Historic Premillennialism Is Not Dispensationalism
Christians have been thrust into multiple different teachings, especially when it comes to end times teaching, or eschatology. Although I do not like to attach labels to our Christian belief systems, there are some very important distinctions to be made, and the labels already exist, so we might as well sort them out for ourselves.
Personally I reject all the eschatological belief systems, with the exception of historic premillennialism. It represents the beliefs of the original church fathers, adhering to covenant theology, without any hint of the pre-tribulation false rapture doctrine.
This is what was believed by the people who were present during the significant historical biblical timelines. After Christ was crucified, the Apostles were left to preach, and spread the truth of the gospel. The early church leaders were privy to those teachings.
The Darby inspired dispensational belief system, is a different doctrine in multiple ways, and is not limited to falsehoods in just end times eschatology. Darby and Scofield rewrote the entire bible, and advanced a different doctrine into innumerable mainstream churches.
Darby divided the bible into seven dispensations, and added a range of false teachings, mixing it with the truth contained in the original bible. When truth is mixed with falsehood, people are more inclined to believe all of it is true. If they see elements of truth, they assume the rest of it is true. It is a common practice of skillful deceivers.
Some people believe Darby was a brilliant man, offering teachings with a more comprehensive, and concise scope. Although I do not know his true motives, or his ultimate destiny, I do not think for one moment all his deceptions were unintentional, or mild deviations from biblical truths. The ramifications of this false teaching is extensive, and in my opinion, it is a wicked doctrine. There is far more to it than meets the eye.
It seems people literally get blinded to the truth when they become steeped in dispensationalism. They confuse stubborn adherence to false doctrine with faith. They refuse to repent, and are arrogantly self assured. They are uncharitable, and more concerned with Sunday services, and superficial appearances, than they are with seeking the truth. Like modern day Pharisees.
It took a long time before I realized the error of my own ways, and beliefs. I am humbled beyond description. Not only in all the ways I have nearly stumbled into the abyss, been foolish, been angry, off-track, reacted emotionally, and failed those I love the most. But also, in naively believing all Christians essentially believe the same things. I was mistaken. We do not all believe the same teachings at all. There are many false prophets in this world.
Along with Scofield, and many other false teachers, dispensationalists built on these concepts, in oder to establish a form of Christian Zionism. Scofield added hundreds of his own footnotes to the Scofield bible, many of them were so far-fetched, it is a wonder they even published them.
Therefore, the differences between historic premillennialism, and dispensational beliefs, are profoundly significant.
Like most cultish deceptions, dispensationalism has some similarities with the original bible, but are not based on the same foundational doctrinal beliefs at all. Anyone who is sincere about seeking the truth, must differentiate between all the errant belief systems, and false teaching.
Historic or traditional premillennialism, is the belief that Christians will meet Christ in the air during the second coming. Then together, we will return to the earth for the millennial reign of Christ, which is described as a thousand years of peace and prosperity. Not in the clouds, or in heaven, but right here on earth.
Historic premillennialism does not support the belief in the separation of Israel, nor does it support the belief there will be a secret rapture of the church, prior to a seven year tribulation period. In fact, historic premillennialism does not adhere to a seven year tribulation belief at all.
For those who believe in the bible, it is a good idea to examine what it says, to be sure we are not listening to false teachers. The bible does not say there will be a secret return of Christ to rapture the believers. Christ does not return three times. The bible says the return of Christ will be a spectacular event. There will be nothing secret about it. If the church or body of believers are the bride of Christ, why would they miss the most incredible and long awaited event in the history of the world? In order to escape tribulation?
This is an example of how prone we are to accept wishful thinking, even if it is not supported in the scriptures. Why are we so gullible? People often listen to what they are told during Sunday sermons, and take it as gospel truth, instead of delving into the truth of the bible for themselves.
The primary reason this deception is so well received, is because of fear. We are to have faith, not fear. And we are not to be cowardly, even though the events as described in the Book of Revelation might seem like something we would want to avoid. The bible says “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).
In the original bible, it is well documented, and understood that all people, especially Christians, will face tribulation during our lifetimes. As we get closer to the end times, the tribulation for all people increases dramatically until Christ returns. We do not expect to escape tribulation, anymore than the early Christians, or the Apostles escaped tribulation.
Most importantly of all, Christ did not escape tribulation. Although Christ was without sin, and each of us carries a burden of sin, our lives are a reflection of the forgiveness, redemption, sanctification, and ultimate resurrection, gifted to us by the grace of God.
There are numerous hidden deceptions contained in the dispensational premillennialism. Most people who are indoctrinated with this false version of biblical teaching do not even realize it. The implications are very deep rooted, and have given rise to the parable of the wheat and the tares, as described in Matthew 13:24-43.
Dispensationalism is also part of the end times apostasy, or falling away from sound doctrine, as is described in the bible, so we know that we must be very careful to avoid being deceived. This particular doctrine was only introduced, and embraced by churches beginning in 1830, which in the entire history, and timeline of the bible, is a relatively new teaching.
During the same time frame in the 1800’s, there was a rise in cult doctrines to include Mormonism, Seventh Day Adventism, and Jehovah Witnesses. Mormonism, with false doctrine introduced by Joseph Smith, began in very close proximity to the time Darby created dispensationalism.
Seventh Day Adventism is a false doctrine created by Ellen White in 1863. The Jehovah Witness doctrine was created and advanced by Charles Russell in the late 1800’s. Initially they were called Russellites (1852-1916), but changed their name to Jehovah Witness in 1931, because they had been caught up in what was known as the miracle wheat scandal.
The miracle wheat scandal brought disrepute to Charles Russel, which was published in many major newspapers. It involved charges of libel, and a government investigation. Therefore they opted to change their name to Jehovah Witness, to hide the fact they were charged with fraud.
After the name change, they advanced a very determined system of recruitment, involving door knocking, and massive amounts of propaganda, to advance their numbers, and to spread the false doctrinal beliefs.
Some people invited JW’s into their homes, and argued for hours, to try and change their way of thinking. Others, often bored or lonely housewives did get taken in, and caused much strife in their families when they joined the cult. And others, like myself, peeked through a window, saw the prim looking strangers, in the standard attire of dark, formal looking clothing, and ignored them, until they went away.
In all of these cases involving the invention of cult doctrines, they extrapolated many truths from the original bible, and then altered the narrative to suit various belief systems that are not part of the original bible. Scofield as a human being, had a terrible reputation. Ellen White, in some of her writings was charged with plagiarism, and in other cases, she came across as being blatantly psychotic.
Frequently the cultish belief systems involved date setting, giving specific dates on the return of Christ, even though it is made very clear in the original bible that no one knows the date of Christ’s return. When the dates they set, did not turn out to be true prophecy, they made some excuse, and carried on, maintaining a large group of loyal followers, in spite of the many contradictions.
People become entrenched in cults for a variety of reasons. Much of it is tied to familial entrapments. Countless people remain in cults, because they are afraid of losing their social structure, as well as being shunned and rejected by their own family. Often jobs and livelihoods are tied to these strong cultish infiltrations as well. So it makes the stakes even higher to leave, or go against a powerful and influential leader.
Leaving or breaking free of a cult, creates a great deal of fear, confusion, and a major stumbling block to people’s faith, and search for the truth. The power of family, and fear of rejection, is a huge detriment for those born into cults, or forced into cults by more powerful family members, and leaders. For this reason, the bible wisely tells us not to put anyone ahead of Christ, and the true gospel.
Clearly in the cases of all cults, they were developed by men and/or women who developed delusions, or illusions of grandeur. Those who established cults were governed by a galaxy of crossed motives, to include strong delusions, and prideful self exaltation.
Obviously, a high percentage of them are motivated by lust, greed, power, and control. They want money, they will molest children, and they will try to control the minds, and actions of their followers to the smallest details. They want to take the place of God, in the lives of other people. It is really just a replication of what Satan tried to do.
The list goes on and on, when it comes to the various cult leaders who gained a following, to include Mary Baker Eddy who started the Christian Science religion in the early 1900’s, Jim Jones in the mid 1950’s, the Moonies or the Unification Church in the mid 1950’s, Daughters of God in 1832, and many others, often with catastrophic outcomes.
Once people are embroiled in, indoctrinated, and brainwashed by these organizations, it can take years to overcome all the levels of deception. They typically rip families apart, and leave a travesty of broken people in their wake.
This article does not touch upon the Catholic church system, although it too, does not follow traditional biblical belief systems, and inserts many falsehoods into the teachings. However, the Catholic church has been around a very long time, established around 30 A.D. They too, are symbolically tied to the dragon in the Book of Revelation
The other belief systems that can confuse people, are a-millennialism, and post-millennialism. A-millennialism is the belief that there is no literal millennial reign of Christ, as described in Revelation, and several other books of the bible.
Instead, they believe this concept represents a figurative reign, or spiritual condition. They believe the millennial reign began when Christ was here, and represents the entire church age. To get past the fact that Christ was here 2000 years ago, they simply claim the thousand year reign, just means a very long time.
Many of them also believe Satan is already bound. When questioned about all the craziness, violence, and addiction in the world today, they explain it away by saying, Satan is bound, but is still allowed to have some influence. I find this point of view to be anti-biblical, and nonsensical too. But to each his own.
The post-millennial point of view is equally as implausible. This belief system claims we are currently in the millennial reign of Christ. Supposedly it is a time where the Christian ethics prosper, and everything becomes wonderful and blissful. If it has not happened yet, well it just takes a very long time.
Clearly, such a construct is not happening in the world as we know it, by any stretch of the imagination. Nor can Christians bring about the changes required, in order to bring about peace in this world. We have already been given a very long time to accomplish this, and have failed miserably.
In fact, the bible tells us in many places that things will get worse, not better, until Christ returns. Once again, this is a doctrine placing the focus on man, not Christ. We can pretty much see where such a fallacy will lead us.
Even though there are some very long-winded, and convincing arguments to support some of these belief systems, we are instructed repeatedly, to examine and test these beliefs, based on what the bible actually says.
The only position I will take, since I have examined some of these other belief systems, is that of historic premillennialism. I believe there will be a thousand year reign, as described in the Book of Revelation. I do not believe Satan is currently bound, because even though we know God has power over all of creation, including Satan, he is not bound yet. He is freely roaming the earth to wreak havoc, and deceive people, as usual.
When Christ returns, Satan will be bound, and locked up, so he cannot harm people, or deceive the nations for the thousand year period. This allows a period of healing, peace, safety, learning, and understanding God’s way, as it was originally intended to be in the Garden of Eden.
It also represents a period of rest for the earth, and the people who are living on earth. It stands to reason this period of rest will occur, after a period of around six thousand years of history.
It aligns with the description that with God, a day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as a day. I believe this gives us a hint, knowing all creation was done in six days, and on the seventh day God rested. So it makes sense this period of rest and restoration is on the horizon, because according to Genesis, people have been here around six thousand years.
One of the most perplexing developments in the end times scenario, is that after Satan is bound for a thousand years, he is let loose for awhile, and deceives the nations again.
We already know the millennial reign is a period of time where Christ rules as King, with a rod of iron, therefore it is hard to understand how or why this could happen. It is one of the great mysteries yet to unfold, and in time, we will understand it better.
Some preachers attribute this development to man’s sinful nature, which causes masses of people to rebel against God during the thousand year reign. But if that is the case, it would not be a peaceful period of time, because people would soon resort to their old ways of violence, dominance, and deception. So it must occur after or at the end of the millennial reign of Christ.
In re-reading what it says in Revelation, I believe the release of Satan, the final deception and battle, takes place after the millennial reign. In a sense, it is like a recap, and ultimate clash between good and evil, thus eliminating all the possibilities for any future Satanic deceptions, or conflicts between good and evil.
In the Garden of Eden, they lived in a perfect and beautiful world, but they were still tempted and deceived by Satan. The bible says once he is let loose, he will deceive the nations again. Therefore, even though people are still prone to being deceived and following Satan, I think it probably takes place at the end of, and not during the millennial reign.
I also wondered if when Satan is released, his followers, including one third of the angels who chose to follow him, might also be released for this final battle. Once he does deceive the nations again, and gather more followers, God intervenes, and they are finally destroyed, once and for all.
This all happens just before the Great White Throne of Judgement, after which the new earth and new Jerusalem are ushered in. This is the true eternity, where God comes down from heaven to live with His people.
The description of the new earth, and the new Jerusalem, is quite different than the earth during the millennial reign. There will be no night, and there will be no sea. The descriptions are more dazzling than we can even conceive of now. It is truly too incredible to fully grasp.
None of us really understands all of God’s plans, because we are simply not capable. It serves to reinforce why we must have faith, and trust in God’s scope and power over all things. After all, He is the creator of all things, and knows the beginning from the end, and the end from the beginning. We were given the bible to help instruct us, and show us the truth.
It does make sense to me that there will be a millennial reign of Christ on earth. It will be a time of restoration and peace, as well as truly learning the way, the truth and the life, as promised in the gospels. The bible tells us the earth will be full of the knowledge of God. We will finally understand science, even though the secular world would scoff at such a notion.
It will be a time of preparation for the next phase. There will be so much to learn, and even more to unlearn, because like it or not, we have all been deceived throughout our lifetimes. I will readily admit – I am no exception.
It will be a time to get ourselves planted in our roles, and purpose, as well as to develop the ability to discern truth from deception, because our servitude to Christ will be tested when Satan is released again.
As I have sorted some of these things out in my own mind, and examined the various different beliefs, what I believe to be true, does make sense. There are many mysteries, and many things I do not understand. But God’s promises, hope, grace, love, mercy, and ultimate triumph over corruption and death, is truly remarkable.
The key takeaway is – do not put your trust in man, or any manmade deviations from the true gospel. Put your trust in God. Jesus, is the only one who has the power to save us from a certain death.
Eternity is a very long time.
Copyright Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West (2024). Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author/owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Valerie J. Hayes and Quiet West with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.