How Can We Sort Out False Teachers & False Prophets In A Secular World?

First of all, I want to say, the secular world is often nowhere near as bad as false teachers, and the promoters of deceptive pseudo-Christianity. No one has a greater propensity for evil, than those who profess to be Christians and use false teachings to deceive and entrap people.

Many people in the secular world, are actually quite honest and upfront. So be aware of false prophets, greed, and carnival barker types, in all facets of society. The world has become a circus. No one is exempt from being called to step right up, and redress the wolves in sheep’s clothing.

In addition to praying for discernment, and reading what the Bible actually says, instead of listening to the interpretations of others, how do we screen out the many deceptions coming from people who call themselves Christians?

There are many different translations of the Bible now. In fact there are over a hundred different translations, some of which are obviously cultish, and some of which are subtly deceptive, and therefore much more difficult to discern.

All Bible translations teaching an altered Gospel, or a version adding to or leaving out part of the original message, is bound to lead people astray. The end times brings about the greatest apostasy the world has ever known. Jesus repeatedly warned people not to be deceived. Every Christian has an obligation to be sure they are not reading an altered version of the Bible. Many of the various translations drastically change the wording, or leave out key passages. They do so for a reason, and it is not for the good.

Another sign of false teaching contains elements of faith healing, or prosperity Gospel. Anything with sensationalism, or the focus on the preacher, and his extraordinary claims or capabilities, is bound to be off base. In addition to the rise of multiple altered translations of the Bible, there are also hundreds if not thousands of false teachers and preachers now.

Any Christian or religious organization that demands money, or has huge Donate buttons on their website, is after money, not truth. If they put a call out for those who need prayer, with a big Donate button directly below it, what are they suggesting? Do they want to dupe people into paying them to pray? How absurd.

The Hollywood movies and books about the rapture, appeal to fictionalized versions of the Bible. But life is not a Hollywood movie, and Hollywood is known to promote falsehoods. They should stick to car chases, the Titanic, and Wizard of Oz. Any movie they create based on the Bible, is bound to be fictional.

In fact the secular world is less likely to dupe us than the pseudo-Christian world is. It is a sad fact, but unfortunately it is what it is. Many Christians are gullible, and therefore vulnerable to false teaching.

It is not to suggest we cannot have differences in nuances, interpretations, and our understanding of the many mysteries contained within the Bible. People are inclined to see things differently. This is probably why Christ tells us to believe in Him, repent, and accept the foundational truths with faith and perseverance. If we do so, He is faithful to help us discern and understand God’s word.

Another thing I find to be a turn off, is when a teacher or preacher is constantly pitching their own books, instead of the Bible. They use their position primarily to promote themselves. If they are filled with pride and self-exaltation, they are not likely to be sincere. Some of them actually write tracts and books based on the sermons they preach, and what they extrapolate from the Bible.

They get paid to preach the Gospel, and then they double dip, and get paid again for the books they write based on their sermons. They are not even using their own content, yet they seek to profit endlessly from what the Apostle’s wrote under God’s instructions. Some of them travel around in private jets. One well known preacher travels all over the world first class, with all twelve of his children, plus an entourage. What an incredible waste of donated money, with no regard for the poor, or the middle class people who support such lavish lifestyles. Life for some of those guys, is one big all expense paid holiday.

Could we take any other writer’s content, and claim it as our own? Could we alter it as we pleased so it conforms to our own agenda? God forbid. Can we plagiarize a song, or any other book created by someone else? It is why we have copyright laws. Even the secular world does not permit this, and protects the copyright of the original creator. Christians are supposed to be held to a higher standard of ethics, not a lower standard. The Bible is in the public domain, and is supposed to be spread among the nations. This does not mean people have the right to alter the Bible, or use it to make money for themselves, as so many have done.

In addition, we now have Christian teachers and preachers who claim anything goes, to include all kinds of different doctrines. It is shrouded in acceptance, and the pretence of being non-judgmental, but it is not based on the truth of the original Gospel. How is such blanket acceptance of all doctrines different than the secular world?

Of course people can believe what they choose to believe. We have no ability to change those choices, and nor do we try to prevent others from what they choose to believe, just as we believe what we have chosen to believe. It is not up to us to judge or condemn anyone.

Obviously there are certain activities and belief systems we reject. There are many things rising an ugly head in this world to stand firm against. Some examples of what we should stand against are child abuse, the loss of human dignity, slander and lies, the persecution of the poor, the loss of value for human life, the promotion of evil, and the loss of basic and inalienable rights. We are in the midst of profound spiritual warfare, and we are called upon to turn away from evil and do good. We are not supposed to allow ourselves, or our loved ones to be sacrificed to evil.

Now, probably more than any other time in history, people are seeking spiritual realities. We know the world is changing rapidly. Some of the things we have been exposed to are hardly believable. The school boards are increasingly permissive, and allowing children to be traumatized and confused, with increasing amounts of cognitive dissonance, and warped values.

The health care system is promoting all kinds of pharmaceutical interventions, while simultaneously not allowing even the most basic health promotions, like diet, nutrition and Vitamin C. Rest and increase clear fluids if you are getting sick, is still the best advice. People go to a doctor in order to get his/her advice and treatment. They do not go to a government official, or the local newspaper for personal health care. Yet the government and media seem to have taken over the role of personalized medical treatments.

All of the foundational beliefs are on shaky ground. We are left with just one rock to keep ourselves stable in the coming months and years. Otherwise we are grabbing at straws. Deception wears many different masks. Filter the motives first and foremost. Our thoughts do not belong to the state or to false religions, or foundational lies.

Remember, the devil wants to control our minds. If he can achieve that, he can control our emotions, and our will. If people believe lies, they end up getting a reprobate mind, and their hearts are hardened against the truth. We are protected by spiritual discernment, truth and faith. We have to seek the truth, or our foolish hearts will be darkened.

Shunning is another form of cultish abuse, especially if done within one’s own family. It is also referred to in psychology circles as silent bullying. It makes it impossible for the person shunned to have any relationships at all, without explaining the family dynamic, or the deep-rooted cult belief system. No one wants to listen to the origins of ingrained and cultish beliefs. It is much easier to just cut you off, or cut yourself off.

People tend to side with money, power and the flavour of the day. Kicking someone to the curb is much easier if they can cover it all up with ignoring, and ignorance. They will not even listen to the other side of the story. Truth is inconvenient and not very lucrative. Forgiveness is not even in the equation. Disobey the master, and suffer his eternal judgment, not God’s judgment. Money does not sanctify a person. In fact, countless people are steeped in dirty money.

Those who are involved in wrongdoing do not want to hear the other side of the story. They will go to great lengths to deflect and cast the punishment onto the victim, instead of themselves. Shunning is not just about the decision to associate with those who have similar values, and avoiding those who don’t.

It is the selective and complete ostracizing of a person who refuses to buy into the cult’s lies, abuse, and control tactics. The intent is to reject, and deem a family member to be completely and utterly worthless. It is often used as a method to prevent the exposure of the cult or the bully. Bullies who can no longer find ways to physically assault, will often resort to various forms of psychological torture.

Shunning takes the form of ganging up on one person. Often it is a weaker person who is shunned and rejected. It is far worse if there is exposure of wrongdoing involved. It is accompanied by ganging up on the person, slandering, making false accusations, and is often a precursor to assault and murder. In the Old Testament shunning a weaker family member was considered to be a death sentence equivalent to stoning.

Shunning is a very dominant practice among all kinds of cults. Any person who is engaging in this kind of cruelty is cultish, whether it is for church, familial or business reasons. Those who go along with it often do so for financial gain, or to find favour with the leader of the cult. Many business transactions are enmeshed in cult-like practices.

Therefore every business has an obligation to avoid destructive and abusive cult practices. Otherwise it is a sure symptom of systemic corruption. They will bribe others to punish, shun, reject, and continue longstanding familial abuse. People should not make the mistake of engaging in such cruelty without knowing God will punish all acts of intentional cruelty toward others, especially family members.

It seems like each and every day now, is a challenge to be washed clean of all the weirdness in this world. One of the major fashion companies is now facing a huge scandal, not only in relation to child pornography, but also in other dark, and dirty ads they used to promote their brand. They created ads where models were wearing elaborate gowns covered in mud, surrounded by dark and apocalyptic imagery.

What next? We need to get all the dirt and mud imagery out of our minds, and and be washed clean. It is so far gone, even those who are blinded by the insanity of it, cannot help but be alarmed when they see ads promoting suicide as “hard beauty” and children’s toy campaigns, in conjunction with exhibits of children in sexualized bondage gear, and violent victimization. It has gone too far. Way too far.

We all have different gifts. Some have the gift of teaching. Some have the gift of discernment. Some have the gift of compassion. We need to focus on these gifts from God, and use them. Until the end of this age arrives, we need to focus on turning away from these evil promotions, and do good.

Our gifts are not packaged in Christmas wrap and red bows. They are packaged in our minds and hearts. And we are to use our gifts, take the time, express our love and concern, and hope with all our hearts and minds, to overcome the degradation of all systems.

We are here for a purpose. Now is the time to be the salt of the earth. If we can prevent one person from slipping and falling, we have done something good. If we can be charitable, we can help someone in need. If we can reach a troubled soul, and offer the hope contained in the Gospel, we are doing good.

Now is the time to pick our side in this war of good against evil. There can be no lukewarm stance. And if we get to the point we cannot do anything – we can still pray with all our heart and soul. Every single one of us has a role, so may we beseech one another – let it be for the good.

To avoid confusion these are the things God hates, and how quickly the punishment will come upon those who do not repent and turn away from these things. See Proverbs 6: 15-19

15 Therefore shall his calamitie come suddenly; suddenly shall hee be broken without remedie.

16ΒΆ These sixe things doeth the Lord hate; yea seuen are an abomination vnto him:

17 A proude looke, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood:

18 An heart that deuiseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischiefe:

19 A false witnesse that speaketh lies; and him that soweth discord among brethren.

What are the signs of goodness? The fruits of the spirit are spelled out in Galatians 5:22

But the fruit of the spirit is loue, ioy, peace, long suffering, gentlenesse, goodnesse, faith, Meekenesse, temperance: against such there is no law.

We all get to choose, but only to a point. Just when it seems the wicked have completely taken over this world, there is going to be a massive and sudden reversal.

Money, elitism, and worldly powers will not save the wicked from God’s wrath. In fact, people who abuse power are in for a colossal awakening. They will have nowhere to hide. No more deception, and no more lies. Those who mock God – are playing with fire.





Valerie Hayes

Quiet West Vintage represents a private vintage and designer collection that has been gathered and stored over a thirty-five year period. I now look forward to sharing this collection and promoting the "Other Look" - a totally individualistic approach to style.