one priority. Storing water, conserving water, creating energy with water, distribution of water, recycling water, heating with water, cooling with water, and irrigating with water. Our attention should be turning to water, in every innovative and imaginable way possible.

It sure seems to have been a fiery time frame – almost like, okay here we go with a bigger emergency than ever. After all the covid fears, this does seem more catastrophic and perilous. It sure makes us wonder – what is next?

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West (2021). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Buried Secrets ~ Why Attacks On The Soul Are So Serious

Our soul consists of our mind, our memories, our genetic and cultural history, our hearts, our spirits, and our beliefs. It is the only thing we take with us when we go…

As a society we have always had a central focus on the prevention of physical attacks. It is understandable, since physical attacks can cause injury and physical death.

What can be said about the attacks on the mind and spirit though? It is especially heinous, if those attacks are part of a plot or scheme to brainwash, shame, undermine, and rob you of who you are.

For those who believe in a spiritual world and afterlife, the attacks on the mind and spirit become much more relevant. When we face such attacks, we are being targeted for total destruction and annihilation.

If a person loses value for his or her own life – they will not take care of themselves physically or mentally. Effective soul destroying does not always require physical attacks. All it takes is someone who is sadistically abusing power. All they need is access to their victim without any oversight. They will continually and ritualistically undermine your existence, guilt-trip and shame you – just for existing. Your origin is somehow faulty and reprehensible.

Admittedly many churches throughout the world have done good things to help those in need. However, there is a polarity of extremes among the churches. There is an evil aspect to certain religious dogma. The systems, hierarchy, and doctrine of some of those churches, comes from the abyss.

Do not be deceived. By their fruits we shall know them. Any church dogma that brainwashes, causes family breakdown, targets and exploits innocent children, abuses power, lies about, attacks the mind – or the parents, grandparents, history and culture of ANY person – is evil to the core.

What is so evil about it? There are verses in the Bible that tell us not to fear physical death, but to fear those who can destroy the soul.

And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. ” Matthew 10:28 KJV

Anyone who sets out to attack your mind and soul is ultimately trying to annihilate you. I am not talking about intervention surrounding those with serious mental health and addiction issues. If a person loses self-control, becomes violent, or is unable to care for themselves, they need detox and care.

I am talking about the attack on the mind of an otherwise functioning individual, as a way to gang up on, control, and destroy the soul. They are opportunistically waiting for signs of weakness or vulnerability. They are not out to help, they ensnare. They are making false accusations in order to bolster a pre-existing agenda. They are out to punish and basically get rid of you. Why? The answer is – foundational lies and buried secrets. This can be carried over into generational patterns very easily. Bondage does not always have visible bindings.

Attacking young children in such a way is designed to condition a response of fear and cowering. After all, when we are under attack, adrenalin is our physical resource. Adrenalin kicks in to prepare us for flight or fight. When we can do neither – what happens to all that adrenalin and how it signals our system?

Buried secrets do not stay buried – as we can see by what is happening in the news today.

As a kid on the farm, I recall we had many dogs over the years. Some stayed a long time, and some were short lived. They were bad if they started wandering in packs at night and chasing livestock. They were bad if they killed chickens, or if they bit the tails of the cows to draw blood.

One dog I recall being very excited to get (at first) was a rambunctious all white husky pup who was almost full grown, and big and fluffy. He was not inherently mean, just bounding around all over the place. He was very excited about the chickens.

As the youngest girl in the family, gathering eggs, and taking care of the chickens – was my domain. I was supposed to be in charge of the chickens, and had named every one of them. It was a daily battle trying to deter such a determined, big goofy dog, from chasing the chickens. His name was Snowball, and his chicken chasing matched his name. He got worse instead of better, and everywhere he went, there was a pile of feathers.

As time went on, he would chase and catch a chicken, and rip its feathers out. He did not kill or injure them, other than chasing, pouncing, holding them down, and tearing out mouthfuls of feathers each time. He did not rip out all the feathers at once, but there would be a bald spot. It was a big fun game to him. Stupidly – he scoffed at being scolded.

Eventually, a good percentage of the chickens were running around naked. As a young kid, what amazed me, was that after awhile – the chickens did not even try to run away. As soon as they saw him coming, they crouched down and cowered, waiting for the inevitable.

To me it demonstrated that a conditioning to dominance, will eventually cause one to cower. If we are repeatedly dominated, and our efforts to get away are futile – why waste the energy?

It also explained why this beautiful white husky was so generously given to us. We did the same – and soon gave him away. Conditioning us to fear, means we are being forced into compliance and inaction – when we need to either escape it, or fight back. Personally, I will readily admit that overcoming fear has been difficult – due to the dominance and frequent attacks. But fear is one of the self destructing elements they are using against us. So we must overcome it.

Make no mistake. Attacks on the soul are an attempt to blot you out of existence, both past and future. When you consider all eternity, and the entire scope of it – trying to annihilate other human beings using soul destroying techniques such as brainwashing and dehumanizing children, brings us to the pinnacle of evil.

One of the most poignant things I read many years ago, but cannot find the exact quote went something like this: The present moment does not recede into the past as one may think. It is projected into the future, where it waits patiently to meet us a later date.  So true. I believe the author is Gilbert K. Chesterton.

In my own experiences and lifelong struggle to get free of a religious fundamentalist teacher – NO ONE listens to the victim. No matter how much you cry, beg, plead, and give your own testimony of the layers upon layers of abuse. No one will listen.

Some things simply cannot be covered up, buried, or ignored. No matter how many people they manage to get rid of through all of the abuses – the truth will surface. God will punish those who do soul destroying harm to innocent children. Once it starts, it just never ends – until those responsible admit wrongdoing, and make changes to the systems.

To even attempt to destroy another person’s soul – invites the wrath of God. Those holier-than-thou religious fundamentalists – should know that much. But arrogance does not permit them to see themselves as they really are.

Listen to the victims…For a change…

JuxtaPose Women’s Roles ~ On Black & White Poles

Wired with lace –

Just a corset away

From a skirt with a cage.

Put your head in a thimble

We all must be nimble –

Each end has a point ~

Yet we can’t find the middle.

To sheer black & white

Spin day into night.

A wish we must wash

For where we have been

Shows shades of grey.

And all we can say –

After all we have seen?

Some never get dirty…

And some never come clean.

Valerie Hayes


Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West (2021). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

The Comfort Of Cardigans In Cool Weather

Whether at work, out for a walk, or dinner at your favourite restaurant – when the weather cools off, cardigans can be worn as outerwear or layered. As the weather changes, it often goes from chilly to hot within a matter of hours.

When going out on boats or hiking in the wilderness, layers can be a life saver. In my opinion, nothing beats wool (or a wool blend) when it comes to cool wet weather. The advantage of wearing layers is that you can easily remove them as the weather warms up.

Urban or city attire carries the same principles as any other outdoor adventure. It’s not much fun being out and about if you are freezing cold, or not dressed for the weather conditions.

How many times have you walked into a restaurant wearing a sleeveless dress, drawn in by the ambience and a mouth watering menu – only to discover they have the air conditioning set on “freeze”. No lingering allowed for the scantily clad summer tourist. Yet, all you need is a cardigan!

Aside from the fishing and boating layers of wool that are primarily for function and practicality – a few casual and dressy cardigans will add comfort to your life, when it comes to the more cosmopolitan escapades.

Celine Wool Cardigan With Ribbon Applique
1950’s Beaded & Sequinned Cardigan
Lady Anne black ban-lon sweater with white beadwork, made in Canada
Lady Anne 1960’s Beaded Ban-Lon Sweater – Canada
Another 1950’s Work Of Art On Wool
Rodier – Knitwear Made in France
Avagolf 1970’s Velvet Trimmed Cardigan – Italy
1960’s Madame Runge
Ballantyne Scotland
Rodier With Birds On A Branch – France
Sonia Rykiel Merino Wool Wrap Cardigan With Rhinestone Pom Poms
Chanel Gold Trimmed Sporty Zip Cardigan

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West Vintage (2020). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West Vintage with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Physical Illness & Mental Illness ~ & Never The Twain Shall Meet

Though we have an unspoken adage surrounding this topic with “never the twain shall meet” between the two – in actual fact, mental and physical well-being are wholly and inextricably linked. For example, the proverbial hard driven Type A personality, with high blood pressure, is prone to having a heart attack or stroke. Yet for some reason, he is not considered mentally ill, even though he may have been told what the outcome would be, ten or twenty years ago, when he walked into a doctor’s office with a blood pressure of 220/110 – or got diagnosed with atrial fib or Type 2 diabetes while in his fifties.

In addition to medication, this Type A person would be told that if they don’t change their lifestyle – they are high risk when it comes to being a statistic for a leading cause of death. Almost every illness created or worsened by lifestyle factors – should also be called a mental illness, because thinking is what leads to behaviours. Repressing emotions can be just as sickening – as oppressing, regressing, or expressing them.

Every single human being gets physically ill from time to time. When you add accidents, sports injuries, falls, pulled tendons and ligaments, burns, iatrogenic, idiopathic, and chronic illnesses – the range of physical ailments we and our loved ones are faced with, is a cringing fact of life. Yet, from bumps and bruises, to life altering disabilities – the resilience of the body and mind, will dust off what we can, and get back in the saddle.

When a person develops a physical ailment – they are not automatically labeled for life as being “physically ill”. Why wouldn’t we apply the same transient logic to the many facets of mental illness as well? Certain diseases, injuries or events – cause life altering disabilities, but in most cases, people get over their colds and broken bones – and carry on. The same goes for most of the psychological hurdles and hardships we face.

Considering the credibility of the DSM manual is steadily decreasing, as it increases in volume, it is time for the industry (and general public) to pause and take stock. Inventing and adding new mental health disorders by the dozens is highly questionable, and is finally being challenged by many altruistic and educated professionals in the field.

The DSM has been designed so that any person who goes in for an evaluation or screening, would be considered to have at least one of those burgeoning 347 mental health disorders. Truthfully, a somewhat scatter-brained manual is growing like a stage four glioblastoma. If they continue to invent and add more illnesses to the book at the same rate, by 2030, there should be around 500 mental health disorders for society to contend with.

What the average person might not know, is that they are coming up with these diseases without any diagnostic criteria whatsoever. No wonder the entire field is frequently being called junk pseudoscience by a growing number of educated people and organizations. How do they come up with all these disorders? They simply get together, make them up, give them a name; and then vote to add these new disorders to the book (in their own best interests of course). Who can escape being mentally ill at that rate?

Anxiety and depression are considered to be mental illnesses. Who – in their right mind, has not experienced anxiety and depression at some point in their lives?? Are we all nuts? Or is the DSM a true extension, and example of what is bat shit crazy? Yes the human mind is very complex. In fact, the brain and the mind are not exactly the same either. Who are they to be judge and jury over how another person processes their experiences, thoughts and emotion? Most professionals in the mental health field are more nuts than the general population. That much HAS been proven.

Why are they being so sickening around the subject of mental health? Pure profit motive underlies the growing fiasco. Worse yet, like they did with Oxycontin, it is a way to get innocent people struggling with what could be little more than temporary sniffles, into a lifelong battle with drugs, side effects, and increasing marginalization around being “mentally ill”. But ironically, mental illness is still not compared to physical illness. The industry itself is more than happy to label and stigmatize people for life.

How does a psychiatrist, having never before met a person, and using zero diagnostic criteria – have a ten or fifteen minute conversation, and then pull some diagnosis out of his hat? Ten different psychiatrists would probably have ten different opinions. Every single one of them would be inclined to sling prescription meds at the poor person to top it off, whether they need them or not. It becomes alarming, when they start making these assumptions without any criteria, or even manifestations or documentation of overt maladaptive behaviours. Who can honestly say they are not motivated by profit, ego, politics, or their own distorted values – when they make their rash judgements?

The reason people are supposed to be referred to a psychiatrist by a GP or family doctor, is because many mental health disorders have an underlying physical cause. Also, a family doctor who knows the person, is more likely to recognize atypical behaviours or symptoms. It is up to the GP to rule out physical causes first and foremost. Therefore no psychiatric diagnosis can be made, without first doing some physical diagnostics and baseline tests.

For example, hypothyroidism causes depression. Idiopathic dystonic movement disorders might start with anxiety or panic attacks. Parkinson’s disease, MS, diabetes, and hormonal imbalances are often signalled by depression, withdrawal, and a loss of motivation. The list goes on an on, especially as people age. Even a urinary tract infection in an elderly person can lead to delirium.

During the years I worked in community mental health, the correlation between physical and mental health was very obvious. In the mental health system, when people would get physically sick, they would quickly decompensate mentally as well. If we are honest with ourselves, we know that when we are physically ill, we soon battle depression.

There is an entire spectrum surrounding drugs of choice, when it comes to substance abuse. But when you consider that a very high percentage of opiate users started out with prescription pain pills, in order to medicate a physical injury – what does that tell us? Substance abuse is one of the most debilitating and life threatening mental health disorders, yet the person often started out with physical pain and symptoms.

In the case of drugging children who are diagnosed with ADHD, with Ritalin and Adderall, because these are stimulants – the corresponding street drugs are Meth and Ecstasy. How many kids diagnosed with ADHD started crushing and snorting those meds as early as grade six? How many of them were misdiagnosed to begin with?

Heavy cocaine use will cause cardiac arrhythmias and stroke. Alcohol eventually causes liver disease, GI bleeds, and a host of other co-morbidity factors. So why do we continually separate physical illness and mental illness?

When people are ill, it is usually temporary. If they are permanently ill, they are terminal, or unable to overcome whatever it is that has struck them down. People with a mental health diagnosis do not need to be permanently ill. In the case of any diagnostics, a physical exam, to rule out a physical cause, is the first step taken by a prudent GP. The importance of evaluating physical health, diet, exercise, substance abuse, side effects of medications, and external circumstances – cannot be underestimated, before making a mental health referral.

If there is a debilitating and disorganized thought disorder, threats of violence to self or others, abnormal and disruptive behaviours, and the inability to self-care – those are the real parameters of mental illness. We need to stop permitting the labelling of every human struggle as a permanent disease condition. Every time we hear that someone is mentally ill, we thing of a deranged and dishevelled person staggering around and babbling incoherently.

Why is mental illness stigmatized as such? Are you still labeled as being physically ill, from a bout of bronchitis two years ago? The medical and pharmaceutical industry is responsible for stigmatizing mental illness. Someone needs to oversee how and why they are creating all these new illnesses to add to the DSM manual. It’s all for profit – and in most cases, they are also exploiting the vulnerabilities that led the person to their doors in the first place.

We are either all mentally ill due to past experiences with depression, anxiety, grief, substance abuse, insomnia, hyperactivity, etc.etc. Or in truth, very few people are permanently mentally ill. For those who are permanently disabled for mental health reasons, they will most certainly have some sort of movement disorder due to the medications they must take, which signals a direct effect on the basal ganglia of the brain ( a physical problem). Therefore the long term treatment must also include what the treatment itself is doing to the body, brain, and central nervous system. Do they care? Or do they just keep adding more?

Mental health professionals frequently overlook physical causes of mental health disorders because they themselves are uneducated and lack experience medically, when it comes to physical health. How many psychiatrists take a person’s blood pressure, or will pull out a lab req, before they make their diagnosis and order heavy duty psychoactive drugs?

The law denies insanity pleas, because the law defines the knowledge of right and wrong, as being a key parameter in determining culpability. Therefore, insanity pleas are usually no excuse when it comes to thieving and violent crime. Otherwise all property crime related to getting enough money for the next fix, would be deemed a mental health issue. If they do decriminalize drugs, surely they won’t decriminalize violent crime or property crime, claiming the person was compelled to be aggressive due to substance abuse. Yet the crime rate is a direct result of the substance abuse disorder.

If drugs are decriminalized, there has to be a way to prevent the crime that is secondary to those addictions. In the bigger picture, we cannot overlook the fact that physical and mental health represents an integrated set of systems within the body – one that has a rippling effect on families, the workplace, and the communities. In a similar way, illness and toxicity is spread to encompass a wider legal and social challenge.

Therefore an orientation to a more holistic approach is warranted, not just in the three spheres that are charted on mental health records – but on a half a dozen other spheres, extending to families and communities. Various societal influences, indirectly deceive us into creating our own “egosystems” and “ergosystems” out of their skewed drug-induced sales pitch. It’s both an excuse and a blame game – to fully and completely crush the vulnerable, since that is how those who exalt themselves stay “high” on the totem pole in the hierarchy of life. They readily judge others, without considering their own fragile state.

It’s all so complicated – few know where to even begin to bring it all together for the common good. One of the first questions we might ask ourselves; is what is the polarized opposite of vulnerability and shame? Arrogance and blame. Arrogance itself is a common delusion, and known as one of the dark traits of human nature. In truth, it is an attempt to cover insecurity and deception.

If we must blame, it really should be backed with some empirical evidence and accountability. But who is capable of taking on big egos or Big Pharma? Who can deny the need for medication, when it is initially prescribed by a doctor? By the sounds of it, the average middle aged person cannot go anywhere for a week without taking along his or her plethora of medications. Once prescribed – there is a duty to take the medicine. When a person is diagnosed with cancer, to include false mammogram readings, there is an immediate duty to treat and follow doctor’s orders. Pre-screening carries more hazards than benefits.

The only solution is to start teaching people to take responsibility for their own health and well-being. Autonomy does not equate to blind trust – by allowing ourselves to become human market potential. Yes we all need help from time to time, if we can afford or even find a qualified, and sincere professional. But the DSM model of inventing diseases and making people sick, instead of concentrating on wellness, is a profit driven model, prone to exploiting those who are struggling with a temporary problem.

The growing trend around volunteer peer counselling and education to equip people to do peer counselling, is a very positive trend. It is geared toward empathy and compassion, as opposed to the crumbling DSM criteria. It is more equality based, much cheaper, probably deeper – and every bit as effective as expensive counselling sessions, if not more so. Talk therapy does not have to cost the system $150.00 an hour. After all – most of us know how to talk! It takes a big whack on the head – before they can take that much away from us.

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West Vintage (2020). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West Vintage with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

The Goal To Walk 10,000 Steps A Day

The 10,000 steps a day became a popular marketing platform a few years ago when it was the rage to use pedometers. Now there are watches and a variety of wrist trackers that record all activity, resting pulse rate, increase in pulse rate with each activity, hours of sleep, calendar alerts, fitness goals, calories consumed, etc. You can download all of this information onto your computer or phone each day, in order to set up a sophisticated training program.

So the pedometers have been surpassed by more comprehensive fitness trackers. But the 10,000 steps a day should not be left in the dust, or in the drawer, with all the other dusty old-fashioned gadgets. They can still help you track your steps, and increase them incrementally as per your goals. According to most fitness recommendations, one should aim to increase the number of steps by 500 per week. There is so much to see.

There are benefits to setting goals and for most people, it is motivating to track those goals – whether it is for fitness, counting calories, or both. Some websites claim that for many people 10,000 steps a day is not realistic. But considering most people walk 2000-3000 steps a day anyway, it is not the least bit unrealistic to increase it to 5,000 and then over a period of time, to 10,000.

Depending on a person’s stride, 10,000 steps is four to five miles. A shorter walking stride measures out to 4.4 miles. A ten kilometre run or walk, is six miles, which most people can manage, especially if the terrain is flat. The objective is to not only do those 10K walks for fund raising events, but to make it a habit at least five days of the week.

The other factor is time. It takes time to walk five or six miles a day. If you are a brisk walker, you will need to spend about ninety minutes out walking, and for slower walkers, a couple of hours. Considering it is healthy to get at least two hours of fresh air each day, setting the 10,000 steps as a goal, includes a daily dose of sunshine and fresh air.

Recently I have been walking the Rotary and Vedder River trails in Chilliwack, after living and walking on Haida Gwaii, and then in Vancouver for many years. After living on West Broadway and walking the Broadway corridor in Vancouver for several years, it is a breath of fresh air to be walking the river and dyke trails, with the river on one side, mountain views, and lush farmland with horses, goats, cattle, ducks, herons, on a well kept trail network. It is a walkers dream paradise!

Until I got out of the city, I did not realize how many things you have to watch out for when walking in the city. Right turning cars will often approach the intersections without stopping, while simultaneously looking to the left. Many of them ignore the fact it is a green light for the pedestrians, so you have to pay attention and wait until you know if they are paying attention.

A similar situation occurs when vehicles stop or pull forward to get a better view of traffic, and block the crosswalk on a pedestrian green light. Often, your only choice is to walk behind the vehicle. However, left turning traffic may not see you coming out from behind a truck or SUV when they take that twenty second window when there is a break in the traffic, to make a left turn.

The worst and most hazardous in my opinion, though – are the cyclists on the sidewalks. It’s not so bad if they are considerate and go slow while illegally riding on the sidewalk. But many of them do the opposite. They barrel down the centre of the sidewalk expecting people to get out of their way. And worse yet, will cycle down the Broadway corridor like a bat out of hell, weaving between pedestrians, dogs, strollers, people with walkers – and you or I – who might just be side-stepping or veering away from something on the sidewalk at that moment.

Each time a cyclist narrowly misses running into you from behind, you cannot help but think how crazy and unsafe it is for an adult to ride a bike very fast, down the middle of a sidewalk. There have been countless pedestrian injuries as a result. For those cyclists who think it is safer, hitting a pedestrian, a plate glass window, a bus stop, a dog on a leash, or getting thrown into oncoming traffic – defies logic.

As a matter of fact, many city cyclists will go from the sidewalk to the road or the road to the sidewalk without warning. They will cycle on the pedestrian crosswalks even if they are crowded. At the Kits beach crossings, they often will not even stop when they are cycling on the road and there is a red light, once again, narrowly missing or intimidating pedestrians who are trying to cross the road on a walk light.

If you walk a fair bit in Vancouver, you will soon realize that some cyclists are considerate and obey rules, while many do not. Therefore, you have to keep a wary eye to anticipate what they might do next, since there is no rhyme or reason to the way they operate. Some of them have attitude, like everyone but them are lard asses, and burning fossil fuels. They got their lard asses, ass backwards somehow!

A far-out country trail network, happens to be ideal for cyclists, horse back riders and pedestrians. I would have expected way more cyclists to be riding the trails out here. But so far, not one of them has dominated the trails, or come up fast behind me without warning. Trail blazers of all types, are much more polite, even though, in this case – they have every right to be on the trails. Oddly enough, I guess it makes some “less wobbly” sense – and might tie into stories describing the differences between the city mouse and the country mouse.

The same goes for horses. I have not had to condition myself for being startled by a horse either. And when I see them coming – I don’t want to startle them either! It works both ways!

It just goes to show you – we can’t take those 10,000 steps for granted. Every worthwhile goal has its hurdles. I suppose when it is salmon season, there will be bears along the riverbanks too. I actually think they are safer than city cyclists on the sidewalk – since being in the country tends to make us both shy away from close encounters! After all, common sense dictates we must avoid hazards, if we are going to stick to the goal of reaching 10,000 steps a day!

Thinking Crooked ~ What Is A Conspiracy Theorist Anyway?

Since human beings have been prone to cooking up deceptive deals since the beginning of time – what then, is a conspiracy theorist? The term seems to revolve around enmity and paranoia, but at the same time, wouldn’t it be naive and stupid to believe there are no conspiracies at all? Probably the root of most conspiracies is greed and profit motive, with a disregard for truth, to the detriment of individuals, families, communities, and the environment.

One common conspiracy theory revolves around vaccines. On one extreme, there are people who believe all vaccines are harmful, and therefore they refuse all vaccines. On the other hand, we have gone from four vaccines at birth to more than a dozen, in just a few decades. Since vaccines (and all drugs) carry some risks, it makes sense to weigh out and reduce the risks.

If a baby is pre-term or sick, it makes sense to delay or spread the vaccines out over a longer period of time. It also seems prudent to have concerns about mercury and other adjuncts contained in vaccines. One of the best immune boosters for newborns is colostrum and breast milk. Although I think some of the newer vaccines might be questionable, it is probably not a good idea to reject all vaccines.

The one world order is another popular conspiracy theory, which seemed quite plausible to me for a period of time – but I now believe it is bogus fear mongering. The chances of a group of leaders becoming unified enough to take over the world is pretty far-fetched. Nations will always have conflicts, wars, and religious and cultural differences. What are the chances those differences would be reconciled enough to create a one world government?

The 911 terrorist attacks in New York sparked more questions than answers. However, terrorist attacks happen all over the world. Regardless of who initiated the terrorist attack – it is still a terrorist attack. Certain countries are targeted more frequently than others, but there is no doubt that such attacks are based on the conspiracies of certain deranged individuals working together. Five minutes of listening to Alex Jones, and we need to be deprogrammed.

Do I believe in a unified conspiracy theory? Not at all. Mostly because it is next to impossible to get people unified on any topic, let alone things that are next to impossible to prove. But as far as conspiracies in general – we are a society prone to deception. What is conspiracy, but an inclination for some advantage-seeking people to create plots to deceive others?

Conspiracies are sort of like weeds in the garden. Truth and goodness will not be choked out by an overgrowth of deception in any realm. In the meantime, wisdom dictates that we don’t foolishly allow ourselves to be deceived. Discernment is valuable. Blind trust is not. Those who refuse to be duped are not conspiracy theorists. Sometimes our definitions become a little skewed and all encompassing, when we are simply navigating our own best interests in a complex world.

In the end, I think we will all be surprised at the amount of deception in this world. In all likelihood, the greatest deception and conspiracies will be in areas we did not see or even contemplate. Such is the nature of deception.

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West Vintage (2020). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West Vintage with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

The Quest For Mental Wellness ~ Is All About Balance

Recently I was chatting with a neighbour in Kitsilano, who was telling me about some of the changes her 93 year old mother was going through. She was still living independently, and spent most of the year in Vancouver, and the summers in the Okanagan. The big change was that she was selling one of her properties and starting to plan for assisted living.

A few years ago, this dynamic lady began to have problems with her balance, so she started using a walker. Her habit has been to get out there with her walker and walk the seawall three times a week. She also makes a point of getting up, dressed, and getting out every day to run errands. It is an inspiration to hear the testimonies of people who manage to stay balanced into their nineties!

Another person in the community, who is in his eighties now, is finally ready to retire he said, but he still kept some of his tools, because he will always have work to do. In spite of getting injured in a fall, he made a full recovery, has an excellent memory, and is looking forward to the future. I joked with him about going swimming to stay in shape. He scoffed and laughed at the suggestion. He said he is going to start swimming in the afterlife. Although he is fairly active, apparently swimming in this life, is not for him.

Physical balance and athleticism is something many of us take for granted when we are young, because we have good innate balance. However, many things can affect our balance. Aging, obesity, drugs, certain medical conditions, and alcohol are the top culprits that can have an adverse effect on our balance.

Every one of life’s struggles today is viewed as a mental illness. Those who are too fat or too thin – are considered to have a psychiatric disorder (eating disorder). Substance abuse – addictions to nicotine, alcohol and other drugs sickens 30% of the population. Grief is now considered a mental health disorder, along with all symptoms of depression. Insomnia, anxiety, and social withdrawal are also on the disease list.

Internet use, gambling, phobias, active children, and hundreds of other thoughts and behaviours, are now added to the rap-sheet of mental health disorders. They even go so far as to say there are unknown and hidden mental health disorders. In the absence of destructive and disruptive over behaviours, no one should be accused of being mentally ill. The false accusation has been used to punish, control, gain assets, and destroy lives. Greed and pharmaceutical profit motive has caused the system to go off the rails. There is no balance when it comes to making people sick, who were not sick to begin with.

There are now a walloping 347 mental health disorders, when not that long ago, there was less than 50. The field is literally inventing and adding new diseases all the time. Since there is no real diagnostic criteria for these diseases, there is no curtailing this madness. It used to be that the practitioner had to list abnormal and disruptive behaviours, in order to make a diagnosis.

But now they simply pull a diagnosis out of their hat, which would not be so alarming if it was not immediately accompanied with coercing a person into taking toxic medications. It is based on pure profit motive – and has nothing to do with compassion, therapy, healing, recovery or a treatment plan. They are blowing it, when it comes to the Hippocratic Oath – “first do no harm”. What a sick joke.

Their very first inclination is to do harm, and they do so knowing it will become a crippling and debilitating downhill slide for the person. After all – making people sick and drug dependant, is what keeps people coming back (and keeling over). How many lives have been destroyed by an ever increasing chemical soup, fatal adverse drug reactions, life altering loss of cognitive function, and often permanent movement disorders – along with a myriad of other side effects. For what?

In fact, every human condition related to emotions, conflicts, victimization, aggression, selfishness, difference of opinion, setting boundaries, etc. are subjected to the disease, and the motivation to medicate for profit model. In actual fact, healthy boundaries are a central requirement in maintaining balance. So what does a person do when an aggressive and self-centred person will not accept a boundary? It is not the victim of such behaviours who is sick. Power imbalances, scapegoating and victim blaming is rampant, and very difficult to overcome.

How do we overcome this imbalance of turning every struggle into a disease? One of the methods to increase dopamine in our brains, as well as to reduce anxiety, is to create to do lists. This makes sense because those daily lists equate to actions and habits. Like physical well-being, mental wellness includes daily to do lists in order to keep balanced. It is relatively easy to get unbalanced, or develop bad habits that affect our health.

The value of a healthy whole food diet and daily exercise cannot be underestimated. Nutrition and exercise probably have the greatest influence on increasing dopamine and serotonin levels. Whole foods are loaded with micro nutrients and do not have the mood altering additives that are in many packaged foods. Exercise and whole foods help keep our weight in a normal range, and also keeps us fit, so we can manage whatever heavy lifting we are faced with in every day living. The discovery of the second brain in the gut reinforces the importance of keeping the gut bacteria healthy. I once read a quote that went something like this: “If you want to know if your brain is getting flabby – feel your legs”.

For some people maintaining balance is not too difficult, because a percentage of people came from loving supportive families. Many people have been cared for their entire lives, and have not had to struggle financially, or with childhood trauma. It doesn’t mean they will never get depressed or have to deal with grief – but if the system is balanced, it is easier to return to balance and stability, as opposed to spiralling out of control. It is interesting to note that at least half the people with serious addictions describe having come from loving, supportive families. Clearly there is more to it all than meets the eye.

On the flip side, experiencing trauma, poverty, grief, trials, and tribulations make us better equipped to deal with difficulties when they do occur. If we are able to get through them intact – we know we can deal with difficulties again. The experiences can increase our resilience. It is similar to those who stay in good physical shape, and then have an injury, big surgery, or gain weight in later life. Even our muscles have memory, and all that prior exercise benefits us throughout the process of recovery and/or weight loss.

The individual is the one most responsible for maintaining health and well-being. This is not to say illness or accidents are the fault of the individual, but the autonomy of the individual is paramount to any recovery. Although many people do need help from time to time – there is no one else who can make the adjustments that lead to a balanced lifestyle. For all changes and adaptations we must make throughout the course of our lives to remain healthy – the locus of control must come from within. This fact does not undermine the spiritual aspects of prayer and surrender. It means that personalities, decisions and choices are highly individual, and change starts from within.

For example, you can put a person on suicide watch, which may avert a crisis temporarily – but it will not alleviate the person’s suffering. People cannot be constantly watched or monitored anyway. Even those who face involuntary admissions, cannot be detained longer than 48-72 hours. You can force a person into drug and alcohol treatment, but in those cases, relapse is around 90% However, if you listen to those who overcome addiction and severe depression, they will attribute it to a spiritual awakening, combined with a conscious decision to change. Self control means exactly that. No one else can be responsible for another person’s self-control.

From my own perspective and experiences, I have concluded that all psychoactive substances can interfere with balance, in more ways than one. Years ago, while working in long term care, it was clear to me that those who were on the most psychoactive drugs, were also the most out of control, with loss of dignity and outrageous behaviours the daily norm for them.

But incoherent, antisocial, and aggressive behaviours – such as public defecation, physically attacking others, screaming uncontrollably, and repeatedly falling down, are not normal for anyone. I would often wonder, “How on earth did they get like this? How rapid was the decline? What were they like before?” In going through the charts, I learned one of the common denominators for most of the people in locked units, involved prior and often long term use of harmful substances – such as antidepressants, neuroleptics, benzodiazepines, opiates, barbiturates, sleeping pills, and/or alcohol. Often these drugs were started when the person was in their forties or fifties, or younger.

What is the difference between a 93 year old woman walking the seawall three times a week, and an 78 year old in long term care, who is completely out of control, even though he or she is chemically restrained with multiple psychoactive medications? Surely those medications are not helping them. In fact, the one most notable thing in long term care is that the most stable and cognitively intact, are also the ones who do not take psychotropic medications. However, few can escape them once admitted to a facility, because the pattern is to over medicate.

There is a very sad program on Youtube called “Seattle is Dying”. The program honestly and candidly places drugs as being the primary cause of the homeless epidemic. In fact, many of the behaviours and loss of balance seen in locked psychogeriatric units is now evident on the streets. The average age of the street populations is tragically between 30 and 40, a time when people are supposed to be in the prime of life. They are subjected to the same drugs, and in fact often behave the same way, as those who are in locked psychogeriatric units.

Who but journalists, advocates, and sincere (honest) health care professionals are going to help with this drug crisis, once the people completely lose cognitive function? This chaotic loss of human potential is affecting families, communities, businesses, health care, policing and politics.

When are they going to make greed the number one collective mental health disorder – a profit driven addiction with the greatest potential for harm, societal breakdown, and human suffering? Oxycontin is the opiate of choice, even on the streets. Where do they get it? From prescriptions.

Almost all people addicted to opiates start with, and prefer prescription opiates. They turn to fentanyl laced heroin in later stages, when they can no longer obtain a prescription for, or afford the pills. Many young people in the large US cities who give interviews about their addictions – claim they could get hundreds of pills by offering cash to a doctor. Some of those doctors have been arrested, but who knows how many continue to trade cash for prescriptions?

The correlation is clear to me. Drugs cause a loss of balance physically and mentally. Drugs and alcohol also decrease motivation, with the only to do list entering a person’s mind, is how to get more drugs in order to chase the high, and after awhile, just to feel normal. Another eye-opener is when we look at the conditions on some of the First Nations reserves. Anytime we see squalor and chaos, we know people are being adversely affected by drugs and/or alcohol. 50% of First Nations people are on ten or more pharmaceutical drug classes. Who can sincerely say these drugs are helping them and their communities?

But what is normal? It is not normal to feel nothing. Nor is it normal to be sick and in pain all the time. Opiates start out being prescribed for pain. What is overlooked by doctors prescribing opiates, is the fact that many people suffer from emotional pain too. They will readily start self-medicating emotional pain, and will quickly become addicted. This brings on a whole new set of problems, as it totally throws the entire system off balance.

There is no magic pill or answer when it comes to achieving balance or normalcy in life. In the mental health field, psychiatrists have more than double the rates of suicide and in the US, the stats are that 25% will sexually assault patients, and more than 75% will diagnose simply for profit motive. Even the field of psychiatry itself is calling it fraud, pseudoscience, and drug induced harm inflicted upon innocent people.

Regardless of what our struggles are in life, central to maintaining balance is self-control and motivation. We can move past difficult situations, since most in-depth healing is rooted in love and forgiveness. Our bodies and lives include our spiritual beliefs. Emotional and mental health healing and cleansing involves freeing ourselves, not only of toxic memories and relationships – but also of toxic drugs, and habits.

I watched a young woman give a talk on the inspirations she gained in being a hospice volunteer. She herself had a massive stroke as a child due to a congenital anomaly in her brain and then another life threatening stroke as a young adult. She went on to obtain a Master’s degree in the field of death and dying, and obviously had more than a theoretical basis for the development of her beliefs.

This amazing young woman described the tasks of dying. They are found in forgiveness – first to seek forgiveness for ourselves and also to forgive others. Love and the power of love is also one of the central tasks. The other is in letting go and saying goodbye. In so many ways, these same principles apply to living as well. Love and forgiveness is crucial to overcoming our demons of the past. And if we are to have hope in accomplishing that – we often have to let go of and say goodbye to certain habits and relationships as well.

Maintaining balance is about stability, self-control and motivations. If we can manage those – we have hope for the future regardless of what happens to us. We can achieve the intrinsic balance and self control by taking care of our physical and emotional balance, mostly through diet, exercise, motivation, meditation, fresh air, and music – and avoiding toxic substances. Following that – we will soon find that serving others in an honest and humble way – is the best way to get joy and purpose out of life.

The yoke of slavery, whether it is to a substance or life’s circumstances can be lifted and removed once and for all. The ensuing freedom is what enables us to serve without feeling trapped. Sickness does not need to be a life sentence. Yet human suffering is real – and those of us who overcome, can be compassionate and supportive when others are going through trials and tribulations. It is delusional to think all people who face trials are sick forever. If that were the case – not one of us would escape the disease and sickness trap.

As long as we remain functional, we all have the capacity to heal and overcome difficulties, at every stage of life. Not one person achieves balance, or anything for that matter, without some form of help and support. It has already been poignantly pointed out many times – there is a fine line, with more similarities than differences, involved in the tasks surrounding both living and dying.

To keep things in perspective – death, or a serious illness or accident with a complete loss of cognitive function – will immediately change a person’s reality. Whether we want to admit it or not – every single one of us is “hanging in the balance”.

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West Vintage (2019). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West Vintage with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Cholesterol, Statins & The Carriers Of Misinformation

Cholesterol is a lipid with global functions in the body and brain. The misinformation around good and bad cholesterol has caused many people to accept statins as a preventative measure for heart disease. Statins were first discovered in the late eighties. Between 1996 and 2012 the drug company Pfizer made 125 billion dollars on the sale of Lipitor over a fourteen year period. Are there fewer heart attacks a result? Hardly, but the drug company is much richer, so that’s all that matters.

Statins top the list of drugs given to seniors, with 50% of all seniors prescribed the drug. Suggestions and arguments were advanced at one time to add this poison to the water supplies. People as young as forty are being prescribed statins, and there is no end in sight. Next they will be targeting children, with some articles suggesting they be given to children as young as seven years old. Yet statins are the culprit in a high percentage of children who are victims of accidental poisonings. 30% of teens who took statins thinking they might get high, ended up in the hospital in more serious trouble than when they take opiates. Even a single adult pill can poison a young child.

Since statins have been prescribed so much, one would think the death rate from cardiac disease would have dropped by now. But heart disease continues to be in the top ten causes of death worldwide. Statins are now directly linked to an increase in cognitive decline, but they won’t tell you that when it is prescribed. Why do people get suckered into taking these drugs? Fear and misinformation, is what drives people to take statins. Plus, there has been long term indoctrination to blindly trust, and turn our autonomy over to doctors to make decisions about our health. How do they know what a person’s daily diet and habits are? Like the general population, there are doctors who are competent and trustworthy, and those who are not. Doctors can and do save lives – but over prescribing medications is a huge and steadily increasing problem, that does just the opposite.

The brain, nerves and all muscles need cholesterol. Cholesterol is a lipid. The misinformation surrounding the good and bad cholesterol is based on an over simplified and faulty sales pitch. LDL and HDL are actually cholesterol carriers, not two different types of cholesterol as we are led to believe. They serve many different functions, not only in the brain, but in digestive processes and the production of bile. LDL means low density and HDL means high density carriers of lipoproteins. The body needs both to function. In fact the higher levels of cholesterol occur naturally and serve to protect the brain as we age. At different stages of life, the body makes adaptations to feed and protect different functions.

The brain is 60% fat for good reasons. Human breast milk is very high in cholesterol, because the brains of babies are growing and developing at a rapid rate. Cholesterol is an antioxidant and protects the brain from free radicals. It provides insulation and protection of the myelin sheath and nerve cells. It provides a cell membrane barrier to further protect brain cells and enhance the function of neurotransmitters.

To narrow scope and function of statins to the chemical prevention of arteriosclerosis is a non holistic and faulty description surrounding a very complex subject. Probably the most comprehensive information that does not oversimplify their use and how they work, is a book written by James & Hannah Yoseph entitled How statin drugs really lower cholesterol: and kill you one cell at a time.

What are the main side effects and complaints when people start taking statins? Although the side effects are numerous and often debilitating, the main complaints revolve around muscle weakness and brain fog. The most common side effects are headache, sleep disturbances, muscle tenderness, drowsiness, dizziness, impaired cognitive function, nausea and vomiting, and in some cases liver damage and kidney failure. Recent information is linking it to an increase in dementia (another leading cause of death).

Almost every research institute continues to make broad and generalized claims that statins are a wonder drug, however since heart disease has not decreased even though 50% of seniors take statins, that should tell the average lay person the claims are bogus.

People who are developing arteriosclerosis do not need statins. They need to change their diet and get more exercise. There are good and bad fats, good and bad foods, good and bad daily habits – but cholesterol is cholesterol and is very important to our health. In my opinion, if we listen to our bodies and get a side effect from a drug, it means there is something haywire happening as a result of it. When we get a severe headache from MSG laced food, doesn’t that tell us our brain and bodies are sensitive to that chemical and we are best to avoid it?

If LDL is “bad” cholesterol, why does every single human being have it? It is because we need it. It should not even be defined as bad cholesterol because cholesterol is cholesterol. If anything it might be described as a bad carrier – yet that makes no sense, so this very complex subject gets overly simplified and people accept the statement as fact, when what they should do is research the causes of higher than normal LDL levels and then make lifestyle and diet changes to lower them. The claims of good or bad tends to make people immediately think – “Oh no, I don’t want bad cholesterol” so they are quickly convinced a pill is the answer.

But the very thing it is supposed to help with is completely derailed. When people have side effects such as muscle weakness, drowsiness, poor appetite, abdominal pain, etc. they are less likely to exercise. If a drug causes generalized weakness and muscle pain – what is it doing to the heart muscle?

The interesting thing about drug companies and the reporting of side effects is that they downplay them. They want us to believe the side effects are minor, or a necessary evil so to speak. Of course once you start taking them, you must take them for life. Now that’s profitable (not for the patient though)! One cardiologist on YouTube went on and on about a genetic condition that prevents people from breaking down cholesterol. The particular genetic condition he was referring to is very rare, with fewer than 1 in 500 people who are afflicted with it – so how does that translate into prescribing the drug for half the population? How can they seriously claim they are not trying to dupe people?

We need cholesterol and healthy fats. We also need functional carriers for cholesterol. When we experience adverse reactions or side effects to anything we are exposed to, we need to stop and evaluate what is happening to us. Only the individual knows how he or she felt before taking the drug and what symptoms or side effects develop. In many cases people were being told the side effects were not real, but rather imaginary somatic complaints (delusions). How handy! What a bizarre and arrogant way to invalidate what people are experiencing. The second very valid question is to ask yourself, “Is there a conflict of interest or profit motive that supersedes my well being in prescribing this drug?” It’s a no-brainer.

Disclaimer – The opinions in this article are my own and not intended to undermine required treatment or medications. The information provided is to encourage research and seek methods of reducing over prescribing for seniors. The Beers list provides a comprehensive list of high risk medications to help inform the public. The link is

A Sobering Snapshot On Seniors & Prescription Drug Use

Over the years working as a Registered Nurse in British Columbia, I must have given out a million pills. Now they are administered in blister packs and do not have to be pre-poured, but during the years prior to blister packs, it could take hours to pour medications in a large facility. Since we had a responsibility to know what we were administering to people, I also learned a fair bit about the drugs, and listened to people describe side effects and adverse reactions.

In long term care, there was a great deal of coaxing required to get people to take their medications. Often they would spat them out, no matter what they were mixed with. It was about the only reaction that warranted a notation of Ref. (for refusal) on the medication sheet. Nurses were expected to give them – and patients were expected to take them. End of story.

Since we are all aging and either looking toward retirement, or else have parents or grandparents who are seniors, it is a topic worth learning something about. The other thing for middle aged people to be aware of, is how to approach those coveted retirement years without the need for a dozen classes of prescription drugs to hamper your lifestyle. An ounce of prevention during middle age is worth a pound of cure down the road!

First of all, why so many drugs for seniors? We are told it is because seniors are prone to chronic disease. This is due to lifestyle factors and cumulative stressors on all systems of the body. I tend to think more than half the problem is due to prescription drugs. They cause more problems than they cure. If they cured anything, the prescription rates would be trending downward, not upward.

To give a few Canadian 2016 stats on the prevalence of over-prescribing; 65.7% of seniors were prescribed five or more different drug classes per year. 26.5% were prescribed ten or more drug classes, and 8.4% took a walloping fifteen drug classes.

It leaves me scratching my head, because although I took those percentages from the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) – it actually adds up to more than 100% (100.6%), which must be due to rounding the numbers. How is it that no one escapes being prescribed drugs after a certain age? How is it that (according to the stats) no one is prescribed less than five drug classes after the age of 65? If the Canadian health care system does collapse under all this pressure, maybe it would be the best solution for seniors after all. But, how would Big Pharma let such a thing happen anyway?

No wonder seniors are using up 40% of the health care resources. But there is a much bigger picture to look at. As soon as one prescription drug is the norm, the very next step is to add another. Why? Because all drugs cause side effects, and in many cases side effects are interpreted as a new condition. So instead of removing the offending initial drug, new drugs are added.

In looking at the distribution of the excess medications people take, it is kind of disturbing too. Women are prescribed more drugs than men. Lower income seniors, and those who live in rural areas are also prescribed more medications than those in urban areas. People who have higher incomes are prescribed fewer drugs overall, but they too, take way more than required. Among First Nations populations, more than 50% are prescribed more than ten drug classes. All of these prescriptions increase with age, with the highest numbers doled out in long term care facilities.

The top drug class prescribed to seniors, is statins for high cholesterol. They are also one of the few drugs that are prescribed regardless of income or location. A staggering 50% of all seniors take statins. Next to statins are the proton pump inhibitors, to treat GERD (gastrointestinal reflux disease), and ulcers. Following that are the beta blockers and calcium channel blockers to treat hypertension. Then there are the thyroid hormones to treat hypothyroidism, and a variety of drugs to treat insulin resistance leading to high blood glucose levels. Opioids are prescribed on a regular basis to 20% of seniors as well. Add to the list of frequently prescribed drugs, are sleeping pills, benzodiazepines, and antibiotics.

What drugs are considered most hazardous, enough to make the list of drugs that should definitely NOT be prescribed to seniors? Psychotropic drugs such as benzodiazepines, antidepressants, and antipsychotics are on the list of hazardous substances, and are to be avoided (at all costs). They have been proven to cause falls, increased fractures, and cognitive impairment, as well as an increased risk of adverse drug reactions. It makes me wonder why more doctors are not getting sued. In spite of the known hazards, these drugs are still commonly prescribed. Who is educating the doctors I wonder?

Apparently several interventions have been implemented to educate doctors and patients (if they still have enough cognitive and decision making functions after being immersed in a chemical soup for a period of time). Obviously the time to start thinking about these things is before you start taking the drugs, not after. Once the body adapts to certain drugs, especially those that interfere with functions of dopamine and the central nervous system, it requires carefully monitored detox to remove them from the system. If there are ten different drug classes to deal with, the complexity of making changes later on, makes it more like a game of Russian roulette than anything else.

How on earth is it possible that 100% of seniors need prescription drugs? Does half the population need statins? I find that hard to believe. But even if a person does have high cholesterol or high blood pressure, can’t he or she make changes in diet and lifestyle before being medicated? Our minds are doctored.

Personally, I do not intend to take any prescription drugs at all. To me – it’s like dodging a bullet. Such an attitude and decision can only be monitored over a long period of time, so it’s too early to tell! But surely the general public should be educated too, for their own sakes, as well as for their loved ones who are seniors. When an adult child of a senior sees a prescription for psychotropic drugs such as antipsychotics, benzodiazepines and antidepressants – they should be warning the senior and someone should be calling the doctor to find out what the heck is going on.

The trouble with the interventions they have implemented to educate doctors and patients on the hazards of all these drugs, the interventions have had little effect on clinical outcomes such as mortality, hospitalizations, ER visits, adverse reactions or health status. Sick eh?

One of the menial things I used to ponder when administering so many toxic medications, was to mindlessly ask myself – “why are so many of them brightly coloured?” They come in every colour of the rainbow, which means they also have an extra dose of something equivalent to acrylic paint thrown in, for some unknown reason. I guess the reasoning is along the same lines as why they make candy and popsicles so colourful. They must brighten someone’s day!

After statins, the next most prescribed drug class is the proton pump inhibitors. It kind of sounds like something a mechanic would do to fix a car, but nope – these are to inhibit the acid in your gut. These drugs are prescribed for GERD and stomach ulcers. 30% of seniors are prescribed this class of drugs. However prolonged use, (more than eight weeks) leads to a high risk of Clostridium difficile infection, bone loss and fractures. But how does a person who needs such a medication suddenly stop taking it after eight weeks? After a period of time, the body relies on the drug to mask symptoms, and the symptoms return with a vengeance once the drug is stopped.

The inappropriate and excessive drugging of seniors has been of increasing concern to practitioners, researchers, and organizations throughout Canada. These organizations include the Canadian Deprescribing Network, the Canadian Foundation For Healthcare Improvement, The Institute For Safe Medication Practices, the Canadian Safety Institute, and Choosing Wisely Canada. What have all these combined organizations accomplished? All the organizations, abstracts, meetings, interventions, analysis, and professional babble on the topic has decreased the overall prescribing by about 2% – which can be taken with a grain of salt.

Clearly the autonomy of the patient, and decision making by the patient while still cognitively intact, must be the first line of defence when it comes to putting a myriad of toxic substances into our systems. Why are people taking so many drugs? Do they specifically ask for them? Or do doctors suggest or push them on people?

The problem is much more complex than we realize. We have been sold a pill of hogwash we are expected to swallow without questioning, along with an unsavoury bill of goods. We are being drugged and merchandised to death. We have been indoctrinated to trust doctors instead of our own better judgement. The other factor is fear. What if I don’t take the prescribed drug? The other motivator or objective is to get relief from unpleasant symptoms. But, we have to start to “listen” to our bodies. Those symptoms are telling us to change something, not to cover it up.

Any symptom we get is a signal for us to pause and evaluate what is going on with our bodies. Many symptoms can be relieved through exercise and diet. We can treat infections with things like oregano oil and garlic. Blood sugar and blood pressure levels can be reduced through diet and exercise. Raw ginger can reduce inflammation. Olives interfere with and reduce histamine reactions, and so on.

All people should be encouraged to do their own research and take responsibility for their own health as much as possible. It is very difficult to challenge the judgement of doctors – yet why shouldn’t we? After all, we are the ones who are supposed to ingest the toxic mix and live with the consequences. Every single drug has adverse effects on the system. Sometimes those adverse effects are not immediately apparent, such as bone loss and early cognitive impairment. Almost all cause dry mouth and changes in digestive enzymes, which in turn alters the biome of the bacteria in the gut. All of them must be detoxified by the liver and kidneys. So the cascading chain of events secondary to these drug classes is beyond comprehension.

Avoiding prescription drugs might be achieved by avoiding going to doctors. Such advice leaves many people aghast. What about your yearly physical? What about mammograms and other screening tests? What about your cholesterol and blood pressure? Learn about it. Research all of it before you turn the rest of your life over to someone who is prone to over prescribing medications.

Keep in mind that this list and description of drug usage does not include over the counter medications. How many people add NSAIDs (such as Ibuprofen) or other OTC meds like Tylenol, Gravol, cough medication, and antihistamines as part of habitual usage? They might be available without a prescription, but they too, pack quite a punch when it comes to drug interactions and toxicity. Add to the mix, an over zealous attempt to include multiple supplements as some kind of method to improve health, when in fact, supplements can be as toxic as the rest of the pills and tinctures we are inclined to self-medicate with.

One of the aspects of opiate usage is in how much they are relied upon in end of life situations. They are sometimes needed for pain. But from experience, I know that nurses are expected to keep dying patients sedated whether they have pain or not. Often this is because of family members wanting to see their loved ones comfortable, and sometimes it is because health care practitioners have not come to terms with death and dying themselves, and therefore are prone to over sedating patients.

I have come to believe that dying patients should not be automatically sedated with opiates, and personally it would not be my choice, unless I was in agony. Many people who are dying sleep a lot anyway. When they do have wakeful periods, if there is no pain, those wakeful periods can be valuable time spent with loved ones.

For those who believe death is a transition, where the soul leaves the body and goes to another location (like the Bosom of Abraham) – who really wants to be drugged unconscious when going through that final adventure, and take the chance of missing the brilliant and beckoning white light at the end of a love filled tunnel? I hope to be wide awake when I die! Some people want to die in their sleep, but I think sudden death (without being overly drugged) – probably wakes people up. Otherwise they would need to send a chariot for us. Swing low – sweet chariot!

Nothing can compete with the natural processes of the body. We have incredible capacity to handle both living and dying without drugs. We have become reliant on drugs, as opposed to trusting our intuition, healing naturally, maintaining our own autonomy – and finding ways to avoid being a statistic on ten or more classes of drugs, before we make our final exit.

Quite frankly – the pharmaceutical companies don’t give a shit what happens to any of us. We have to stop allowing ourselves to be manipulated and used as human market potential to improve profit margins. They are truly making a killing. It’s the new black (force).

Disclaimer – The opinions in this article are my own and not intended to undermine required treatment or medications. The information provided is to encourage research and seek methods of reducing over prescribing for seniors. The Beers list provides a comprehensive list of high risk medications to help inform the public. The link is

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West Vintage (2019). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West Vintage with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

London In The Sixties ~ Alice Pollock & Ossie Clark

London in the sixties and seventies brought us some of the most incredible fashion pieces – outfits that matched the arts and culture of the time. Alice Pollock was a London fashion designer and retailer who opened a boutique called Quorum. She teamed up with fellow designer Ossie Clark and featured other up and coming designers. They brought together an eccentric and creative group of designers and flourished. Their fashion shows were known for visual extravagance and theatrics.

The boutique was opened in 1964 and went strong until the 1970’s. Celia Birtwell was part of the partnership as a textile and fashion designer, known for her bold styling and attention to detail. In the late sixties they adapted to another look when the designs became more subtle, and mini skirts were replaced with maxi skirts. Tragically, many years later in 1996, Ossie Clark was stabbed to death by a former lover.

The Alice Pollock blouse featured in this post is part of the Quiet West collection. It is made of a rich creamy sunglow coloured synthetic fabric with a deep crinkling throughout. The style and attention to detail is quite remarkable. It has covered buttons down the front and on both sleeves. The most distinguishing feature of this blouse is the collar.

Fine Feathers Are A Fetching Sight ~ & Fanciful By Day Or Night

Turn Of The Century Egret Feather On A 1950’s Hat

1950’s Feathered Brimless Hat

1940’s (Faux) Bird Revival On Hats

1960’s Single Feather On A Wool Hat

Feather & Matching Trim

1940’s Feather On Velvet & Grosgrain Ribbon

A 1920’s Sequinned Skull Cap With An Ostrich Feather

1930’s Or 1940’s Hat With Purple Feathers

1950’s Special Occasion Blue Feathered Brimless Hat

1960’s Or 1970’s Feathered Fall Hat

1950’s Original With Blue, Black & Red Glistening Feathers

A 1950’s Feathered Hair Band

To Harbor A Contrasting View ~ Same Scene In A Different Mood

Wide Angled Overcast Harborview

Overcast Harbor Village of Queen Charlotte

Harbour View

Clear Harbor Village of Queen Charlotte

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West Vintage (2016). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West Vintage with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Poet-Pourri ~ Words Like Petals Form a Poem ~ To Become The Rhyming Riddle On The Map

This Inside Passage Legendary Map poem was written as a “rhyming riddle” to enhance the lyric voice on the map. It is placed in two line segments in the cameos around the border of the Inside Passage Legendary Map. One of the extra detailed features of the map – is to be able to figure out the order of the verse in the border of the map.


Words like petals – Form a poem;
Flower blooms – Then bows her head.

Sheds thoughts upon the ground ~
Moss – Prepared – Has made a bed

Poetic petals flutter down.
Depart from proud, stately stems

‘Til Nature has them land
Bathed in dew – Just humble gems.

Nature inspires deep respect,
Sweet pot-pourri recants…

Woods are made fresher yet ~
For the poet-pourri – Enchants.

Valerie J. Hayes

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Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West Vintage (2015). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West Vintage with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Fashion Metaphor ~ A Poem Called Silk & Ruin

Silk & Ruin

Silk & Ruin 

Runs so Fast ~

Always Cruisin’

Snags the Past —

Goes Unnoticed

By the Masses…

As Fine Conjecture

Slips About ~

And in Reverse —

It Wears me Out!

Valerie Hayes

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West Vintage (2014). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West Vintage with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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