Drop The Cults – Keep The Culture

As we wrestle with the bombardment of changing rules, and get plundered and plunged as it is swept along, it’s time to take stock. Drop the cults and keep the culture.

How to identify cult tactics so you don’t get suckered in? They divide and destroy as many close relationships as possible. It is well known that isolation is cruel and has ill effects on people’s well being. Some people can tolerate more isolation than others, but if combined with shame, rejection, and a lack of purpose – it is deadly.

Another key feature is deception. The lies are built from the ground up, yet they have no foundation. They do not stand up to the test of truth, yet they will brazenly hold onto to the lies. The cult has to deceive with success in order to maintain control. So there is constant repetition, and manipulation to keep the charade going.

Cults divide and cause a great deal of conflict among families. It stands to reason these same issues that polarize and divide families, will expand into communities, businesses and politics, if democracy and morality continues to fail us.

Cults will take away your right to live your own life, have free will, or get out of their trap – without facing extreme shunning and punishment. They will stare you in the eye, without blinking, and rob you of who you are.

Cults do not permit open dialogue. They will not be challenged without punishing and shunning their victims. They will not permit the truth to surface, using a plethora of different ploys to maintain the narrative. Those who go along with it are embraced, praised, and rewarded. But dare they step out of line. If a cult hates some of its members – they hate them all. Those they favour are wearing a thin disguise, and must tread softly to avoid being the next target.

Cults are designed to protect and exalt certain individuals or one person at the top of the hierarchy. They rely heavily on false authority, and totalitarian rule. They use fear to destabilize. All things, all thoughts, and all obedience must revolve around the leader. In the case of cult-like corporations, it is the men at the top, the old boy’s club – who expect reverence, loyalty and submission.

On the other hand, true Christianity is open to the scrutiny and questions that test truth, does not fear exposure, but welcomes it, and will not punish people for exercising free will. Cults close the door on all contrary dialogue, and censor or silence their opponents. One of the main reasons they silence and isolate opponents, is because they do not want us talking to other people. The practice of shunning is so that the deflector does not influence anyone else in the cult. It is also a well-known and very painful way to judge and punish people. In the Old Testament if a widow or marginalized person was shunned by a cultish family – it was considered to be a death sentence.

Cults are focused on money, power, and control. They use deception, coercion, and shaming as key tools. The ultimate form of idolatry is to make self into the monument. Too much entitlement causes not only idolatry, but demands that all the wealth, resources, entertainment, protection, elitism, etc. revolves around them. They expect obedience and reverence from lesser beings. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing. I am not sure how they can possibly view themselves as being so wonderful. But, they do.

To make matters worse, authoritarian leaders will force their subordinates into tenuous situations, yet they take no responsibility for them when they falter or fail. Doesn’t it stand to reason that if someone decides to take over your life, they will also take responsibility if it does not turn out well? They force a learned helplessness and then kick the victims to the curb.

Who takes the brunt of personal or psychological injury that is inflicted upon us by powerful people? Doesn’t it also stand to reason that adults make their own decisions, since they must deal with the outcomes of the decisions they make? Who is going to look after all the mistakes the leaders make? You can rest assured they will not look after you. What good is it if you are blinded and in a wheelchair with a feeding tube, to have a failing health care system with nowhere to turn? If you are injured by the state, you will not be taken care of by the state. So how can they force us to to take the risk of being injured, maimed or killed?

The Bible has been altered, twisted, with things added to it, or taken away – or it has been misinterpreted to suit an agenda. This is done in order to give credibility to cults, so they can advance their agenda by adding deception to truth. Why would people think it would be any different when it comes to science? It is not rocket science to skew numbers. White collar crime has been doing it for years.

Culture on the other hand – connects us to our roots. It helps to showcase the labours and talents of people from all over the world. It helps us visually and artistically see and understand each other better. It educates us. It shows us how much common ground we have, yet shines a light on the different gifts, abilities, labours, and patterns that have emerged. It represents the emotional, aesthetic, and day to day aspects of our human heritage.

We grow to love culture and labours of love. Love does not grow out of cults or cultish conduct. Excessive control is a cult tactic. The battle ground therefore – is for free will. Thoughts, words, and wisdom triumphs over totalitarianism, every single time. It may not be civilization that collapses – but rather totalitarianism that is truly more fragile, because history demonstrates that it always collapses no matter where it springs up, or in what era.

Technology cannot usher in or maintain totalitarianism, even though it seems like it could. In my opinion the reason it cannot, is because it is a tool. Viewing it as anything else is foolish. Computers can do things the human mind cannot, as far as computational number crunching is concerned. But there are limits to what it can do, and those limits are structured by the programmers, not the machines.

Complex thought, translations, original work, creative work, intellectual property, innovation, and insight – comes from people, not computers. No matter how brilliant someone thinks they are, another person will come along that can do it better, hence the beauty of open-source. It helps to create a counter-balance when it comes to dominance and control in programming.

Humans were never intended to be subjected to psychological or physical computer programming. Nor were we intended to be the reverse objects of computer design.

We don’t expect the ox to drive the farmer, or the dogs in a dog sled team to be taken over by the alpha male dog, complete with a map and compass. We know the sewing machine does not design and make the dress. These actions are done by whoever is planning the project or the trip. Projects are not initiated or planned by the tools or machines you are using to achieve your goals.

Yes there are some very invasive tracking apps that offer constant surveillance. But we must ask ourselves how sustainable it is to track the activities of millions of people doing mundane everyday things? No matter how controlling you are, do you really care what kind of shoes a person wears, or where they get their morning coffee?

Just as we were born with robust immune systems, we were also born with brains. Computers did not create or give birth to human attributes.

Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West (2022). Unauthorised use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.




Valerie Hayes

Quiet West Vintage represents a private vintage and designer collection that has been gathered and stored over a thirty-five year period. I now look forward to sharing this collection and promoting the "Other Look" - a totally individualistic approach to style.